《Freshman》Alexander 4



Well, its finally Saturday, our first weekend of the school year. And guess who I'm going to hang out with at the mall later? Savannah! Her friend Kelsey is coming too. I hope Kelsey knows that she might be a third wheel, but hey, she wanted to come. I'm so excited. This is going to be amazing.

A few minutes later, I got a text from Savannah. It said that Kelsey couldn't come to the mall today. Yes! That means I could be alone with Savannah the entire day.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I was at the food court, where Savannah told me we should meet. I looked around. No Savannah.

I walked around the food court and looked some more. Still no Savannah. Where was she?

Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around.

"Hey!" it was Savannah. She hugged me. Made my day.

"Hey," I said with a smile on my face.

After that, we walked around the mall for about two hours. Then, she said her mom was outside and she had to go. This is your chance, Alex, I said to myself.

I walked her to a space near the exit. No one else was in this area. Perfect.

I hugged her goodbye, then I looked into her eyes. I leaned in a little. She tried not to notice.

A little closer now.

"No... Alex, I cant..." Savannah started. "I don't... no, sorry. I can't."

I nodded. What did I just do? She walked away quickly. Oh no. I am such an idiot! I should've known Savannah didn't really like me. Why do I always have to mess up things like that?

The whole rest of the day, Savannah didn't text me, or respond to my texts. I finally just gave up. If she doesn't want to talk to me, then I can understand. Maybe she heard about my past and wanted to see if I really was like that.

I should really think about what I do before I do it. Sometimes I don't think about the outcome of things. Maybe I should just stop trying to get a girlfriend. Obviously no one trusts me enough.

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