《Breathtaking (LozBOTW Link X Reader)》My Queen ➻ Kahli One-Shot
I fussed with the fraying (f/c) fibers of my Gerudo garb, remembering the day I'd bought this outfit fondly. I'd been with Link that afternoon. It seemed like it'd been years since we'd last seen each other, but I supposed it'd only been a few months since he and Riju had departed, leaving the throne to another heir, as required by Gerudo law. I was pulled from my thoughts as said heir wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his cheek to the scar on my side. "Sav'saaba, my queen," Kahli teased. He'd taken to the Gerudo language far quicker than I had, though I'm glad he did. He was one of them, after all.
"And a good evening to you too," I said, playfully pushing his face away. "And I'm not yours just yet. Besides, aren't you chief and not king?" He laughed and held me at arm's length, "I like calling you queen," he said, examining my outfit. His emerald eyes shone lovingly as he recognized my clothing. "Ah, I remember this... You wore it the day we reclaimed the Thunderhelm." I nodded, reminiscing. He'd fought so bravely that day. Surely, betraying all he'd ever known was no easy task, but he did so for the sake of Hyrule. He'd even shot down a Yiga archer and saved Link's life near the end of the fight. Afterwards, he stayed with us and aided us in reclaiming Vah Naboris.
Only when the Gerudo people were free from the threat did he reveal his identity. His appearance had been quite the shock. The Gerudo, including his mother, Isha, were uneasy in his presence. To have a former Yiga step up to lead them now seemed incredulous, but he was required by law to ascend to the throne.
Despite this, he did not immediately take over as they'd all expected. He took his time, aiding each citizen however he could and learning about the Gerudo culture. Eventually, he earned the right to the Thunderhelm on his own. The Gerudo people had come to accept him. He leaned down so that he was eye level with me. Kahli had grown rather tall since we'd met, though I could still reach his lips... As long as he were to tilt his head down whilst I stood on the tips of my toes.
"What're you thinking about?" he mused. I sighed. "Don't you have someplace to be?"
"There's a place I would like to be."
"And where's that?"
Kahli leaned forward to whisper his answer into my ear. Blood rushed to my face and across the tips of my ears. He smirked and pressed his lips to my neck softly, causing me to push his head away with a scoff. "C'mon, we don't have time for that. You told me we were going to celebrate the defeat of Calamity Ganon." He nodded. I wasn't sure why he'd waited so long to celebrate this accomplishment, but I was excited nonetheless. I stared down at the town from my place atop the walls. The streets of Gerudo city were already decorated with gold, jewels, and colorful lights shimmering against the night sky. 'I do wish Riju and Link had stayed to see this," I thought solemnly.
When Kahli had first arrived in Gerudo city, I wasn't sure how Riju would react. I definitely wasn't expecting her to appear so relieved. She'd finally been given a chance to leave and explore the world, allowing her to live a less pressured life throughout her teen years. When Link invited her to travel across Hyrule with him, she agreed, knowing that Kahli was required to take her place.
He watched my face carefully as I was lost in my thoughts again. I rubbed my arms, warming myself in the chilly night air. Kahli rested his head on my shoulder and brought me close. "Cold?" I nodded until I examined his outfit. He was wearing Gerudo voe, or male, clothing. It didn't seem to do much for his body temperature, seeing as his entire chest was exposed minus a few bits of armor and jewelry. It was a bit more intricate and unique compared to the typical voe clothing. He finished his look with a golden circlet of his mother's design, symbolizing his crown and position of power. He'd tied his hair into a loose, unrestrictive ponytail. His scarlet locks flew almost freely, gently rising and falling with the wind. "I don't think there's much you can do for me there." He shook his head and held onto my waist. "Well then maybe we should join the party."
"Alright. But how come you waited so long for this?" He clicked his tongue and avoided my gaze. "I had something in mind." I cocked an eyebrow. "Oh...?" His eyes shifted to me once more as he smirked and placed another playful kiss on my neck. "You'll see," he said, lowering himself down from the wall and into the nearby alleyway. I leapt from the ledge and landed beside him, allowing my pace to match his as we walked into Gerudo city.
