《Freshman》Courtney, Angela



Its finally Saturday. We only had school Thursday and Friday, but it still feels good to get out of there already. The weekend feels like summer. Its going to be hard to get used to going back to school.

Today, I'm going to hang out with Felicia and Emma at the mall. We didn't invite Mackenzie because she always says how she doesn't like her. Whatever, that's not going to stop me from hanging out with Felicia. We've actually started becoming closer friends than Mackenzie and I. I don't know what it is with her lately, she just been acting... different. Kind of like she was acting near the end of the seventh grade year when she told me she likes... wait a second. That's it! Oh my gosh!

Of course Mackenzie likes Alex! How come I didn't see that? Well, I'm not positive, but it's a big possibility. Why else would she be acting strange like that? Ugh, I don't know why she'd like him. He's horrible, I don't even want to think about Mackenzie having a crush on him, but she does. I can read her like a book.

When I realized this, I grabbed my iPod touch and texted Mackenzie.

Me: Hey, I just wanna know what's wrong.

Mackenzie: Nothing's wrong.

Me: Oh, really?

Mackenzie: Really

Me: Then why are you acting so weird?

Mackenzie: I'm not.

Me: I know you like Alex.

After that, she didn't respond, which is weird, because Mackenzie always responds. That's just pure evidence right there.

Monday at school, I'll confront her (in a nice way) about it. She'll cave. I know she will.


I hate Hadley. Why can't I leave? Its terrible.

Why, you ask? First of all, I have to walk by Alex every time I go to my locker. I try not to notice him or think about it, but its kind of hard. He's always looking at me when I see him, so I look away to avoid any awkward situations. Second of all, I hate my teachers. I know we're only two days into the year, but I can already tell this won't be pretty.


But I shouldn't be complaining, its Saturday! Thank GOD for Saturdays, or I'd be lost forever.

I've been talking to that girl Kasey a lot lately. She tells me how cute she thinks Alex is. I told her everything that happened in seventh grade. She doesn't anymore.

It may have been a little too much to tell a girl I barely know, but she seems trustworthy. Then again, so do a lot of people.

Kasey an I went to the mall today, and we ran into Courtney, Emma, and Felicia. I wondered why Courtney didn't invite me, but I hugged them and said hi anyways. I felt a little bad for myself, but its ok. I was hanging out with a really good, new friend, and I wasn't going to let anyone change that, no matter how cheesy it sounds.

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