《A Freshman and A Senior...Love?》A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 17


I walked inside the house with the pizza in my hands. "Honey, I'm home,"

"About time," Finn said grabbing the pizza.

"Is that all I get? I work, I pay the bills, I-" I was cut short of my fake rant when Finn said. "Shut up,"

He had half of his pizza in his mouth and was walking over to the T.V.

I sighed and walked over to him and sat down.

I opened the box and took out a slice.

Finn found a movie to watch as we eat.

Once we were done eating we continued to watch the movie.

Finn rested his arm behind me. I moved next to him and rest my head on his shoulder. He smiled and played with my hair.

His phone beeped and he answered the text.

"Oh, crap," He said getting up. "We have a party to start,"

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah. The guys are going to come soon,"


"Don't worry, I found your outfit already all you got to do is change,"

"My parents?"

"Aren't coming home until tomorrow evening, they called when you were out,"

"Your parents?"

"Are vacationing,"

"Your siblings?"

"Will join us,"

"I can't believe you. You're throwing a pretty at my house?"

"Yeah. Go get ready,"




"Yes," he said lifting me up over his shoulder and carried me to my room. "The dress is on your bed," he said dropping me on my bed, then left.

I sat on my bed and looked at the dress.

I heard the front door open and loud chatter filled downstairs.

I rolled my eyes and combed my hair and put on a little make up.


I slipped on the dress. "No!" I said and headed down stairs.

"Hell no!" I said making my way to Finn and his friends.

"I like it," one of them winked.

"I like you out of my house," I snapped back.

"Alex, chill, it's one night,"

"I don't care, it's my house,"

"Please, for me?"


"For Travis, he's going to be here,"


"Now, we'll get ready and you get ready,"


"Oh, and theses are the boys,"

"So I get to meet the sidekicks,"

"This is Oliver, Jason, Ryan, and Gabe," he said pointing to each one of the guys.

"Hey," we said.

"Now, go," Finn said.

I headed upstairs and finished getting ready.

I put on my heels and looked in the mirror one last time.

The dress was short and tight. The neck line was long and the sleeves fell off my shoulders.

I hate Finn.

"Do I have to wear this?" I asked coming down the stairs.

The boys whistled.

"Shut up," I snapped.

"Chill, you look-" Finn had started to say but when he looked at me he stopped. "You look great, okay,"

The door opened and people started pilling in.

They were all guys and they all gave me flirty looks which I ignored.

Jason turned on the music as we waited for more people.

Fifteen minutes later the room was filled with people.

I saw Carey talking to a couple of guys.

I rolled my eyes as I made my way around the living room.

So far the party wasn't too crazy.

"Having fun?" Finn asked from behind me.

"No, where's Travis?"

"I don't know, he said he'll be here,"


"If he's not here after this song, I'm changing,"

"Hey, that's not fair,"

"Yeah, it is,"

"Well you have to dance with me,"

"I'll pass,"

"You want to dance with me deep down,"

"No I don't,"

"Oh, but you do,"

I rolled my eyes. "Why would I want to dance with you?"

"Because you want to rub your body against mine,"

"Yeah, that's it," I said sarcastically.

"One dance, Alex,"


Finn smiled as he grabbed my hand and held me to the dance floor.

We danced for a while without touching each other.

But then I really got into it.

I smiled at him as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands on my waist. He pulled me closer to him.

Our hips brushed against each other as we moved to the music.

"See, not so bad," Finn smiled.

"I guess not," I smiled.


I turned around to see Travis making his way over to me.

Finn's hands fell to his side as Travis walked over to me.

"Hey," I smiled.

"What's up?" he asked raising an eyebrow at Finn.

"Nothing, I was just dancing with Finn,"

"Yeah, man. What's up?" Finn asked as they smacked his as I start of a man hug.

"Ready to dance?" I asked Travis.

"Yeah, babe, let's go,"

I took Travis hand and we danced our way over to another spot.

"What's up with you and Finn?" he asked.

"Nothing, we were just dancing,"

"I thought you two couldn't stand each other,"

"We're learning to. He's my neighbor now. Our parents are out of town so he's 'baby sitting' me," I said.


"Were you jealous?" I asked teasingly.


"I think you were,"

"I wasn't,"

"Good," I said kissing Travis on the lips. "You have nothing to worry about,"

He smiled as we continued dancing and rubbing our hips against each others.

"Hey, Alex," I heard someone say.

"Oh hey, Kelly, Frank," I smiled giving them a hug.

"You look hot girl," Kelly smiled.

"Why thank you," I smiled.

"So, where is little brother?" Frank asked.

"He's somewhere,"

"Okay, we'll we invited some of our friends over,"

"Okay," I said with a little worry in my voice.

"Later," They said walking away.

Travis wrapped his arms around my waist.

We moved our hips together and Travis held me close.

"Yeah Travis, trying to get some," Ryan said walking over to us.

Travis chuckled and gave him a man hug. "What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing, go back to your girlfriend,"

Travis smiled as he placed his hands on my waist. "Ignore him,"

"I do,"

Travis and I danced the whole night away.


The next morning I was passed out in my bed.

I woke up feeling hangover.

I didn't drink anything, but I still felt that way.

I walked down stairs. "Finn?" I called tiredly.

I walked around for him but he wasn't here.

I guess he went back home. I shrugged my shoulders and made myself a blow of cereal.

I went back upstairs and into my room. I lied on my bed until I heard a thud.

I grabbed a hanger off the floor and headed over to my parents room where the thud came from.

I slowly opened the door.

There was a naked girl and a naked Travis.



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