《fantasy Au Mha x reader》💗 Knight!Deku x Fragile!Reader


Medival AU

Dolls... That is All they ever saw in me. Quirks, some are a blessing, while others it's a curse. A prime example of that is the porcelain quirk.

Let me explain, the porcelain quirk doesn't appear at the age of 5. It can appear any point in time in life. You could be 6 and it appears, or 70 and then it appears. But whenever it does appear you will remain that way forever till you die of a normal human life span. In my case I'll look forever 17 even thou I'm 25 now. Only drawback is your as frigail as porcelain, and you can break like glass. Though it is possible to be put back together, but the cracks will forever remain no matter how much powder and make up you put on.

Most noble and rich women would think It's a dream come true, but their wrong. Anybody that has this quirk and is between 16 to 35yr old are highly valued in the black market.

There were a lot of stories I heard, of young women being stolen away from their homes. And brought here to be sold off to some noble as pretty decoration, or a way to show off their wealth, or used for their pleasures. Who wouldn't want a beautiful girl that will never grow old and ugly.

The cages were cold and lonely despite there being many of us. No one would talk to each other in fear of not knowing who would be next. I've only ever made one friend in that place. A beautiful girl named Momo. Like me she was taken from her humble home and ended up here. Sadly she was sold away to a king Named Endeavor as a present for his youngest son. I hope she's okay.

Now I bet you're thinking, is there a way to escape such a fate, or to even a way to Escape at all. There's only two ways that I'm aware of. 1 the porcelain quirk either came too early or far too late. Second if you were to get a Nik or some sort of crack, then you're automatically deemed worthless, and are tossed aside. Nobody wants a cracked doll after all.

But believe me, they have ways of preventing there 'merchendise' from being damaged.


Argo the slave master and his goons were moving their wagon of merchandise throught the forest late at night.

Inside the wagon was cramped but clean, and soft with mats, pillows, and blankets covering the floor and walls. Yet it failed to hide the bared windows, and the shackles that bound their captives. All was quiet when the Wagon suddenly jolted to a stop.


"CAREFUL YOU FOOLS! You might have damaged the merchandise!" Argo yelled at his lackies.

He quickly opened the doors to check on them. Seeing everone was not harmed or chiped he smiled crockedly.

"Now now my pretties. Were almost at the kingdom Valmar. Where you'll be bought by new masters, behave and don't try anything funny. Then maybe I won't let my lackys have a taste of you," Argo said as he licked his lips.

The captives shuddered at his words, and tried to back farther into the wagon. Argo laughed at their obedients and slamed the doors shut.

"I-I want to go home," one girls sobbed as she slowly started to break down.

"Hey SSH! Your going to get us in trouble," a boy scolded.

I slowly blocked them out as I thought back on my my live before my quirk appeared. Before this life.

"Y/n, look what mom made for me!" My dear friend Izuku called.

We were 7 years old when he showed me his first knights armer, his mother made him. He Idolized famous knights and adventurers. His favorite hero was The Lone Hero All Might. One could almost call him obsessed.

I remember all the times where we used to play out in the forest. He would be my knight in shining armor, and I would be his Princess.

"Aaah! Help me!" I cried out dramatically.

"I am here!" Izuku said with great bravery.

As he got older he was served visiting last as he went off training in a nearby Kingdom. But he always came back once a year to visit me and his family.

Every time he visited, he'd always brings me back a rose. His face would be completely as he muttered incoherencent things.

We never truly lost touch, cause he would always write letters to me about his day, and what he's seen. And I write letters back to him, nightly.

Then my 17th birthday. I woke up to the sun shining my face as usual. But something felt off, my skin doesn't feel right. I quickly ran over to the Mirror, and saw my face. My skin became milky white, all my sunspots and Imperfections were gone. My skin has never been this smooth. My eyes were a little larger, it really made my e/c eyes stand out more. My lips became Cherry pink, I look like a doll.

