


Yeah, my plan to kiss Alex is on hold. Here's why.

It was after school today. I was going to the principal's office to check the lost and found for Emma's sweater she asked me to get for her. I don't know why she couldn't do it, but its ok. I felt like being nice today.

Oh, there it was. A navy blue Abercrombie cardigan. That must be it. Other than that, the only things in the lost and found box were a Spiderman pencil case and a pink umbrella. I don't know what kind of high schooler would have a Spiderman pencil case, but hey, I'm not here to judge.

After I picked up Emma's sweater. I realized there was no one else in the office. There were the monitors that showed different places around the school on those "hidden" cameras. In the top left screen, there was some short kid waving to the camera. He must know where they all are.

In the next screen, which was the cafeteria, I saw a lunch lady passed out on a table with an empty bottle of Heineken slipping out of her hand. Wow. Maybe I should tell somebody. Or not. That's Hadley, for you. Shake my head. Lunch ladies are terrible.

The next camera had too much static for me to see the full picture. They were in black and white, so it was hard to see anyways. There were only two more screens, which were the gym and a boring empty hallway.

The picture on the third monitor started to come in. It was the chorus room, which was a weird place to put a camera. There were people in there, they looked familiar, but it was kind of hard to see. I could only make out a boy and a girl.


Wait a second. The boy just kissed the girl! Who are these people. I have to know.

I ran down to the chorus room to peek in the glass window that was on the door. Ugh, there's a stupid poster covering the glass. MUSIC IS LIFE, it read.

I decided to wait until these people came out. But they didn't. The door must be locked or something, because no one stays there that long.

I went up to the door, turned the handle, and pushed it open. I quickly ran under the stairs where no one could see me. The people came out.

My eyes widened, my jaw dropped.

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