《Freshman》22. I Think He Does


~published on November 21, 2018~


First thing first.


Lam walks out of the classroom without waiting for either Forth or Park when the lunch break comes.

Park is startled. "Hoy, Lam! Wait up!"

Forth blinks. Beam's words are ringing in his ear.

"You know about them but why do you do nothing about it?"

Well, Forth is not a nosy person, and he is not sure Lam wants him to do anything about this. If Lam gets angry, he will seal his lips. Like what he just did with Park. But Park doesn't understand. As expected, since Lam was never angry for real at Park. He will rant or something at Park, but Park has never experienced an angry Lam before. Never.

"He's angry at you," Forth says while Park nearly reaches the door.

Park turns away. "What? Who?"

"Lam. Lam is angry at you," Forth says again. He is already tidying his books but he sits still on his chair, looking at a stunned Park near the door.

Park laughs in confusion. "What? I didn't do anything..." He tries to remember anything he did in the morning. He hasn't even joke about anything yet.

"He thinks you like Beam," Forth says.

Park bursts into laughter hearing that. "Haha. Really? Don't you hear yourself? Why would I like him? He is annoying."

Forth blinks. "You said you are gonna miss him this morning."

"Hell yeah... for the first time in my life, someone actually is a bigger trouble than me," Park says. "Besides, I don't touch what's my friend's. As annoying as you are, you are still my friend."

Forth frowns. "Why are we talking about me? We are talking about you and Beam."

Park rolls his eyes. "Whatever. I'm gonna run to Lam."

"Maybe it's time to tell him how you feel," Forth says, stopping Park's steps again.

Park looks at Forth, this time with cold anger. "Hey. Don't mention it."

Forth looks at Park. "Why? Because he'll know if someone says it to him but he is too dense to realize how you treat him like your boyfriend...?!"

"Forth! I am warning you!! If he knows he'll...."

"If he knew he'll be happy and not misunderstood that you like Beam instead of him!!"

"I don't like Beam!"

"He thinks you do!"

"Tsk." Park clicks his tongue.

"Everyone knows about your feeling for Lam. Even some of the seniors and juniors think that you both are already boyfriends," Forth says. "It could work forever, but not this time. He thinks you like Beam."

Park looks at Forth. He shakes his head.

"Lam likes you too. He lets you treat him like he is your boyfriend. He just doesn't do anything about it because he doesn't want to end up like one of your ex-girlfriends. But he doesn't move on because he likes you too much."

"No, he doesn't. Why would he like me?"

"Owh, I wish he didn't!" Forth yells in frustration. "But he does and he is starting to move on... right from now because he thinks you started to like someone for real!! And when he is done moving on, then there's no way to get him back. You will lose him. Forever!!"

Park blinks. "He really likes me?"

Forth looks at Park unamused. "He is dense enough not to understand what you do for him, and apparently, you are too, dense enough to realize what he lets you do for him."


Park blinks and then runs out from the class and when he nearly reach the food-court he can see how Lam sits on their table and a beautiful girl stands beside him while holding a gear bracelet.

Park's eyes widen. "Nooo!!! Lam!!!"

Lam and the girl look at Park in surprise.

Park runs towards them and he stumbles upon a junior with two glasses of iced latte. He falls and has two iced latte showering him from head to his chest just a table before their table.

Lam blinks.

The girl is shocked. She looks at Lam.

Lam sighs.

"I am sorry, P'... I think it was just a rumor! I'll make my leave!" She excuses herself and even makes a wai for Park before running away.

Park is still seated on the floor, with iced latte dripping from his hair.

The boy that previously was holding the two iced latte is frozen on the spot.

He is a second year and he is ready to get killed any second but more than 10 seconds have passed and Park does nothing. So he turns his face to Lam with a questioning and pleading look, hoping that Lam will save him.

Lam looks at the boy and sighs. He nods to give the boy permission to leave.

The boy saying 'thank you' with his lips moving. Wais at Lam and to Park and then runs away before Park changes his mind.

Park looks up to Lam.

Lam is already back to eating his lunch again.

Wait... what...?

"How did you get that?" Park asks.

"Get what...?" Lam asks back without stopping enjoying his lunch.

"Your lunch."

"The tom yum stall," Lam answers without looking back at Park.

Park blinks. "But I always get your lunch. Why did you get your lunch by yourself?" He asks. His whole body cringes in pain.

Lam doesn't answer this time. He just eats in silence.

Park looks at Lam.


The people who are sitting in the nearby table take their lunch and move away from the scene. At least three tables in distance.

Lam is angry.

Lam is never angry, but he is right now.

Hell, they know since forever that there's no one stronger than Forth and Park. No one knows who's the strongest because they are lucky enough that Forth and Park are in the same gang. And who can calm them down when they are on rage?


So, he probably is the strongest.

Now he is angry?

Better save yourself.

They even notice that Forth is yet to step into the food court and get closer to them. He stands just in the food-court entrance.

Even Max and Tul decide to sit someplace else.

Still silence.

Park takes a long deep breath. He sits on the floor and looks down.

Lam looks at Park. "Your jacket is wet, take it off. It will get to your clothes soon." He breaks the silence with a cold tone that Park didn't hear for a good long time before.

That Lam is back.

The King Ice.

Park is silent.

"Tsk." Lam gets up from the chair and pulls Park's jacket off of his body while kneeling in front of sitting Park.

Park blinks. He looks at Lam's face which is just some inches in front of him. The super handsome face with a pointy nose and long eyelashes with a pair of cold eyes.

"Aish... you are too late to take it off. Go get a change of clothes, it has already reached your T-shirt," Lam says in annoyance and pushes the dirty blue jacket to Park's chest.


Park catches Lam's right wrist with his right hand.

