《Freshman》23. Eyes


~published on November 23rd, 2018~


Readers with patience are a blessing to BL Goddess.

Readers who have no patience should not read on-going work (I am trying not to say fuck off, actually, because each reader is a kind of their own).

Now I know why I don't have many friends. I'm no fun.



Thursday, second breakfast without Beam.

Forth blinks. He looks at the remaining two chicken feet in front of him. He sighs and then eats them.

And then he makes time to say to the aunty while paying for his breakfast, "The chicken feet should have three in one portion. Five feet is too much."

She chuckles. "Forth, you are the one who said five is not enough."

Forth sighs.

"Aoh, missing your boyfriend, are you?" The aunty teases him.

Forth frowns. "Which boyfriend?"

"Owh? He broke up with you? No wonder. You keep making him pay for you. Boy, if I was a man and had that face and sex appeal, I won't settle myself with you."

Forth frowns harder.

"What's his name again? Beam...?" The aunty is daydreaming. She is in her late 30's and has three kids. Even her husband is standing beside her. "He's the most handsome man I have ever seen."

Her husband coughs from beside her.

She laughs and pecks on her husband's lips. "After you, honey."

Forth just chuckles.

And then he stops by the door. He looks at Posh and Wai who are sitting side by side. "Wow. You are really here every day, and yet, you were so rude in not greeting your senior..."

Posh and Wai look at Forth un-amused.

"Not greeting you? We were waving our hands like crazy until our fifth attempt in greeting you," Posh says.

"Yeah. And then we gave up on you." Wai nods.

Forth tilts his head. "I don't remember you ever trying."

Posh throws both hands to the air. "Suit yourself, P'Forth."

"You were blinded by your own happiness, P'." Wai is still having faith in Forth.

"What happiness?"

Wai smiles sadly. "The one that you lost without you even realizing it. Man, this is so sad and yet I want to see you crying first for hurting my friend, so... Let's go babe, I don't want to waste a day without your love, unlike some other person."

Posh and Wai walk out of the dimsum place first, leaving a stunned Forth behind.


Forth blinks. He sits on his usual table during lunch break, seeing his four friends already chatting and laughing with food in front of them.

Forth is yet to take his lunch.

He stares at Posh and Wai. Posh has an iced latte with him. He was usually fighting for the iced latte with Beam.

Just then Lam gets pink-milk and sits across him.

Forth looks at the pink-milk. It's Lam's favorite drink, all time. Just like Arthit. Yeah, thanks to Kongpob, everyone knows it's Arthit's favorite drink.

"You started drinking it again." Forth points at the pink-milk.

Lam nods. "I stopped drinking it because it's Wayo's favorite drink and I thought it kept reminding you of him during the last year," he says while looking directly into Forth's eyes. "But I am drinking it again since Beam happened. When I bought it for him, he said he liked it. Better than any pink-milk he ever had."

Forth blinks. He looks at Lam.

"Beam has pink-milk everytime he runs out of iced latte," Lam says. "Sometimes he gets me one too."


Park grins.

"Park was right, Beam is fun to have around," Lam says. "I miss him too."

Forth blinks. He looks at the pink-milk. And then looks at the iced latte that Posh has.

Yeah... Beam was never fighting for iced latte again since he showered him with one. Forth gets up and walks to the drink stand.

"Do you still have the iced latte?" Forth asks.

The aunty nods.

"How about the pink-milk?"

The aunty nods again.

"One iced latte and one pink-milk please," Forth says.


Beam is having lunch alone when suddenly a glass of iced latte and a glass of pink-milk appears on his table. He blinks seeing the tanned arm which places it and then slowly looks up to meet a pair of calm eyes.

"What are you doing here, N'Beam? Playing doctor now?" Forth asks Beam in a flat tone.

Beam gulps and slowly grins with guilt. "Hi, P'Forth. Had lunch yet?"

"Nice of you asking me that. You haven't even fulfilled your free breakfast deal for a month. You still have 10 days left, you know."

Beam laughs. "Sorry, na, P'... I'll change it with a free lunch, how about it?"

Forth nods. He sits down beside Beam. "What do you have there?"

"Gyudon. Do you want it?"

"Depends. Is it good?"

Beam blinks. "It is. Wanna try mine first?"

