


Today was... kind of crazy.

First, I saw the police outside of our school. I figured someone brought a gun or something, and we'd we going into lockdown. I didn't say anything though, I just starred out the window all day long.

The police went into the school, then a few minutes later, they exited again with the principal. They talked for a long time. Principal Whatever looked really confused. After a while, the police just took off. No one even heard their sirens as they left the school's driveway.

We had a substitute in English today. She was tall and really pale. I call her Ms. Pale-face. She takes our attendance, as all subs do.

She called Will Anderson, Dana Baxter, and a bunch of other top of the attendance list kids.

"Angela Brower?" she asked. No answer. "Is she here?" We all looked around, but she was nowhere to be found. Its seventh grade all over again. She always misses school.

A few periods later, an announcement came on the loud speaker. "Attention all ninth grade students. Attention all ninth grade students." Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked around in confusion.

"There will be a short book bag and locker searching in ten minutes. Teachers, please bring your freshman students to the cafeteria for a brief meeting. Sophomore, Junior, and Seniors' lockers will be searched shortly after. Please keep all upperclassmen inside the classrooms until further notice."

Everyone looked scared. One kid, Daniel, was freaking out. "No, man! Oh my (*censored*) God, bro!" He started, then brought his voice to a whisper, but loud enough for me to hear. "I got like six things of weed up in there! What the (*censored*) am I supposed to do?!" He looked really scared.


Daniel's friend (who he was talking to), Kyle, just shrugged and said, "Bad day to bring yo' weed, brah."


When we were all in the cafeteria, Principal Whatever came up to the microphone in the front. "STUDENTS! May I have your attention, please!" Everyone stopped eating and starred at him. "You may be wondering why we are holding this backpack and locker search," Many kids groaned. "Well, an older student was caught earlier today, skipping school. He was arrested for the posesion of weed and other drugs. A freshman student was also with him, but was not caught with drugs." My mind suddenly thought of Angela. That had to be her!

"Here at Hadley High School, we do NOT tolerate any kind of drug use. You will have your bags checked, weather you like it or not. Ok, you may continue eating." He finally finished.

The cafeteria broke out into obnoxious screams and arguments. And it was all Angela's fault

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