"Hey..." Lam looks at his hand in Park's grip. "Let me go," he says. Still with the cold flat tone while looking at Park coldly.


Like how Lam always was.

Park blinks. He looks at Lam in his eyes. Some of the iced latte is dripping from his hair. "I thought you like Forth," he says in a shaking voice.

Lam blinks.

Park gulps. "You... you don't even need humans. Girls... you turn them down all the time, no matter how beautiful and hot they are. But you are always there for Forth. Like... seriously. So if you need someone, it must be him."

Lam flinches. He praises himself for not choking Park on the spot and kill him. "Let me go, Park." He tries to pull his hand but Park grips on it too tightly. Even when Lam uses his left hand to help to pull his right hand, Park's right hand is just strong.

Park is too strong.

Park blinks. He looks at Lam. He is lost because Lam is starting to pull away from his entire being. "... can't be me," he says almost in whispers. "You are not even gay. Even if you are, Forth is a better option to channel your gay spirit, I mean... he is handsome and hot..."

Lam tilts his head. "... you like Forth?" He asks.

"Ew. No." Park cringes in disgust. "Why would I?"

"You said he is handsome and hot."

"I was just borrowing the terms that people use to describe him. And he is the Moon of Engineering, it must be true but I just don't see it. Besides, Beam also said that he is, so... he should be."

Lam tightens his lips hearing Beam's name. He pulls his hand harder.

"I don't like Beam," Park suddenly says. "If that is what you think."

Lam turns his attention from his hands in Park's grip to Park's eyes.

Park looks at Lam deeply. "He was just like Forth for P'Kongpob. An annoying junior that you wish you don't have but at the same time you are glad you have them. Besides, he is so random, he would be fun at parties. That's all."

Lam blinks.

"Are you jealous?" Park asks.

Lam tightens his lips.

"That's nothing compared to what you've done for Forth," Park says. "I didn't make sure how Beam already had his meal, went home safely or not getting sad over anything like how you checked on Forth almost all the time after Wayo happened."

Lam blinks.

"I just said I'll miss Beam," Park says. "Like every senior will, to his junior."

Lam moves his gaze to the floor. "Let me go, Park," he says almost in whisper.

"No. I don't want to let you go. Ever." Park shakes his head. "Don't stop being friends with me..."

Lam sighs.

"And if you are tired of being friends with me ..." Park pauses. "Let... let me love you."

Lam looks up to Park.

"Forth thinks you probably like me." Park gulps. "If... if you have even just a little bit of feelings for me... let... let me love you. And you... can see how it goes. It's... it's up to you to return my feelings or..."

Lam leans closer and pecks Park on his lips.

Park blinks. He looks at Lam.

"I love you too. Shut up. I was just giving you a chance not to trap yourself with me," Lam hisses. "Just in case you don't know, I am very territorial. I don't like people getting too close to me nor do I like people touching what's mine. And if you don't get what I mean, I mean that when I have lover, I will be a hell of a possessive one, you can't even breath."

Park blinks.

"I even got angry with you and kind of broke you up you just because you said you miss Beam," Lam adds. "Do you get the picture?"

Park nods.

"Last chance." Lam hisses. "Let. Me. Go."

Park pulls Lam into a kiss and even rests his other palm on Lam's waist. He whispers, "I love you, Lam."

Lam returns his kisses and lets Park deepen it for a while. He pushes Park lightly before it can turn out into a make out.

A pink dust colors Lam's cheeks when their lips part.

"Okay now, go get changed. You smell like latte," Lam says.

Park nods happily. He takes his blue jacket, helps Lam to get up and then pecks on Lam's lips once again before running to go get changed.

Lam brushes his nose with the back of his palm to blur his shyness and then sits back on his table and enjoys his lunch.

People in the food-court blink in disbelief while chewing their food slowly.

Man, ParkLam are finally official!

People will be killed daily for just looking at the handsome Lam now.

Max and Tul stand beside Forth.

"Will we join them there?" Max asks Forth.

Forth chuckles. "Let's go there together. If Park sees me with Lam, just the two of us, he'll kill me."


Just when the five of them sit peacefully on their seats, Posh and Wai who are happy finally ParkLam is official, drops by to congratulate them.

"P'Park...." Wai greets him. "Have you heard P'Beam rolled out the Engineering?" He asks.

Lam flinched.

Forth grins. This duo is sure troubles.

Max bites his lips not to butsts into laughter seeing how Lam is angry much hearing Beam's name.

Tul starts to like Wai so much for the teasing he anticipate.

Posh smiles politely and ready to save his boyfriend if anything got ugly.

Wai continues, "P'Beam told me to tell you how he'll miss you, P'Park."

Lam put down his spoon and glares at Wai in cold anger.

Park gulps. He put his palm on Lam's thigh, tries to calm him down.

Wai grins. "He also told me to make sure I said that in front of you, P'Lam."

Lam blinks. What?

Posh bursts into laughter. "P'Beam congratulates you both...!"


Posh and Wai run from the scene before Lam get back from his shocked state and kill them.

Lam blinks. Beam what...?

He closes his eyes. He remembers how Beam got his signature at the end of first week of SOTUS.

"That little devil...." he hisses in anger.

Park blinks. "Babe, I don't...."

"Shut up! Beam just messed with me! I'll chop him into tiny little pieces when I meet him again!!" Lam cuts Park's words. But then he gulps and carefully looks at Forth. "Uhm... sorry. That was just a joke. I won't hurt Beam for real."

Forth blinks. "Why did you say sorry to me?"

Lam blinks. "Uhm... just... so you know."

Max grins.

Tul coughs to prevent himself from laughing.

Park looks at Forth unamused. "And you said Lam and I were dense...."



Let's pray I know what am I doing.

Thank you again for your help proofreading it, @Darzls ....

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