Forth nods.

Beam take a spoonful of the rice and beef slice and leads it to Forth.

Forth eats it. He chews and nods. "Good."

"Okay. I'll get you one. Want extra poached egg with it?"


Beam is back with the gyudon for Forth while Forth is already drinking the iced latte that he brings.

"I will drink the iced latte. Lam says you like the pink-milk. Apparently, you find it to be the best pink-milk you ever had?"

"Hmm. Everyone who ever tastes it thinks so too," Beam says. "Wayo likes it a lot. Ming brings it for him sometimes."

"Hi, P'Forth." Suddenly Wayo is already beside the table.

Forth slides the pink-milk from the side table, closer to Beam. He sends a smile to Wayo. "Hi, Yo."

Phana casually sits across Forth. He smiles at Forth.

Not minding that Wayo stands close to Forth. "Looking for your Moon? He must have given you headache, ah?" He grins.

Forth smiles. "He left without any word. No one knew he was leaving."

Phana laughs. "He's Beam. That's how he is."

"Indeed." Forth enjoys his gyudon. He looks at Phana and Wayo. "I thought you two are having lunch out."

Phana shakes his head. "Nope. Wayo is learning how to drive. He drove his new car here. I was waiting for him in the parking lot. He still can't park perfectly. But he is showing progress."

Forth grins. "Strict daddy, I see."

Phana grins too. He gets up again. "Have a sit, baby, I'll go get your lunch."

Wayo nods. He sits across Forth and Beam after getting permission from Phana.

Beam takes the pink-milk. "Do you want some?" He offers to Wayo.

Wayo shakes his head. "P'Pha gonna get one for me."

"This is from Engineering," Beam says. "Your favorite."

Wayo smiles. "I know, P'Beam. I am familiar with the glass. P'Forth bought that for you, right?"

Beam blinks. "I can share."

Wayo just smiles. He glances a second to Forth and notices his glaring eyes over the pink-milk conversation. "Yeah? But P'Forth can't."


"What do you mean? He shares all..." Beam frowns, but Wayo cuts it.

"So, who's taking over P'Beam's place as the Moon of Engineering, P'Forth?" Wayo asks Forth. He doesn't want to piss off Forth by taking too much of Beam's attention for himself.

"Prae could be the Moon and the Star. Posh will help her too. He is the first year's leader."

"Owh... that kid. Yeah. You choose a good kid to lead the first year."

"Thanks, Yo. Seems like you know him?"

"Yeah, he hates me. And so the other kid, Wai. And the two girls with them..."

Forth laughs. "Why's that?"

"I don't know. They just hate me," Wayo says. And then he looks at Beam. "P'Beam earned an Engineering gang just by his shortstop in Engineering."

Forth laughs. "He earned a lot more than that."

Beam just smiles. He finally drinks his pink-milk.

"If P'Beam stays, it is more likely that he is going to be the head hazer in his third year," Wayo says teasingly.

"It is... like P'Arthit," Forth smirks.

Beam glares at Forth. "Why P'Arthit?"

"He drinks pink-milk and cute too, N'Beam..." Forth grins.

A satisfied grin breaks on Wayo's face. "Your N'Beam sure is cute, huh?"

Forth looks at Wayo. He smiles thinly and nods.

Just then Phana comes with two portions of lunch.

"Goodluck, P'Forth," Wayo mumbles almost unheard before he smiles to Phana and helps him arrange their lunch on the table.

Forth just nods. He looks at Beam's bowl. "Do you want more mushroom? I do not like mushrooms much."

Beam nods.

Forth moves his mushroom to Beam's bowl.

Wayo just chuckles seeing that.

Forth is the first to get up after lunch. "I will take my leave. I have class at 1 PM. Bye, Pha, Yo, N'Beam."

Wayo and Phana just nods.

Beam smiles thinly.

Phana looks at Beam. He blinks. "Is he the reason for you to leave Engineering?"

Beam gulps. He looks at Phana in his eyes. "No."

Phana blinks.

Wayo grins. "Even I know that's a lie, P'Beam." He gets up. "I'll go back to my Faculty and let the 'daddy' in him squeeze the truth out of you." He winks at Beam, pecks on Phana's cheek and then walks away from the food court.

