《Breathtaking (LozBOTW Link X Reader)》The Forbidden City ➺15
Art by Heikky on Deviantart
I yawned lazily and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I heard a groan as I was pulled a bit closer to the boy beside me. I opened one eye and glanced down at the hand on my waist, then up at the peaceful face of the hero. I couldn't remember where we were or how we'd gotten there, but it all felt so right. His blonde hair reflected bits of sunlight as he dozed.
I smiled and reached up, tucking a bit of hair behind his ear. Link's eyelids fluttered open slowly. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust. They focused in on me as a wide smile spread across his face. "Morning." I shook my head with a laugh. His hair was still standing upright with static in some places. I placed a hand to his chest and laid my head down beside it, closing my eyes and allowing his steady heart beat lull me back to sleep.
I heard a loud thump beside me and grimaced, not wanting to wake up. Heavy footsteps approached me, but still I didn't budge. I finally felt someone shaking me, calling my name.
Someone was shaking me, their hand on my shoulder. I awoke with a start, shooting up and slamming my head against a rough ceiling. "What the-" I raised a hand to my head and grimaced. I'd been in such a hurry last night I hadn't noticed that I was sleeping in a bunk bed. I glared to my side to see who'd woken me up. Link stood beside me, raising his hands in guilty defeat. I sighed deeply and swung my feet over the side of my bed, careful to avoid the ladder beside me. "Yes, kid?" I began angrily.
"Well then," he scoffed. "Remind me to never wake you." I rolled my eyes and stood up, stretching my arms and back. Link eyed the scar on my side as I moved. I pretended I didn't notice. "Now that you're awake, I have a few questions."
"Shoot," I said as I walked towards the door. A Gerudo woman was setting up a few stands of arrows towards the front of the inn, presumably starting a business. I sent her a polite smile and purchased a few regular arrows. Link followed closely behind. I knew he was going to ask me how we could get into the city, but he couldn't exactly discuss this heist around the Gerudo. I was content with waiting. Though this may be difficult without Link, I was completely prepared to do this on my own.
I finally finished shopping and stepped outside. I shielded my eyes from the molten sun and gazed at the oasis around us. Luckily, with a large source of water and shade nearby, Kara Kara Bazaar wasn't as hot as it's surroundings. I wasn't planning on wearing my cloak anymore. Though it was considerably cooler here than the rest of the desert, the air itself was still burning.
Link walked out beside me and crossed his arms. "First of all-" I cut him off. A Gerudo woman was seated just outside the inn. We'd need a safer place to speak. I glanced about and caught sight of a ladder on the side of the rock structure and motioned for him to follow me. Towards the top of the ladder, Link finally had his chance to speak. "So, how am I going to get inside Gerudo City?" he asked impatiently, annoyed with having his question delayed for so long.
I sighed and hoisted myself over the top of the ladder. I sat at the edge of the rock structure and leaned over, staring at the land below. The water of the oasis shone in the warm sun, turning a blinding shade of gold and white. Link moved next to me in a less than graceful manner. I laughed dryly and addressed the issue. "I really don't know. I don't think it matters. I can do this part alone." Link shook his head. "No way. I'm going to be there with you! You'll get hurt." I scoffed in disgust. "After all this time you seriously think I'm going to hurt myself? I'm pretty much the only reason you aren't dead. You're the one who needs a babysitter." I said, elbowing his arm. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Whatever..."
He placed a hand on my knee for a moment. I turned and caught his eye. His long, blonde hair reflected the sunlight, much like the pool below. "Y/-" We took notice of the figure behind us as they cleared their throat. I pushed Link's hand from my knee and gasped. I turned to see a Gerudo woman, dressed in traditional clothing. Their face was obscured by a thin piece of intricate, pink cloth. There was something off about them... They had a rather manly build for a woman, and their nose didn't seem quite as pointed as the typical Gerudo. I tilted my head in confusion as they cleared their throat once more. This was not a Gerudo woman, but a Hylian male.
Link glanced at me in horror, thinking we'd been caught trying to enter the city. I placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "It's fine." The man in front of us shifted positions raising a hand to his chin. "Sorry ~ I couldn't help but overhear. This lovely young lad is trying to get into Gerudo City, huh?" I nodded. "Yes, we need to-" He waved his hand and cut me off. "I see..." Link was squinting at him suspiciously. He giggled and blushed. "What's the matter?"
