《Breathtaking (LozBOTW Link X Reader)》The Yiga Clan ➺16
The image above is actually a fan's interpretation of Kahli! Their info is listed below
I had gotten halfway through the glittering city before Link found me. He'd finally noticed that I wasn't standing with him. He came running up behind me, a hand pressed to his veil to ensure it wouldn't fly up in the wind. "(Y/n)! Where are you going? I talked to the guards and their leader said-" He gave me a curious look, his eyes trailing down to the flint I was carefully holding. "What're you doing?" I blinked and avoided eye contact, unsure of how to explain my actions. I supposed I could explain later... or I could just tell the truth.
No, the truth would only make things more complicated. I had no idea why the Yiga boy was acting the way he was, but something told me I could trust him. If all went well, Link would find out eventually. I adjusted the black rocks in my arms and glanced over to the jewelry shop. "I heard the jeweler was in need of some flint... I figured we could pick up something for this heat." Link shifted his weight, unsure. "Alright... Good idea." I could tell he wasn't completely buying it. I turned to leave and felt his hand on my shoulder. "Listen, this is probably going to be incredibly difficult. I mean, we hardly know where we can find these guys..." I bit my lip guiltily as he continued. "But we've conquered worse than this before! Just promise me you'll be okay."
I smiled at his heartfelt concern. "Like you said. We've gotten through worse. We'll be okay." Link took me by the hand and pressed my back to the sandstone wall. Luckily, we weren't in a popular section of the town.
"That's not good enough. I need you to promise me that you'll be okay. I don't care what happens to me." My (e/c) eyes widened slightly as he spoke. The flint in my arms pressed against my chest as he grew closer. "I know you feel like you have to risk everything for me, but you have no idea how broken I feel when you're hurt." He ran his fingers over the shimmering scar on my side. I saw a pain in his cerulean eyes that I'd never witnessed before. He blamed himself for this.
"I don't know what'd I'd do if you were hurt again. If you were to die... again..." His eyes shimmered with remembrance for a moment, but it didn't last long. I could tell he was reaching for his past, but bits and pieces were slipping away like water through cupped fingers. I just hoped I wouldn't be a part of that forgotten flow.
I freed up one of my arms so I could reach out to him. I pressed my palm to his cheek, running my thumb over the smooth skin in soothing circles. "No one is going to die today. I promise." He remained dismal, his eyes cast downwards to the sandy floor. My hand fell to his shoulder, shaking him gently as I did so. "You don't have to worry about me. I'll be here as long as you need me." Link gave a low laugh. "I always seem to need you, don't I?" I nodded. "Seems to be a reoccurring theme here, yeah."
Link smiled warmly, his grin obscured by his intricate veil. His blue eyes twinkled with the sort of happiness I'd grown to love. Though we'd been on this journey for just a few months, I felt as though I'd seen that face a million times before. Link examined my face through half-lidded eyes, his expression somewhere between love and euphoria. I became aware of his arm around my waist and gasped. He chuckled and leaned forward slowly.
I'd expected to feel his lips on mine again, but I was met with nothing but warm fabric and a bit of desert sand. Link pulled away, having forgotten to remove the veil from his mouth. "Sorry..." I shook my head. "It's... alright. We should really get going though." He nodded in agreement and stepped away, leaning down to pick up a piece of flint that was allowed to tumble to the floor. He replaced it and led the way to the jewelers.
We approached the decorative shop in a minute or so. A Gerudo woman was wandering outside, seemingly troubled. Her outfit shimmered with gold trinkets and jewels, her hair done up in a way that was unique to the other Gerudo. Link allowed me to greet her and ask her what was wrong. I waved, causing her to glance up. She pursed her lips and examined me for a moment. I caught her eye with surprise. They were a bright, gorgeous green, much like Riju's and Kahli's.
She held her hand to her chin and glanced away with a sigh, trying to look busy. "Sav'aaq... Oh, but I really haven't the time to speak right now. How would I ever begin my business at this rate?" she sighed. The sun glimmered off of the black rocks in my arms. With a gasp, her attitude changed. She quickly recollected herself and continued. "You see, I've -"
"Run out of flint? I heard you needed some of this to work in your trade." She blinked in surprise. "Why... yes. If only some kind, generous young vai would-" I smiled and held out my arms. "You need this more than I do. She jumped back in shock. "You're just... giving this away?!" She took them graciously, counting each of them in turn. "Ten pieces! Exactly what I needed. Sarqso!" I shrugged, not knowing the Gerudo word for 'you're welcome'.