Beam gulps. "It's not like what you are thinking." He says to Phana.

"Then what is it?" Phana asks.

Beam blinks. "He... is a hell of a Head Hazer, he taught me values. And it was so low to enroll into Engineering just for protection after random sex. So... I feel ashamed to face him. Besides, the ForthBeam thing in Engineering has started to annoy me. I can't get girls and people have started thinking that I am gay. It's not cool dude. I am not... you guys."

Phana blinks. "That's it?"


"You don't want people to think that you are gay for real because of the ForthBeam thing?"

Beam nods. "Yeah, can't you see? I haven't gotten girls since SOTUS happened. The thing they say that Engineering boys have too much time is a lie and the ForthBeam thing is not helping."

Phana is silent.

He looks at the pink-milk in Beam's hand.

Beam stops drinking. "What? Want to taste the pink-milk?"

Phana shakes his head. He looks at the mushrooms on Beam's plate. Something is bothering him.


"Forth doesn't share his drink and his meal, right?" Phana suddenly asks Wayo during their dinner.

Wayo blinks. He knows Forth pretty well, but he doesn't want to piss off his boyfriend. It needed a year for him to get friendly again with the man that he adores so much. He is silent.

Phana looks at his boyfriend. "Baby, Forth and I are cool. Just... help me here..."

Wayo nods. "Yes, P'Pha. P'Forth doesn't share his drink nor his meal."

"You went to shabu with him last year." Phana says suddenly.

Wayo gulps. He feels like he is walking on a minefield right now. Wrong answer and he will turn Phana's mood against Forth again.

Phana is still looking at Wayo. He thinks so hard his brows are knotting. "So he shares food with the one he likes, right?"

Wayo gulps. He thinks he's gonna die tonight to tell that he still remembers that night, but hell... looks like Phana's focus is Beam, so...

"We used the spoon and chopstick in the middle. Once I accidentally dipped my chopstick in the pot, he stops eating from it and orders sushi instead. I was not thinking because Ming and I used to dip the chopstick we use to eat. But not P'Forth. That's how I learned that he does not share his food or drink," Wayo explains carefully.

Phana nods. "Yeah. I know about that. During the time of the Campus Moon competition, girls kept flirting with him, offering their food, asking for his food. He won't take any from them and will give his all if anyone steals some food from his plate. It's weird so I still remember it. Same goes when he is at the bar. If someone asks to taste his drink, he'll give it all and then buy the new one even if it is the same drink."


"Then why did he share his food with Beam?" Phana looks at Wayo.

Wayo gulps. He notices a lot, but he is not sure he wants his P'Pha to know that he notices a lot. He loves Forth like a big brother he doesn't have and because he is so much alike to his father, but...

"Just spill it, Yo. I know you pay attention to Forth so much." Phana frowns.

Wayo bites his lips. And then super carefully says, "P'Forth doesn't address me as 'nong' anymore. It was just 'Yo'..."

"Sometimes we all do, because we are that close to not..."

"He addresses P'Beam as N'Beam," Wayo cuts it.

Phana's eyes widen.

"P'Beam is not even his junior anymore," Wayo continues a lot more carefully. "And..."

"And what? He is changed towards Beam now...? Maybe because of the ForthBeam thing in their faculty...?"

Okay, this probably will make Phana mad at Forth again.

"..." Wayo gulps. "... I have noticed this since we have been together, P'Pha... big news... the way P'Forth treats P'Beam has not changed much, actually. He has always had the same eyes for P'Beam..."

Phana frowns. "What eyes...?"

Wayo gulps. "I am good with eyes, P'..." he pauses. "P'Forth looks at me like how Ming looks at me. Like how you look at P'Beam and P'Kit. That's why I always said that you are being ridiculous for feeling jealous of P'Forth." He gulps again. "... and how he looks at P'Beam since the first time I have seen them to this today has always been the same."

Phana frowns harder. "How?"

Wayo gulps. This is why he never talked about this to anyone. Phana treats Beam differently than Kit. And he will be on rage more than when Ming happened to Kit because this is his favorite 'son'.

Okay... Now or never.

"... like how you look at me," Wayo finally says it.



Yeah... That explains it, Yo...

Thank you for helping me proofread it, @Darzls .

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