《Freshman》Courtney, Angela



Its been better at school since Alex tried to kiss me. Most of the kids are on my side. Well, all of them are on my side. This must not be good for Alex's terrible reputation. Deep down I do actually feel kind of bad for him, even though I still hate his guts.

Wait, why am I talking about him. New subject.

This kid, Sam, who was in my sixth grade class, has been texting me a lot lately. Everyday its, "Hey, What's up", or, "Sup Court?". It gets very annoying after a while. I'd rather have someone like Andrew text me all day. That would make my life.

But yeah, if you've never been in 'love' with somebody, its pretty good. Well, its better if they love you back. Its amazing if they love you back, actually. But sadly, he doesn't. This sucks.

In the hallways today, I was just casually walking to science class. Suddenly, I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see Sam standing there with a smile on his face.

"Hey!" he said as he opened his arms to hug me. I looked confused, but I slowly went along with it. I could only hug him with one arm, because my books were in the other. Why wasn't Sam carrying any books?

After I walked away, I looked back to see Liam from homeroom giving Sam a pile of books. I squinted one eye in confusion, but I didn't think too much of it. I just continued walking.


Today I cut school with Mike. We went to this park at the other end of town. Its not like a playground, its more like a field with paths and stuff. There's also a fence you can hop, which has a pond, more trails, and woods on the other side.


We were having a good day so far, sitting on the benches and talking. Until we heard sirens.

They were getting closer. I saw red flashing lights turn into the parking lot. I looked over at Mike, and we ran.

We hopped the rickety fence, which obviously cannot hold much weight. It was shaking under me. I thought it would fall over.

We bolted down the narrow path, Mike almost slipped into the pond. Dragon flies and bees kept flying into me, but I kept going. We had run so far. There was just a fence in between where we were and somebody's backyard. They had a pool. How nice.

I heard footsteps behind us. Don't look back, don't look back.

Someone grabbed my arm. Ok, turn around now. My heart stopped.

"Come with me." the police officer said firmly. Ouch, he hurt my arm. I looked at Mike, who was also handcuffed by a different officer. Next thing I knew, we were being thrown into the back of a police car.


About a half an hour later, we were taken out of the car and brought into a building. Was this jail? Juvenile? What was happening?

"We're going to have to ask you kids some questions. Separately." Said the officer who brought Mike into the car.

I was brought into a small room. I was all alone. A door opened, and in came an officer with a large gold badge. His tag read: OFFICER MANTIT. I laughed so hard when I saw this. He glared at me.

"Are you Angela Brower?" he asked.

"Uhh, yeah." I said, wondering how he knew my name.

"I'm gonna ask you a few questions about what happened today." He pulled out a clipboard and pen.

"Now, did you know you were going to get caught when you decided to skip school this morning?" He asked.


"Um, I don't know," I muttered.

"Mmm. Is Michael your boyfriend, Angela?"

That was none of his business. "Yup..."

Have you two ever kissed or had sexual intercourse together?" I was shocked at this question. Why did he need to know this?

"Well, we kissed?" I was confused.

There was a knock at the door. Officer Mantit stood up and opened it. The man at the door said something, but I couldn't hear him. Mantit slowly walked back to his seat.

He cleared his throat, "Angela, did you and Mike have any drugs on you today?"

"No! Why would we do that?!" I was appalled.

"Come with me." He said.

I was brought into a room where Mike was already sitting. A man walked in, carrying a small container and three packets of green stuff. Weed? What?

"Ms. Brower, can you tell me why Michael had these with him?" He slammed the weed onto the table.

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