That was when I realized my curse, the porcelain quirk woken Within Me. But I was optimistic, my mother had the porcelain quirk at 19 years old. And she was never stolen or captured by anyone. And my father protected her with all his heart, so I put those fears aside. When I revealed my transformation to my parents, they were shocked and slightly afraid. But the Embraced me I told me I will be okay and I will be protected.


When Izuku returned for my birthday his reaction was priceless. His face became cherry red, and he always tripped over his words. Eventually he mustered up the courage to tell me I was the most beautiful lady he ever saw. And that when he became an official knight he'll make sure I'll never have to live my life in fear. I never felt so happy in my life, as a pulled him into a passionate kiss.

It happened a few months later. My family and Izuku were relaxing in the living room, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. My father thought it was the Milkman so he decided to answer the door, But was greeted with a knife to the stomach. Panic rushed over me and my mother, as we saw at 3 muscly looking men entering our house. Then a fourth Man came the slave leader, Argo.

Izuku still a knight in training pulled his sword out of it's sheath and got into a defensive position. He stood between the men and us.

He tried to fight them off, Izuku did put up a pretty good and long fight. Until eventually lost do too being out numbered. They pushed Izuku to the ground, tied his hands behind his back, and quickly gagged him with a peice of cloth.

"Know, ladies.. we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either hand yourselves over to us and the boy lives, or we've behead this boy and take you by force," Argo said as he sat on Izuku's back and puting a knight near Izuku's throat.

"NO!" I cried out as my mother held me back.

"HHMPH!!" Izuku tried to cry out through the gag to me.

"Don't Hurt Him," I begged.

"So what's it gonna be ladies the boy or you," Argo said with a twisted smile.

I began to tremble in fear as I looked at Izuku. He quickly shake his head no, trying to tell us to not surrender ourselves to them as tears welled up in his eyes.

"We're sorry Izuku," I sobbed in defeat.

My mother and I step forward and were quickly chained up. Argo holding our leashes.

"NNNMPH! HHMMPH!" Izuku cried out as he tryed to free himslf from his bindings. Glaring daggers at Argo as looked us over lustfully.

Very quickly we were forced into the wagon and that was last time I ever saw our house and izuku.

The wagon was ready to move until a voice called out from the darkness.

"HALT, EVIL SCUM!! IN THE NAME OF OUR KING GRAND TORINO, YOUR VILE ACT OF TRAFFICING ARE OVER!!" Said a knight checked out and silver armor riding a brown horse.

Argo laughed at the lone knight.

"Oh yeah, you and what army," Argo chuckled.

Suddenly there is more light in the Darkness, it appeared to surround Wagon in all directions. From the darkness an army of knights stepped out some on foot, other on horseback.

" surrender immediately!" Shouted another knight, this on on a white horse.

"What are you fools looking at, ATTACK!" Argo shouted.

It was hard to tell what was happening outside, as everyone heard the fight happening outside. The scuffle lasted for pretty long time, but eventually the struggling settle down. Everyone sat in silence as they waited, not knowing what's going to happen.

Suddenly the wagon door opened revealing a man in knights armor. He had blue hair and rectangular glasses.

"Don't worry were here to rescue you," he informed us.

Slowly but surely everyone was escorted off the wagon, one by one we were unchained. I was the last one to be unchained as I aproached the knight with the keys, I heard a faint gasp.

"Y-y/n!" The knight shouted as be pulled me into a gentle yet strong hug.

I look at the knight in confusion as I watch him remove his helmet. Revealing My childhood friend Izuku. He definitely aged and grew over the last 8 years. I felt a little self-conscious, because of how short and young I looked compared to him. He was taller and looked more mature and looked so handsome.

"I finally found you, I found you

y/n," has said as he pulled me into another hug.

"I-Izuku, I- I was so scared," I sobbed into his chest.

"I'm here know. And this time I'll keep you safe," Izuku whispered sofly in my ear.

I kissed his cheek softly, as I hugged him. Izuku picked me up bridal style and placed me on his horse. He quickly pulled himself on the horse. As the other knights escorted the others to the kingdom. Izuku and I decided to return home instead.

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