The town square of Gerudo city was twinkling, not unlike the stars that hung above. A group of Gerudo women walked about, excitedly flitting from stall to stall. I recognized a few from Ashai's cooking and romance classes. One caught sight of me and giggled, cupping her hand to whisper in her friend's ear. At first I thought they were insulting me, until I saw them squeal in excitement and gesture to the man beside me. This was definitely suspicious. Those ladies knew just about every bit of gossip circling around the city. I wondered what they were up to now.
I felt Kahli's hand in mine and glanced up. His typical smirk was gone from his face. He was biting his lip nervously as he clung to me. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Hey... there's no reason to be nervous..." I said gently. He caught my eye and smirked, leaning down to place a kiss to my cheek. He took his hand from mine and wrapped it around my shoulders. "You have no idea."
"What?" I asked curiously as we continued. He shook his head with a laugh and ignored me. I tugged on his arm indignantly. "What're you planning?" I asked him incessantly. Kahli ignored me as we continued. "Kahli? Kah-li?" I called out as we kept walking. He rolled his eyes and spun me around, pressing my back to the wall of the town. He rested his arm just above my head with a smirk. I crossed my arms and gave him an unamused glare. He laughed and leaned down. "You'll see. Just be patient." I pursed my lips as he shrugged.
I waited to be let down, avoiding his gaze until I felt his hand on my cheek. Heat rose to my face again, keeping it warm despite the chilly night air. My eyelids fluttered close as I expected him to lean in. Instead, he stayed back, admiring my face affectionately. He ran his thumb across my cheek gently and whispered my name, hoping to get me to look up. I opened my eyes and watched his own, emerald ones. A tiny smile graced his lips as he looked at me. I reached up and ran my fingers through his crimson hair. I smiled as he laughed softly. "You're so very beautiful when you smile, (y/n)." I shook my head and pulled him down so that his forehead met mine. I tilted my chin, hoping he would lean in closer.
He understood what I was doing and closed the space in between us, moving softly at first but gaining confidence. When I started to feel dizzy with lack of breath, a voice cut us off. Isha was standing over in the marketplace as the Gerudo busily prepared for a festival. "Kah- Oh, I mean Chief! Are you almost ready?" Kahli set me down and called out to her. "Just a moment!" He lifted my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Looks like we're needed," he walked a few paces away before glancing back over his shoulder. "You coming?" I nodded, still a little in shock. "Yeah..." I muttered. He shook his head and grabbed my hand, leading me out towards the center of Gerudo Town.
The marketplace was even more beautiful up close. Loud, cheerful music in traditional Gerudo style could be heard throughout the marketplace. Bright pieces of fabric and gold adorned each and every stall. Bits of glittering jewels lined the many waterways. Delicious fruits, meats and other dishes had been set out throughout the various shops. Kahli led me to one selling desserts. I examined the various dishes. Kahli wrapped an arm around my shoulder, waiting patiently. I settled on a decadent piece of tart, covered in bits of desert fruits like hydromelons, palm fruit, bananas, and even wildberries from the young Gerudo, Dalia's, garden. I thanked the cook and took a bite. "Hylia...!" I mumbled. "This is so good!" I took another bite. It was truly incredible, almost ambrosial in quality. It was quite a refreshing thing to have in the desert.
Kahli smiled. I picked out another bit of tart, making sure to get plenty of banana on my fork and lifted it up to him. He took it and adjusted his arm, hugging me close. We heard another voice as someone approached. "Ah, there you two are!" Isha said, walking up. She stopped just in front of us. Kahli removed his arm from my shoulders as his mother held him at arm's length. "Sa'oten! You're a mess," she said, brushing a bit of sand from his outfit. She licked her fingertip and smoothed down a bit of his hair. "And your hair! It looks like you've been running your hands through it for hours." Kahli sent me a wink, just subtly enough for Isha to ignore it. After Isha had gotten accustomed to Kahli being here, she had begun to mother him far more, as though making up for the years they'd lost. She continued to fuss with his outfit and adjust his golden circlet until he held his arm out, embarrassed. "Stop it, I'm fine!" She sighed and shook her head. "Good luck with that boy. I can't imagine what it'd be like to spend all your life with him," she said to me. Kahli looked alarmed. I wondered what she meant by 'all my life.' I bit the edge of my fork thoughtfully as Kahli frowned.
