《fantasy Au Mha x reader》💔Neko!Tamaki x Neko!reader x Alpha! Mirio


Fluff and angst

This story is based a bit on the song satisfied by Hamiltion.

Mirio's pov

I remeber when I first saw her. It was back in elementary school. The first diverse elementary schools for both werewolves and Nekos. Though almost all stayed with their respective group.

I asked my other werewolf friends at the time, too talk to some of the Nekos. They were not really into the idea of making friends with them. Most werewolf parents chose this school, because of convenience and have many well educated teachers. Not my parents thou, they wanted me to make friends and they believed Nekos and werewolves can live in harmony. So did I, I've had many experiences with nice Nekos. My neighbor and my father's longtime friend was a Neko Felis. And the day I fell off the bridge because of my quirk, a Neko Panthera hero came to my rescue.

So when my young mind, I can't really understand why neko's and werewolves couldn't get a along. Later on in life I found out why. It was not only our history but something more than that. Werewolves saw themselves Superior and neko's were something beneath them. While Neko saw themselves more dignified out of the two, and saw as werewolves as nothing more than lust controlled dogs.

So I made the first move and approached a girl Neko Felis all by herself. She was the smallest and most petite out of all the other Nekos. She had long gray cat ears, big e/c eyes, a long tail, and h/c hair.

I learned her name was y/n a Neko Felis. Dispite being the smallest classmate, she was the most energetic out of everyone. She was sweet and kind, with a healing quirk too match. Which can only be cativated when she sings. She had the Most beautiful voice.

When ever I was around her my heart would fluttered in my chest, even when I was young.

"Hey Y/n," I called to her.

"Yes Mirio," she relied.

"I've decided, even with my odd quirk. I'll become the best hero ever. To save lives and to make a world safe for the both of us," little me told her, pouring my heart out to heart.

Y/n smiled sweetly as she stood up.

"Then it's a good thing that's when I grow up I'll be a doctor. So I can take care of you when you Heroes get to hurt saving lives," Y/n said with a bright smile.

All the blood ran to my face as my heart pounded and tightned in my chest. I pulled her into a tight hug, and taking in her scent. She smelt of freshly cut grass and lavender.


In the third grade I meet Tamaki. He was a shy Neko Panthera. He was a really cool guy with a strong quirk to go with him. Y/n and I go to different classes in the third year. So why not make a new friend in this class.


Being a new transfer student is awful. Especially in a Neko and werewolf diverse school. Werewolves already don't like me, and the neko's already had their groups or clicks. Until strange young Alpha approached me. He was the first person to approach me and talk to me. He shown bright like the sun.

I learned his name Mirio, an werewolf Alpha.

As we talked he mentioned he had another friend he wanted to introduce me too. A girl named y/n.

Recess rolled around and Mirio had to use the bathroom. So I just stood outside waiting for him.

While I waited, I heard some one trip and fall. I looked to my left to see a small neko girl. Judging by her sent she was a Felis. Yet I came from a Neko only school, and I've never seen a felis as small as her. I thought she was.. Cute.

When she got up, she appeared to be struggling to tie her shoes properly. I don't know what provoked me to go help her. Maybe it was the panthera inside of me telling me to help a fellow neko. But looking back I'm glad I listened.

"N-n-need help," I studdered as I got on my knees and tied her shoe.

When I finished I looked up into her e/c eyes and got lost in them.

"Huh. What's wrong? Is there still dirt on my face?" The girl asked.

"N-n-no, it's not t-that. Y-you ha-ve... pretty e-eyes," I mumbled.

"Thank you... I'm y/n, and you are?"

Y/n asked me.

I could hear her soft purring as she smiled at me. It felt soothing to listen to and her sent only added to that. I would tie her shoes forever if it means I could feel like this forever.

"I-I'm Tama-" "There you are Tamaki," a voice interupted me.

" oh it appears you already found y/n. Well, Y/n this is Tamaki. He's a new transfer student I think we're all going to be best friends," Mirio said with a smile as he pulled us into a hug.

As he did so I could hear y/n's purrs even louder than before. I could feel my hearttighten in my chest.