"You're... A man?" He scoffed and shook his head. "What a silly thing to say! Of course not." I elbowed Link roughly. "O-Oh! I meant you're beautiful!" The stranger's demeanor changed instantly. "How sweet! I must say, it's these gorgeous clothes that make this work," he began, hinting at what he was about to propose. I smiled, knowing what was coming next. I should've had this idea earlier, seeing as even I thought Link was a girl the first time I saw him.
"I think this outfit would look rather stunning on you, don't you think?" He gulped and stared at my grinning face. "Yes, I think they'd look lovely~!" he continued. "I'll be willing to sell you some, for 600 rupees, that is." I could feel Link's anguish as he reached for his pouch of rupees. He grudgingly handed the money over and received a full Gerudo outfit. The stranger and I averted our eyes, giving him a second to change.
"Done," he announced when he was finished. I turned excitedly to admire his change of clothes. My heart skipped a beat as I witnessed his girly outfit. A crop top, thin pants and sleeves, and a veil decorated his body, each in various shades of blue, green and purple. Bits of gold jewelry held the ensemble together, adding a bit of shine to his top and sandals. A wide smile spread across my face as I watched him, demanding he turn to show off his clothing.
He picked at his outfit and glared at me, knowing I'd never let him live this moment down. The man who'd sold us the clothing grinned and held his hands to his heart. Link shifted in embarrassment as we praised him. All his golden trinkets seemed to sparkle as we gushed over his looks. "Eek~ ! You're so adorable! Plus, with an outfit as breathable as that, you'll hardly notice the heat!" the man cried as Link glanced at the ground. "No one will ever guess you're a man!" I finished.
Link looked up at me, pouting. "Oh, stop with that! You look precious~ !" I stepped forward and pinched his cheek. He took a deep breath and cracked a small smile. "You know, we're going to have to buy you one of these as well." My eyes widened and I took a step back. "Pssh. I'll be fine without one." The stranger cleared his throat once again to interrupt us. "Well. I suppose you two had better get going. You've got a shopping spree to go on."
"Shopping spree?" I asked, thinking he was referring to my clothing. "That's why you're entering the city, correct?" I was about to answer when the ground began to shake. I heard an eerie groan sound from the far desert. The Divine Beast Vah Naboris was kicking up a nasty sandstorm. Bolts of lighting struck all around the figure, and the rock structure we were standing atop quaked with each of its agitated steps. "Actually... we're here to help with that problem," Link explained. The man gasped and fanned himself. "My, my! You're quite the brave hero. I'm so happy I could lend you a hand. And..." He sent Link a wink. "If you're free to grab a bite to eat sometime, keep me in mind. My name is Vilia, just so you know. ~" I narrowed my eyes as Vilia sent me a glare. A particularly strong gust of wind blew by, revealing the beard beneath his veil. He laughed nervously. "You should probably watch out for the wind..." Link nodded and took my hand. "We should get going. Thanks for your help, Vilia." He waved. "Anytime!"
With that, we climbed back down the ladder to the ground below. Link suddenly felt his back for his weapons and gasped. "I'll be right back," he announced, returning to his room in the inn to collect his weapons. I nodded and took a lap around the Bazaar, hoping to find something useful. A thin sheet of sweat was gathering across my skin and I began to pant as I kept moving. I finally sat down next to the pond with a sigh.
"Heat too much for you?" I heard a voice beside me ask. A black feathered Rito was sitting atop a boulder right beside the water. "My name's Guy. You know, there's quite a bit of ingredients in the desert you could use to make cooling elixirs. You might need one." He said, eyeing the sweat dripping from my brow. I swallowed and nodded. "Yeah, thanks."
Link joined me at the shore. "You alright? You don't look too good..."
"I'm fine," I said with a wave of my hand. Guy looked over and laughed. "She's really not. I'm telling you, cooling elixirs are the way to go." Link placed his hands on my shoulders. "Stay here. I'll find something for you," he said, determined to keep me comfortable. Usually, I'd hate to be doted on, but the heat was becoming a bit too much to bear. Plus, he looked rather adorable in that outfit. I didn't mind him caring for me, just for now.