I caught sight of his distressed expression as his mother walked away, idly chatting with another woman who was clearly thrilled to see the festival. I lifted my hand to his cheek carefully. "Hey, you okay...?" I asked gently. "You don't need to be embarrassed you know." Kahli stared off for a moment before holding my wrist. I left my plate behind as he grabbed my other hand and leaned down to my height. "I-I suppose now is the perfect time to do this..." he said nervously. I tilted my head in confusion. He rarely stuttered. Whatever was bothering him was clearly important. "Come with me," he said, guiding me through the crowds and up the staircase of the palace. The Gerudo and various, visiting women turned and watched in awe. The Gossip Girls of the town chatted excitedly as he led me by the hand to the very top of the stairs.
Once we were there and situated I questioned him again. "Kahli what are you doing?" He stared at me intently, his eyes full of love and trepidation. "(Y/n)," he began, sinking down onto one knee. My eyes lit up as he moved. "I cannot possibly express how much you mean to me. I haven't known you as long as I would've liked to, but every moment I've spent with you has made me feel alive, as though I live in a daze whenever you're not by my side. You brought me back from the brink of destruction," he said, lacing his fingers through my own, shaking ones. "You showed me what I could really be, and supported me even when no one else could bear to trust me." A smile broke out across his face. He attempted a chuckle as the emerald eyes I'd grown to love began to glisten. "I feel like I've lost myself whenever we're apart. You're the most daring, eccentric and beautiful woman I've ever met, and I'd be honored to call you my queen," he said, pulling an intricate golden circlet, set with gorgeous gems and details, from behind his back and offered it to me. "If you'd have me," he finished.
I couldn't even bring myself to speak. I lifted a hand to my mouth as I felt my eyes welling up. I seized him by the collar and pressed my lips to his, taking him off guard and leaning him back. It was quite an odd position to take with such a tall boy, but I didn't mind. All I cared about was being as close as possible to him. His eyes shot open in surprise for a moment, before fluttering closed as I moved. He sighed and lifted his hand up, laying the golden circlet across my (h/c) hair. I heard the crowd cheering as I allowed him to steady himself and stand up. He laughed and pulled me close, resting his forehead against mine as he often did. There was a tiny clink as our metal headpieces fell against each other. I slowly opened an eye to the sound of applause and blushed. Perhaps I'd responded a BIT too rashly. Regardless, we were happy as we spent the rest of the night in celebration.
"(Y/n)! You don't have to worry about a thing! We've got everything covered for you." I blinked in surprise. The crowd of excited Gerudo women giggled as I tilted my head. "I've taught my students all they need to know about the wedding ceremony," Ashai said, adjusting her pink hair with pride. "That means we have everything under control, from the hair," one of her students said, "To the makeup!" another finished, brandishing a bit of blue lipstick.
"Oh... wow... thank you guys but I'm just not sure that we'll be doing a huge ceremony. Is all this necessary?" Isha stepped forward, rolling her eyes. "We don't have weddings very often, let alone royal weddings. This is completely necessary. In fact, I think we can do more. I've got a fine set of diamonds. Saula, I'll need your help to make the veil." Saula, the owner of the clothing shop nodded intently. "This thing is going to sparkle like oasis waters," she said, already pondering what fabric she could use. "Don't forget the rest of her outfit too!" Isha said before turning back to me.
"Now then, we were thinking we'd have the ceremony at Kara Kara Bazaar. Oh! And Spera, Lorn and Estan, you're on catering." I nodded slowly in alarm. "My... that's a lot of work are you all sure about-"
"(Y/n), please," Isha said, a wide smile spreading across her face. "You may think that we've done this all for you, but that's just not true!" Ashai gave her a strange look. "Ah! Have no doubt. You've been wonderful to us. This is your special day after all," she quickly recovered. "But this is also a time for the Gerudo women to shine," she said, adjusting her intricate hairstyle. "We are going to make you sparkle like the finest desert jewels, my dear. Consider it a day for us to show our skills!" An excited laugh of agreement sounded throughout the room. "So. Let's get to work," Isha said with a wink. I opened my mouth to respond, only to reconsider my decision. If they were this excited to put this wedding together, then I wasn't going to stop them. Saula took my hand and led me towards her shop. "Let's get some measurements!"