"Oh, but I couldn't take this without giving you something in return. How about a piece of free jewelry? Each stone has its own unique effect, you know." Link grabbed my wrist before whispering in my ear. "Heat resistance please. I'd rather not wear this forever." I rolled my eyes and thanked her for her offer, testing out the Gerudo term. "Sarqso," I managed to pronounce correctly, "We were hoping for something to help with this heat." She nodded her head. "Not an issue. Give me a moment." She disappeared into her shop for a moment, beckoning for us to follow. She'd gotten to work on a beautiful sapphire circlet. I leaned over her shoulder, watching as she worked the elaborate silver twists.
"You don't need any jewels or anything?" She shook her head. "This one is on the house. If you'd like something else, I'll have to charge you a fee, yes." The circlet was finished quicker than I'd expected. "Ah, here we are." She lifted the opulent headpiece, examining it with pride. The Gerudo woman held it just above my head, making sure it would fit. "Is there anything else you needed? Oh! And my name is Isha by the way. And you are?"
"(Y/n). And I... I have one more question." She tilted her head. "Go on..."
"What can you tell us about the Yiga clan?" I asked, wondering why Kahli had given us such a specific task. "The Yiga Clan...?" she repeated slowly, eying us carefully. "I'm... I'm afraid I don't know anything about that. Except that they've stolen from us and attacked us in the past... We aren't really allowed to intersperse." She avoided our eyes carefully, a strange expression crossing her face. "If you don't need anything else, I guess you should get going. Give that circlet a try will you?" I could hear something strange in her tone, but I didn't press it. I bid her farewell and led Link outside.
"What was that all about?" he asked, amused. "I'm not sure..." I placed a hand on his shoulder and pointed him towards another stall, one which sold a surplus of arrows. "Better stock up before we leave. I'll meet you back here," I said. Though we definitely did need more arrows, I just needed a second away from him. He blinked, his blue eyes scanning me in confusion. "Oh... uh... alright then. I'll see you soon." He placed an arm around my shoulder for a moment and pulled me close, embracing me reassuringly. I couldn't help but smile as he waved me goodbye and jogged to the stall I'd pointed to. He was quite the adorable sight to behold.
I shook my head and wandered around the city, searching for a quiet alleyway I could walk down. The Yiga boy had probably been waiting for me this whole time. I finally found a spot that was free of other people and stopped, turning around and examining the top of the wall. I expected him to lean over any second. Eventually, I let out a whistle.
"Hey." I heard a nonchalant voice behind me. I shifted my gaze to see Kahli resting casually against the walls. I wondered how he could possibly make it into the city without being caught. I supposed it was easier for a ninja. "So... you did what I asked?" I lifted the silver trinket from my hip with a nod. A part of me was still afraid that he would backstab me. He could always steal the circlet... or worse. I pushed away those thoughts to concentrate on the task at hand.
Kahli lifted the headpiece gingerly and examined the serpentine silver details. My heartbeat quickened, part of me thinking he'd end me while he could. I searched his expression for any sign of hostility and was met with a surprise.
His gloved fingers were tracing over the metal gently. Pain reflected off his emerald eyes. Those emotions were gone in a flash as he handed the jewelry back to me. He rested a hand on my shoulder and thanked me. "Alright, alright. I suppose it's time for my end of the bargain. You're going to have to grab your hero friend, that is, if you need him." He slipped his mask over his face as we heard rapid footsteps approaching. Link stood at the opening of the alleyway and took notice of the two of us. He rushed forward, looking as furious as he possibly could in such an elegant outfit. For a second, I forgot why he was so enraged. I was quickly reminded as his fist collided with the Yiga boy's face.
