《A Freshman and A Senior...Love?》A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 16


He grinned at me. "Really?" he asked smiling.

I nodded my head. Travis kissed me for a long time.

We pulled away and smiled at each other.

We continued dance and had a good time.


The next day was Saturday and I woke up at eleven.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I sat up.

I walked out of my room and down stairs.

There was a not on the stair case.

'Alexandra, your father and I have to work today and tonight, Finn will stop by to make sure your okay. Love you - mom'

I sighed and walked into the kitchen to find some food.

I opened the fridge door and grabbed the milk.


I jumped and turned around to see a wet Finn.

"What are you doing here?" I nearly yelled

"Your mom told me to baby sit. I was in the pool,"

"Oh, right," I said calming down.

"Yeah, um, your mom made you eggs," he said pointing to a frying pan.

"Yes," I smiled.

I put back the milk and walked over to the frying pan and grabbed a fork.

"Your gonna eat it out of the pan?"

"Yeah," I said with a mouth full of eggs.

He raised an eye brow at me. "Your not like most girls are you?"

I shook my head no as I eat my eggs.

Finn stood there and watched me eat.

Once I was done I grabbed a cup and purred myself some milk.

"So, um, what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know, I was going to hang out with Travis,"

Finn nodded his head. He walked over to me and moved the hair out of my eyes.

"Are you dating him?" he asked me.



Finn walked away from me and went outside to the backyard.

"Finn?" I called after him.

"What Fresh meat?"

"So we're back to that? Why are you suddenly an asshole?"

"Because, I'm a man and I can do whatever I want,"

"You're not acting like a man,"

"Will you leave me alone? Go to your boyfriend,"

"I will," I said storming off.

The nerve of him.


I changed out of my clothes and into a jeans and tee shirt.

"Bye!" I yelled and left the house.

I texted Travis and told him to meet me at the park.

He said okay and I walked over there.

Finn's Point Of View

I don't know what happened.

Something inside of me snapped.

I didn't want to think about it. I went up to the bathroom took a shower before I changed into new clothes.

I locked up the Oz's house and hopped in my car.

Alexandra's Point Of View

Travis and I hung out most of the day.

When it was time to head home we kissed good bye and went our separate ways.

I opened up the front door and saw Finn lying on the sofa asleep.

I smiled and tip toed into the kitchen.

I grabbed the whipped cream and shook the can as I walked over to Finn.

I sprayed a little in his hand, then tickled his nose with my finger.

Finn took his hand and whipped it on my face.

"I'm not stupid," he mumbled.

I was in shock.

Finn smirked and licked a little of the whipped cream off my cheek.

"Yummy," he smirked.

"Ew," I said. "Your gonna pay,"


"You will," I promised.

"I know all of your tricks,"


"Not all of them, Mr. Finn Johnson,"

"Is that so, Miss. Alexandra Oz," he said standing up, towering over me.

"Yes," I said turning around. I marched into the kitchen to whip the cream off my face.

I heard Finn follow me to wash off his hand.

"I'm going to go get us some pizza for dinner," I said.

"Okay, my dad has a coupon for a large pizza,"

"Can we use it?"

"Yeah, it's at my house, on the fridge. I trust you," Finn said handing over his keys.

"Thank you," I said smiling.

I walked out of the house and across the street to Finn's house.

Once I got inside I called the pizza place and told them my order and that I had a coupon.

I got the coupon and put it in my pocket.

I headed upstairs to Finn's room. I looked around until I found it.

I opened the door and got straight to work.



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