


So high school basically sucks right now. I'm the laughing stalk of the ninth grade. Are people really that upset about Courtney and I? I mean, come on, it doesn't even involve them. I guess everyone loves Courtney, and she convinced them not to like me.

I haven't talked to Savannah in a while. She's not been totally ignoring me, but I have to speak first if I even want a 'hello'.

Even Sam, Jake, and Liam seem less interested in me. Like today at lunch, there was a lot of awkward silence moments.

"Hey, Umm... Alex. So I heard you tried to kiss Court?" asked Jake.

I bit my lip and nodded shamefully.

He also nodded, and turned back around to talk to Liam, who was glaring at me. I keep loosing friends by the second.

Sam was sitting next to me, not saying a word. He was usually the talkative one. I asked him what was wrong.

"Nothing... its just... nothing." he said quietly.

"Come on, Sam. Seriously. What's up?" I asked, concerned.

"Ok, well, first, one question. Do you... like Courtney?" he asked.

"No! No, no, no. I don't. Not at all. Wait... do you?" I was confused.

"Yeah, well. Kind of." He started, "DON'T tell anyone! Seriously!" He was really defensive about this.

I nodded, "Ok, I promise."

He had nothing to worry about. Who would I tell?


When I got home, my sister was the only one there. She's a senior, who also goes to HHS with me.

"So, how was your first few weeks of high school?" she asked, probably to break the awkward sibling silence. She knew everything about what happened in seventh grade. By the way, 'she' is Erin, and she's seventeen.


"I don't know, ok, I guess." I muttered.

"Oh, that's good!" Erin seemed happier then normal, as she pranced upstairs to her room.

She knew something was wrong, but didn't bother to ask. She must have a new boyfriend. That's how she was last year, when she got Brown from the football team. Brown's real name is Montigo Brown, but everyone calls him Brown. He's this permanent exchange student from like Puerto Rico or something, with this sexy accent that brings all the girls right over.

I wonder who she's got now.

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