"Agh! Son of a-" Link grabbed him by the collar. Kahli had his sickle out and pressed to Link's neck in a split second. Link didn't seem phased as he readied another strike. I reached out and grabbed his shoulder. "Link, stop!! He's here to help!" Link glanced over in bewilderment, as though I was telling a bizarre joke. Slowly, he released the boy and stepped back, positioning himself between the two of us. Kahli lifted his mask and wiped the blood from the reopened cut on the bridge of his nose. "What is with you two and punching first?!"
"To be fair, you did attack me the first time we met," I reminded him. Link's eyes flashed with ire yet again. "He did what?" he hissed, reaching for his sword and shield. Kahli rolled his eyes. "If you're going to act manly, I suggest you change outfits first." I had to catch Link as he lunged forward again. I sent Kahli an indignant glare. He grinned and shrugged. "What are you talking about? He's the enemy!" Link asked, practically shouting. I squeezed his shoulder. "Look, I don't know what he wants, but right now he's willing to walk us straight into the Yiga clan hideout." Link shook his head. "Where they can capture and kill us?"
Kahli rolled his eyes again. "Why would I wait to reach the Yiga clan? I could've done that quite a few times already." Link glared at him. "You keep quiet."
"Link I don't know why, but I trust him. If we're hoping to reclaim the Divine Beast, then we could use his help. We can't afford to wander the desert for days on some guard's gut feeling." Link's eyes softened, searching my expression carefully. My voice lowered to a whisper. "Besides, if he tries anything funny, it'll be two versus one." Link smiled a bit at the thought of getting to fight him. He relaxed his pose and stared at Kahli with distaste. "Fine. You lead us to your clan. Try anything, and we'll kill you." Kahli brushed away this announcement and adjusted the sickle at his belt, readying himself to scale the wall. "Oh my, how could this be more threatening? Perhaps if you put on a skirt to complete that ensemble."
Link's cheeks flushed as he took a step forward. I clung to his bicep to keep him in place. "Kahli!" He laughed, raising his arms in defeat, before nimbly scaling the wall and waiting for us to do the same. Link grabbed my shoulders before I could proceed. "No, I'm not letting you be alone with him anymore. I'm going first." I pulled away from him. "You've got to be kidding... I'm fine! I'm here to keep you safe. You keep forgetting..." Link narrowed his eyes worriedly as I climbed over the wall of Gerudo City and touched down in the scorching sand. Link followed close behind, seeming pissed. This was going to be a long trip.
We began the lengthy walk through the desert. We remained silent for the most part, simply admiring the desert wildlife and shimmering mirages that stretched across the arid landscape. Eventually, we began an uphill climb into another valley. We were in a section of the desert that Link and I hadn't seen before. I kept glancing at Kahli, ensuring that we were going the right way. He'd placed his mask back onto his face, which scared me each time I looked over. He eventually sighed. "You jump every time you look at me."
"Usually, that mask means I'm in danger." He hummed and turned away again, navigating past a rocky deposit. I could feel Link's eyes on me as I watched the other boy move. I had so many questions to ask him, but I doubted I'd receive any answers. But alas, it was worth a shot. "So... the Yiga Clan... What do you guys stand for?" Kahli waved his hand. "I'm not so sure I stand with them anymore, you know."
"I know, I know. But originally. Why did you join them?"
"I didn't." He stopped, pondering how to continue. "I guess you could say I was born into this."
"That's nice, but it still doesn't excuse the fact that you're a part of a clan of bloodthirsty murderers." Link spat, a tinge of jealousy evident in his tone. Kahli sighed, exasperated, and avoided Link's accusations. "So you want to know how the Yiga clan began...? I honestly don't know too much. Apparently, we were once a part of the Sheikah. Our technology became so advanced, that the world began to shun us. A select few of us chose to turn our backs on the world. To rebel against those who casted us out." I listened to his explanation closely. He still hadn't explained his sudden change of heart. "We swore allegiance to Calamity Ganon. As a child..." He stopped rephrased his sentence. "When I was younger, I didn't think much of it. The clan was all I'd ever known."
Link rolled his eyes, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, whatever we just need to get to the hideout," he whispered, just loud enough for the Yiga boy to hear. "Fine then. We're almost there." I felt a twinge of guilt as he fell silent. I still wanted to know what was driving him to do this.
