《Freshman》Courtney, Angela



Ugh. Get me out of here.

You won't believe how many people came up to me today and asked things like, "Are you the girl that Alex tried to kiss?" or, "Oh my gosh! So do you go out with Alex now?"

First of all, that's none of their business. Second, NO. Never, I will never date Alex. I'm back to hating the kid like I did before. I don't care if people say that I shouldn't hate him for that. I do. Get over it.

I thought about telling Mackenzie, but something told me she already knew. She avoided me the whole day, and glared at me whenever she saw me across the hall. The drama starts early in the year.

Of course, I had to tell Emma and Angela. I tell Emma everything (even though she doesn't listen) and Angela is his ex-girlfriend, so yeah. It seems like the right thing to do. I told them both in person at the same time.

"So, you guys. Something crazy happened." I said.

"What? What!" yelled Emma, the clearly obnoxious one.

"Umm...Well, Alex tried to kiss me. But I obviously didn't let him! I hate the guy!" Wow. That felt good to get off my chest.

Angela looked confused. She didn't believe I really just said that. She squinted her eyes, as if she was trying to see something better. After that, she kept silent.

Emma's eyes widened, "WHAT? He did what?!" she yelled, loud enough for the whole town to hear.

I sighed, "Yup. And I was pissed. Angela, you look weird. What are you thinking right now?

Angela also sighed, "I'm thinking... that... we need revenge! Do you know how many girls he's tried that on? And what he did to me? I never got him back. Expulsion wasn't enough. Its payback time." Emma and I both looked at each other, then nodded in agreement.


""Let's do it."


So, guess what I just found out? That bitch, Alex, just tried to kiss Courtney! At first I tried not to think of it, and pretend he never existed. But then I realized, if you mess with me, fine. But one of my best friends? I don't think so. He's not getting away with it this time.

Exactly what I'll do, I don't know yet. Something good, not a waste of time, like him.

Did he really try to kiss Angela? Doesn't he know that she hates him because of what he did to me in seventh grade? Is he still really that psycho? Man, that boy just can't get enough.

Just like when I was dating him in seventh grade (before the incident), he made out with Rachel. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Probably why he doesn't have a girlfriend... or boyfriend.

Oh yeah! And when he was dating Rachel (before he dated me) he kissed Chris Ronaldo!

I know what you're thinking. Angela dated her best friend's ex? Well, yes I did. See what I mean? Alex kind of pulls you in. Plus, I specifically asked Rachel if it was ok, and she gave me a confident yes.

But anyways, I'll stay up all night if I have to. I need to find a way to get revenge on Alex. Probably not the most mature decision, but hey, we're only freshmen.

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