《fantasy Au Mha x reader》💔Naga!Bakugou x reader


Requested by @Spooky_Sharky

I hope you like the story.


"Y/n has committed a horrible crime. She was found guilty of eloping with a monster," our elders voice boomed over the crowd.

Y/n was my best friend, and my long-time Crush. I stood in front of the crowd looking at the body that was

y/n. When the village found out that she was in love with a Naga, they killed her and now they placed her body here and covered her body with a white cloth, for all too see.

I looked around the crowd to see so many familiar faces. Her parents, her mother was crying oceans. While her father had nothing but disgust in his eyes. Some of her friends we're discussing what they thought. Some believe that she was tricked or manipulated into loving this creature. While on the other side they thought she was nothing but a w****.

I knew none of those things were true. I would know, I'm the one who told the others about her little secret. And now that was my greatest regret.

It all started 5 years ago, when y/n and I we're taking traded Goods back to our village. We were playing on the bridge between the cliffs. It was as nice game of I Spy. I wish I was paying more attention that day, because one of the wooden planks snapped and she fell right through.

In normal situations, she would have fallen to her death. But she was saved by that creature, the Naga.

He had spiky ash blond hair with red piercing eyes, and had a long red and orange tail like a snake. He jumped for her and saved her from falling to her death. As I got closer I could see it in her eyes. Not only was she thankful he saved her life, but that was when she fell in love with him. And something deep within me told me, this was not the first time the Naga met or saw y/n.

From that day on, she started spending more and more time in the forest than in the village. And she was an herbalist so most people overlooked it. But I knew where she was really going. I followed her one day into the forest, she did not pick plants and any herbs. She went to a cave, his cave.


No matter how hard she tried to hide all those hickeys on her neck. I knew they were there, but luckily no one else did. As the days went on I could feel my jealousy grow deep within me. Some days I would be in the forest and I see them together. Eventually I learned his name was Bakugou. But I'd see them together,

y/n in Bakugou's embrace. Her lower half of her body wrapped in bakugou's coils. I'd see him kiss all over her neck. I wanted to be the one to give her those kisses.

I can't hold my jealousy and any longer on that day. The day when bakugou showed up one day, near the edge of the forest, and in his hands was a small Palm sized hunk of sapphire. And he proposed to y/n, and took her from me. That day I told the elders and The Village. They were so Furious that they ambushed her when she came back from the forest. She had the most beautiful flower crown I've ever seen on her head that day. That day I'll regret the most, seen the girl of my dreams being murdered by the very people she healed.

" This wenches body will be burned at sunrise tomorrow, may she be forever damned in hell!" The elder spat.

The crowd dismissed as they went back to their daily routine. I went to the shack where her body was being placed for now. But when I got there, I saw him, Bakugou.

He was coming out of the shake with Y/n's body in his hands. He was trying to steal her from me again. Before I could even say anything or even scream, he slithered off into the forest with her. I grabbed my bow and arrow and I chased after him.

I followed him into the forest, and led me to a cave. Sneaking inside I travel deeper into the cave toy saw a large opening, and there he was, bakugou. In his arms a beautifully dress y/n, still lifeless in his arms.

"Y/n... Y/n wake up please," Bakugou begged as he brought her to a odd structure.

Looking at it I was able to tell it was some sort of wedding setup. Bakugou was getting ready to marry y/n, but this all happened. As he continued talking I didn't know what to feel I felt sad and awful. Although on the other hand I felt nothing but anger and jealousy at his words.


"Y/n please... I love you. I love you with all my heart," he sobbed as he tighed his hug on her.

His red and orange coils slowly tightening around her as well. Suddenly he started saying something , or humming in his native tounge.

As I listened I accidentally knocked something over alerting him. Bakugou quickly looked over in my direction. At first there was a look of shock and fear on his face, which quickly turns to anger, hatred and recognition.

"YOU!" He shouted at me.

"You're that bastard who couldn't keep his mouth shut! Why must you humans take everything from me! My family, my friends, my home, and know my wife," he said, seething in anger.

" I'll kill you, I should have killed you a long time ago!" He shouted as he lunged at me with full force.

I quickly is my bow as a way to block him. He pushed against my bow pinning me against the wall. He opened his mouth wide, revealing his long serpent like fangs. As he tried to reach over and chomp down on my neck.

I quickly grabbed a sharp Rock and sliced his face just missing his eyes. He quickly released me while he was in pain. While he wS distracted I quickly grabbed y/n's body and ran out of the cave. As I ran to the forest with all my might I could hear him hissing, and him crying out.

"GIVE HER BACK!! SHE'S MINE!! COME BACK HERE YOU BASTARD!" Bakugou called out into the forest.

I quickly hide behind a nearby tree, with Y/n in my arms. Once I caught my breath, I started to run. Only to trip on a root and drop y/n watching her tumble down the hill. I tried to get up, that's what I heard him behind me. Before I could do anything, bakugou's coils wrapped around my neck. He lift me off the ground Till we were eye to eye.

"If y/n hadn't stopped me, I would have killed you that day on the bridge," Bakugou hiss.

I could feel his coil tighten around my neck. No matter how much I clawed at his serpent tail, it only tightened more. The edge of my vision started to darken, as my breath became more and more shallow.

As I looked bakugou on the eyes, I could see that his eyes looked at something past me. I knew it was y/n, as he immediately dropped me and slithered his way over to her. Once I was able to gather my breath. I quickly grabbed an arrow and ready to my bow, as I ain't where his heart. I took one last deep breath and fired my Arrow.

It's shot through the air pierced bakugou's heart. He cried out in pain as he tumbled down the rest of the Hill. He pulled himself over to y/n's lifeless corpse and pulled her into an embrace. His coils wrapping around y/n's lower half.

When I finally got down there I could see a smile on bakugou's face, as he looked at y/n one last time, before his eyes closed forever.

What all was said and done, I found no joy in this. What's my jealousy cleared I couldn't see any monster. All I saw was another being who was alone and fell in love with someone. All I felt was sadness and guilt. As I stood there I heard something in the Wind.

"Bakugou~," it was y/n's voice.

I looked around and saw something near the edge of the forest. It was a bright silhouette of y/n. But she was not alone, she was with three other nagas. Two of them looked like bakugou's parents, while the third was a naga with spiky red hair and a red tail to match.

"Over here Bakugou," the red naga called out.

As I stared at them, Bakugou's silhouette rushed passed me and to

y/n. They happily embraced and y/n pulled Bakugou into a passonite kiss.

"I thought I lost you forever," Bakugou said in a breathless voice.

"You never lost me. Know we are all togeather," Y/n replied.

Put a smile they all disappeared into the forest never to be seen again. I wish bakugou and y/n Eternal happiness.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and this was a request. So if you'd like to have a story written please leave it and the request page. See you next time.

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