The scenery changed as we drew closer and closer to the hideout. Familiar reddish papers fluttered in the warm breeze, hanging from ropes that stretched from wall to canyon wall. I took notice of some rather unnerving statues as we traveled farther into the ravine. They reminded me of the stone frogs within Kakariko village. Each one had the symbol of the Yiga smeared across it in a sort of red liquid. I chose not to ask what it was.
Occasionally, Kahli would pull us to the side and urge us to remain silent. He grabbed Link by the arm, narrowly avoiding the sight of another Yiga member. Link tugged his arm back distrustfully. Kahli huffed in frustration. "Look kid, it's either you listen to me, or one of these guys sends an arrow through your chest."
"Yeah," Link laughed dryly, "Like you'd care."
"Link, we've got more important things to worry about!" I whispered harshly. "I just don't see how you trust this guy!" Link and I continued to argue, getting louder with each line. Kahli gestured desperately to quiet us. "Guys!" he hissed as another Yiga approached. He was far bigger than any of the Yiga we'd encountered before and wore a slightly different outfit. His hand rested on the hilt of his blade as he approached cautiously. He was sure to see us if he came any closer. Kahli took notice and acted quickly. "You two. Hide." Link glanced around. "Where, exactly?" Kahli thought for a moment, then pointed to a rocky alcove, just big enough for two people. He pushed Link towards it. "Ladies first."
I moved to follow Link as soon as he was out of sight, until I felt a hand on my wrist. "What are you-" My sentence came to a screeching halt as I looked to see my captor. The large Yiga we'd seen before was towering above me, his grip tightening on my arm. "You've caught her?" he asked lowly. Kahli was standing just behind him, struggling to answer. "I- Um- Yes." He brushed the dust from his chest as though he'd just won an easy battle. "Caught her wandering around, a bit too close to our hideout for comfort."
"Ha! Master Kohga will be pleased when he finds we've killed one of our targets!" he lifted me up like a rag doll, raising his sharpened sword above his head. Kahli grabbed his arm just as he was about to swing. "No, no! Wait! If you kill her, then we miss out on our bigger objective! I say we take her back to the hideout and lock her up. And, when the hero comes to rescue her, we'll ambush him!"
The brute relaxed and thought for a moment as the blood drained down my arm and Kahli hung from his bicep. "I guess so..." Kahli breathed a sigh of relief, until the man raised his sword again. "Are you sure-" Kahli screamed and tugged his wrist back. "Yes, yes! Put that down, idiot!" He finally shrugged and placed Kahli down. I was swung over his shoulder, far too in shock to say anything. I feared whatever I said would only make things worse. I thought for a moment to reach for another blade, until I noticed the plethora of other Yiga lurking around, just barely visible in my peripheral vision. I stared at Kahli, my eyes wide. He tilted his head and came a bit closer. He reached for my hand secretively and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I glanced around once again, searching for any sign of Link. I wondered if he could make it into the Clan's hideout alone. If he were to get caught... I'd be killed immediately.
The remainder of the trip was rather boring. The giant holding me trudged on. Despite my added weight, his footsteps made hardly any noise in the desert sand. I assumed that the various Yiga following us were using the same silent technique. Kahli walked just behind us, glancing up occasionally as though assuring himself I was still there.
This was quite the boring endeavor. I sighed and drummed on the man's back as he ascended what felt like stairs. I looked down to examine the steps. This must've meant that we were getting close.
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All Songs: A Hero Past the 25th
At world’s edge stands a tower made by the gods. Every 1000 years, champions gather to the Trophaeum, to make the dying planet of Ortho anew. But they say this cycle will be the last. An age of chaos is to come. A mad twist of fate brought to Ortho a maid from another world in place of a champion, but time made that maid a champion of champions. Itaka Izumi is living out her lifelong dream, journeying across the fantastic realms of Noertia in search of success as an adventurer—as well as a cure for her loneliness. But Izumi’s dream comes with a definite time limit, in the ever-changing shape of ruthless daemons, their shadow about to eclipse all life. Witness this tragic tale of love blooming in the midst of blackest despair, as faithfully accounted by the bard Waramoti. STATUS: VERSE 7 underway! A new chapter every MON, WED, FRI The Original Trilogy: Verse 1 | Verse 2 | Verse 3 Too many weird words and terms? Refer to our new online glossary!
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