"There!" Ashai announced, having just finished applying my makeup. My eyes opened. The Gerudo ladies were gathered around in excitement. Ashai held up a mirror for me to admire myself in. I was shocked. The (f/c) lipstick and eyeshadow they'd applied looked absolutely stunning. They'd taken the liberty to wash and arrange my hair in an updo. I almost didn't recognize myself without the messy, (h/c) locks. Everything matched my pure white Gerudo garb perfectly.
I smiled as I watched myself. "It's beautiful! Thank you." Ashai beamed at me and nodded. "This is so exciting!" another woman cried. The others agreed until Saula and Isha arrived. They fell silent as the two ladies lifted up the veil. My mouth hung open. All the accessories I'd worn before were nothing compared to this work of art. It was made of an unfamiliar white fabric, which shone ethereally. Bits of diamond had been attached to the veil, giving it the sparkle they'd been excited for. The women attached it to my circlet and laid it down, letting it fan out across my back.
"Impressive... I'd never expected to see you in something quite so shiny." I recognized that voice immediately. I turned my head to see Riju standing towards the back of the room. "I think it's wonderful!" responded a lighter voice. The second figure took a step forward, allowing me to place their identity. "Mei? Riju? You guys made it?" Riju chuckled. "Of course. I wouldn't want to miss this." She came closer and held out her arms for a hug. I smiled brightly and brought her close. She was taller than she'd been when I saw her last. She looked far more peaceful than I'd ever seen her look. Mei approached and embraced me excitedly. "It's been so long, (Y/n)!" I nodded. Zora hugs were quite an odd experience.
"So where have you guys been?" I said, sitting back down in my chair. "Well, as you know I've been doing a bit of traveling. I was in Zora's Domain when I heard the news."
"Riju and Link were kind enough to escort me here!" Mei chimed in. "Link?" I asked curiously. Riju nodded. "He came with us. But, men outside of our own race still aren't welcome in this city. You'll see each other at the ceremony." I smiled softly and nodded, wondering what it may be like to see him again. "So... are you all ready?" Riju asked. Her question was met with a squeal of excitement. I shook my head at the ladies' outburst. "I suppose so."
The sight of the ceremony was beautiful. The Gerudo had truly gone all out. I was a bit intimidated by what everyone had done for us. I felt a little sick at the thought. I longed for Kahli to be at my side. Unfortunately, I hadn't caught sight of him for quite some time. I cast my eyes downward to the cool safflina in my arms, until I heard a hushed voice.
"Sav'saaba, my queen." I couldn't hide my joy when I heard him speak. I opened my mouth to respond until I was silenced. "Shh. One of the Gerudo might get angry if they find me here." I tilted my head. "I know, I know. Apparently it has something to do with seeing the bride before the wedding," he said with a roll of his eyes. I laughed quietly. "Though I must say, even if they were to catch me it'd be worth it." I smiled at his comment. He'd never been one to listen to rules. His eyes grew cloudy as watched me. "This whole thing is rather... loud," he mumbled, taking my hand in his. "I know. I miss hearing your voice." He grinned and placed a hand to my cheek. "But I'm right here."
"No, just you..." I laughed. He ran his thumb over my cheek, as he often did. "Maybe there's still time. We could run away. Get married in secret. I mean, do they really need us right here?" he asked jokingly. "They'd see us." He groaned and rested his forehead on my thigh. "Come on, no time to mope. We'll be alone again soon."
"I'll be looking forward to it," he said with a wink, disappearing almost as quickly as he'd arrived. I smiled to myself. "Me too."
"(Y/n)!" I heard a woman calling. "Come on, let's get going."
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