《A Freshman and A Senior...Love?》A Freashman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 15


This is for you candyandicecream

Enjoy it!

I was walking up to the school with my hood over my head.

I didn't have in school detention so I actually had to go to my classes.

I walked to my locker and saw Travis leaning against it.

"Hey beautiful, I've missed you,"

I smiled at him. He knew just how to make me smile. "Hey,"

"So, what's up with you and Finn? Is the war over?"

"I think, we still don't like each other,"

"As long as you're okay, I'm good,"

I smiled again. "Yeah, I don't really know who won though,"

"Alex," Travis said in a stretched out voice.

"I won't do anything stupid,"

"Good," he said kissing my forehead.

I closed my locker and took Travis hand.

We walked to my class and talked like we used to.


Finn and I avoided each other.

I can't remember the last time I saw him at school.

Halloween was tomorrow and Travis and I were at Wal-Mart looking for a last minute costume.

"We should be pirates," he said taking down two pirate costumes.

"Okay, you can be Jake Sparrow and I'll be Elizabeth Swann,"

"Sounds good Elizabeth," he joked.

Travis bought our costumes and then drove us to a little restaurant and we eat our dinner there.

"So, Alex," Travis said as we waited for our check to come. "What would you call us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like are we friends, are we a couple? What are we?"

"Oh, um, close friends. Why?"

"What if I told you, I don't want to be just friends anymore?"


"You don't have to answer right away,"

"I'll think about it," I said as our waiter came with the check.


Travis paid the man and we left.

Travis drove me home and I quickly got out of the car.

I watched him drive away and thought about what he has said.

"How was your little date with your little boyfriend?" Finn asked.

I rolled my eyes as he made his way over to me. "It was lovely,"

"Aw what's wrong, he didn't kiss you goodbye?" he teased.

I glared at him. "Get off my case, Johnson,"

"Oh I see how it is, we're on a last name bases now. Well Oz, I'm hurt,"


"Okay seriously what's wrong?"


"He's not a good kisser is he?"

"Shut up! He asked me out and I don't know what to do,"

"He asked you to be his girlfriend?"


"And you don't know what to do, why?"

"Because...I don't know,"

Finn nodded his head.

We stood there in silence. I felt Finn staring at me as I looked at the ground.

He walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "Whatever you chose, just be happy," he whispered to me.

He leaned down to my lips and kissed me softly.

He pulled away and went to back to his house.

I walked away and went to my room.


Travis picked me up for the Halloween dance at school.

We looked great in our costumes.

We were somewhere in the middle of the dance floor having a good time.

"Travis, I want to be your girlfriend," I said.



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