《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁Alpha!Deku x Neko reader


Izuku is a kind and shy alpha. Many had a hard time believing that he was indeed an alpha. His shy nature and soft scent wasn't all that appealing to omegas. So more confident Males, with a more appealing scent like Bakugou or even Todoroki were always surrounded by omegas. But Izuku wasn't to worried about that. But to tell you why I have to explain a few things.

In class 1-A it's a diverse class of werewolves and Nekos. In this world there are werewolves and Nekos or cat people. For centuries these two races were great rivals, and didn't get along well. The werewolves had ranks of Alpha, beta, and omega. While Nekos had two types, the strong proud Neko!Panthera, and the small cute Neko!Felis.

And sadly in the old times Alphas who were in a rut or just wanted some you know what. Would hunt down a Neko Felis and have there way with them. If there was no Omegas nearby. Since they were not very strong, this accrence happened far too often to any unlucky Felis. Who just happen to be nearby at the wrong place at the wrong time. So they started to making separate school for Nekos and werewolves. Laws were played down and was left at that.

But know days a few schools, like UA try to mend the bond between the two. By making a school for both neko and Werewolves. The bond between them was better, but not by a whole lot. Most were able to coexist but still suspicious of each other.

Any was back to the story, UA is a diverse school. Most of the students got along, some becoming good friends. Izuku's closest friends was another Alpha named Iida the other a Neko Felis named Uraraka.

As they made their way to the cafeteria 4 omegas come up to Iida and Izuku, they started to flirt with them as the slowly started push Uraraka away from them.


"So what are two alphas up to today~," one of the omegas purred.

"You know it would be nice to have some strong alphas at our table," the other said as she grabbed Iida's arm.

"Just a couple of poor omegas, who need protection," the third said leaning closer to Izuku.

Uraraka could see her alpha friends were really uncomfortable, so she tried to step in.

"Uumm. They were going to lunch with me," Uraraka said to them.

The 4th omega turned around and looked at her in disgust. Looking her up and down.

"Then go on ahead with out them. I'm sure there's enough rats beind the school for you," She said in a patronizing voice.

"I Dont Eat Rats," Uraraka said in anger.

"Then go back to the ally way dumpster where all you filthy cats belong," The third omega snapped.

"Hey. This is UA, a school to teach young hero's and to create peace between Werewolves and Nekos," Iida said with his robotic arm motion.

"Y-yeah, Uraraka is our good friend," Izuku said nervesly.

The omegas seem to just roll their eyes. The 4th omega pushed Uraraka, causing her to fall.

"Hey!" "U-uraraka!" Iida and Izuku called out.

But the omegas blocked their path to her.

"Your a Neko Felis, so your even weaker than us," the 4th omega said with a chuckle.

"Hey!" A voiced called up.

They all looked up to see a girl with lion ears and tail. Her confidence raidied off of her. You could tell she was a Neko Panthera. A lion one at that, as let out a low intimidating growl. Izuku recognized her right away. It was y/n.

The omega females could sense it too. You could literly shaking from where they stand. Yet they continued to play the tough act.

"Hey this is UA, no fights allowed," the second omega said trying to play innocent.


"I could say the say to you. Though it appears that it doesn't bother you, that you are also breaking the rules," Y/n countered.

"Well we can all keep the peace when you ally cats start minding your own business," the 4th omega said with what ever courage she had.

"It looks like you were the ones barging into other peoples business," Y/n said leaning in closer, her growls becoming louder.

Her ears drop flat down to her head and her tail started to swish side to side. Y/n took one strong step foward, as the omegas jumped back startled.

"I-if you don't stop. W-were going to report you for harassment!" the 2nd omega warned.

Y/n had enough of these omegas as she let out a mighty Roar.

The cafeteria went silent as the power of y/n's roar rattled to room. Izuku and Iida could feel their insides vibrate to the roar.

The four omegas ran off with their tail between their legs. Uraraka quickly got up and dusted herself.

"Thank you y/n-San," Uraraka mewed.

"Yes, thank you for stepping in. It's really disappointing that we have students like that in this school," Iida bowed as thanks.

"Y-you were amazing y/n," Izuku stuttered as his cheeks started to glow red.

"It's nothing, thou I should probably leave scince I disturb the peace," Y/n said with air quotes.

Y/n left the cafeteria, leaving Izuku and his friends. As Izuku watched y/n leave, he noticed y/n drop her handkerchief and didn't notice.

Izuku Quickly picked up the handkerchief and quickly chased after Y/n. After a little hunting around, Izuku finally found her.

"Y/n," Izuku called.

"Oh Hey Izuku. Weren't you having lunch with your friends?" Y/n asked.

"Y-you dropped this," Izuku said as he handed thr hankerchief over.

"Thanks, oh umm. Sorry if I just happen to ruin your chance of finding a mate back there," Y/n apologized.

"O-oh it's fine. I'm not really into Omegas, or any of those types of girls," Izuku mumbled.

"Oh, so you don't swing that way?" Y/n asked.

"N-n-no! It's just I do have a girl in mind. A-and she is a Neko," Izuku said nervesly.

"Ooh it's Ochako isn't it," Y/n said with a small smile.

"N-no it's not Ochako.. Y/n I-I have had the longest crush on you... B-but I thought you would hate the idea of a mixed race relationship," Izuku rambled.

"I mean, yeah that is a really big taboo. Though why me out of all people?" Y/n asked.

"These feeling came about near middle school. You were so brave, strong, so kind, and beautiful. And you smell so p-pretty," Izuku confessed.

"B-but I understand if y-you d-don't wan-" he was interupted by a pair of lips on his own.

Y/n pulled away as Izuku's legs felt like they were about to give out. Izuku's heart fluttered in his chest as his inner alpha was demanding him to mark her. Mark her as his.

"I like you too, Izuku. But for know, let's just keep this between us. Alright," Y/n whispered seductively in Izuku's ear.

Y/n gave a quick peck on the cheek. Izuku's legs finally gave out as he fell on his butt.

"I'll see you later Izuku~," Y/n said with a cute giggle, as she left for class.

Sadly Izuku didn't hear the bell, as he was too far over the moon.


Sorry if this story wasn't too good. I hope you guys can give me good ideas. So please leave them in the comments on the request page.

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