


Why, why, why.

I walked through the hallways with everyone starring at me. I wondered what was going on. Who opened their big mouth? Oh my God. What is going on?

Even Savannah glared at me for a second. Kids I don't even know were glaring at me like they knew something I didn't.

I saw Dylan and Deana from the pep rally whispering to each other as I walked by. How immature are they? I mean, we're not in sixth grade anymore. Grow up.

In English class today, we got to chose our seats. Guess who ended up sitting alone. Me.

I don't know why everyone is acting so strange today. Did they know that I tried to kiss Courtney? That must be it. Why else would this happen? And how did they find out?

Then I realized that obviously Courtney had gone and told her gossiping friends about me. Of course that's what happened. Once they know, everyone knows. News spread fast around here, and something obviously was up.

I tried to stop Courtney and ask her if she told anybody.

"Hey, Courtney, can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked her when she was opening her locker.

"Nope." she said firmly. She slammed her locker shut and headed off to class.

I hopelessly stood there like a lost puppy. More kids laughed and glare

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