As the years go by things began to change, as things does with age. Y/n's scent only got more and more irresistible. Tamaki and I made it into the hero class of UA, while y/n became recovery girls Protege in the school. When Tamaki got comfortable around y/n, he started to court her. He had her necklaces from precious stones and some times hunted some pheasants and brought it to her.


Even though I was happy for him, I could help feel a bit jealous. Even though we're wolves and neko's on slightly better terms. Society isn't ready for mixed breed relationships. Is a very big taboo, and most who are caught in a mixed breed relationship are horribly hazed and harassed. I could never subject her to that, so I'm glad that she'll make Tamaki happy, and I know Tamaki is more than capable of protecting her.

There are many times where I questioned if maybe it would be worth it to have a relationship with her in secret. That all started from a little rumor that's right around the school.

"Did you hear, an werewolf in the first year class has a thing for Neko's. Isn't that disgusting," one beta said.

" that's so gross. What, was he so desperate for a mate, that he went as low as a dirty ally cat," the other laughed.

So I wasn't the only one who loved another species. I just wish them the best.

One day as I was heading towards the cafeteria, I saw something. A werewolf Alpha, I believe his name was Izuku. With a neko, and they were kissing.

For a quick fleeting moment I saw y/n and myself, instead of Izuku and his lover. With new found motivation I quickly searched for y/n.


I asked y/n too meet me on the field, behind the school at lunch. I was nerves, what if she says no.

"Oh there you are Tamaki," Y/n called.

I snapped out of my stupor and turn to see her. Still cute as ever. No matter how much time passed, she always remained the smallest felis. If she were to stand next to me, the top of her head would just bearly reach my chest.

She sweetly looked up at me with a cute smile. I could hear her soft purring as she got closer to me. Her long tail calmly swayed side to side.

"So you called me out here, what did you want to discuss?" She asked sweetly.

I close my eyes and took a deep breath, preparing myself. I looked into her beautiful E/c eyes.

"Y/n, for a long time, whenever you are around me I always felt something inside. And everytime you leave I feel sad. Uumm... I-I'm s-sorry, I'm a-awful at this," I never started to get the better of me as I turned around and place my forehead on the tree.

"It's alright Tamaki. Take your time," Y/n said as she rubbed my back.

I breathed in, and out. I somewhat got to control myself and I was able to muster some courage to turn around and face her. Then something came to mind.

"Y/n when I first meet you.. I-I thought you were cute and b-beautiful. When I-I was able t-to get close.... I got lost in your eyes. A-and you smelled s-so p-pretty," I stuttered and mumbled.

I looked down at our shoes and saw that her shoe laces became loose.

"Oh no. Stupid shoelace," Y/n sighed in annoyance, as she got on her knee to tie her shoe lace.

I bent down and tied her laces for her.

"This is how we first meet. When I was able to look into your eyes. The first thing I thought was.. 'If I could remain this close to you, I would tie your laces forever," I said to her.

Y/n face turned slightly red, her face shown a bit of shock. I could feel my nerves taking over, so I closed my eyes and showed her the necklace I made for her.

"Y/n, w-will you become my m-mate?!" I asked but not looking her in the eyes.

"Of course!" Y/n said as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

That's why I felt such a wave of relief, knowing that I was able to claim her. Before anyone else.


That day I stood there, as I saw Tamaki claim y/n as his mate. My heart broke into a thousand pieces. Yet I could never hate Tamaki. So I did what I should have done, I buryed my feelings for y/n in the very back but my mind.


Even know as I still never was able to get rid of my feelings for her.

15 years later

As Mirio made his way to his long time friend, Tamaki's house. He knocked and who answered was Tamkai's and Y/n's youngest daughter and the runt of the litter, Sofia.

" Uncle Mirio your here," Sofia chirruped in excitement.

"Hello young lion, are your parents here?" Mirio asked with a cheerful smile.

"Mirio. It's good to see you," a quiet male voice called out.

"Mirio, welcome," a sweet voice followed.

Mario looked up to see his close friends. Mirio smiled as picked up Sophia.

"Thanks for having me over," Mirio thanked hiding his fluttering heart, as he looked from Tamaki to Y/n.

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