Link returned in a few minutes, his arms filled with 3 small blue bottles. He held one out to me with a proud smile. "Here! I found the recipe pretty quickly. I'm not quite as good at this as you are... but this should do the trick." I took the bottle in my hands and popped the cork. Tendrils of icy vapor rose from the top of the bottle, leaving trails of frozen crystals on everything they touched. The mixture smelled of mint and numbed my nose. I pressed my hand to my face to rub the feeling back into it. "Damn... This is pretty strong." He nodded. "Sorry... but you've gotta to take something."
I took a breath, eyeing the sparkling substance with suspicion and leaned my head back to chug the contents of the bottle. A violent chill coursed through my spine as I drank, seemingly freezing my body solid. The feeling passed, and I could no longer feel the boiling heat of the desert sun. I smiled and exhaled. My breath was visible despite the warmth of the desert. Link extended his hand to help me up and handed me the remaining 2 bottles. I tucked them away in a pouch as we set off for Gerudo City.
We arrived at the gates of the city after a long trek through the desert. The trip hadn't been too rough, except for a few encounters with electrified enemies, such as a few lizalfos who would remain motionless until given the chance to strike. Luckily, we'd been able to avoid most of them and came out unharmed. There were two guards standing just outside the city. They eyed us carefully as we entered, ensuring that we were both female. My heart pounded in my chest as they stared at Link. I breathed a sigh of relief as they allowed him to walk right in.
The city was absolutely gorgeous, though I couldn't help but feel like I'd seen it before. Shimmering aqueducts ran throughout the buildings, providing clean water to all who needed it. Each pool was lined with intricate stones and tiles, giving the town square a regal look. Link and I walked side by side, admiring the many shops around the town. Each was decorated with intricate rugs, cloths, and sandstone carvings. One was even adorned with expensive jewels and gold. I assumed that was the jeweler's shop.
The Gerudo women towered above us as they went about their business. As we continued, I noticed a clothing shop nearby. They were selling Link's exact outfit in (f/c). Link stopped me and pointed with a smirk. "We can only make so many elixirs, you know." I glared at him. I didn't want to admit how much I wanted that outfit.
I approached the merchant and smiled politely. She greeted me in the Gerudo language. "Sav'aaq. How may I help you?" I pointed to the clothing on display. "I'd like to purchase that. How much are you selling it for?"
"The entire set will be 540 rupees." She gave me a closer look and narrowed her eyes, as if trying to remember something. She shook her head as I handed over the money and stepped behind the changing curtain. "Sorry... you just looked familiar..."
The fabric was quite breathable, and framed my body quite nicely. It showed a bit more skin than I typically showed, but it would surely keep me cool. I didn't care much for the veil. There was no reason to hide my face, as I was actually female, but I kept it on regardless. I stepped outside to show Link.
He was seated outside on the sandstone steps. I called out to him and he turned. His eyes widened as he saw my outfit. I laughed and extended a hand, helping him to his feet. His gaze didn't shift from my figure. "Y-you look amazing..." I rolled my eyes, unimpressed. "A-anyway! I heard some girls mention the Divine Beast. Apparently their ruler has been struggling to gain control of it again. We should speak to her..." I nodded in agreement and looked around. There was a grand palace towards the front of the city. Surely, we'd find the chief there.
We ascended the many steps to the palace. The guards eyed us cautiously as we moved, but didn't stop us. We walked straight into the palace and took a look around. This structure was even more intricate than what we'd seen before. The style was very much the same, but there were far more decorations adorning the room. It was built to appear rather open, though it was menacing to see statues of fierce Gerudo guards glare down at us from atop their pedestals. I felt Link shudder as we approached their leader.
A tiny Gerudo girl sat atop the throne. Her outfit spoke to her status, as it was covered in details and expensive jewels. A crown of sculpted gold and ruby lay in her long, red hair, framed by the light of the sun that peaked out just behind the girl's seat. She sat back, relaxing with her legs crossed and her head resting on her hand, and regarded us with a curious smile. The biggest woman I'd ever seen stood at her side, stoically gripping a gilded sword. She glared at us, stopping us in our tracks.
The chief gave Link a once-over and smiled, her green eyes shimmering with a wisdom that was beyond her years. Something about those eyes seemed familiar... My thoughts were cut off as she began to speak. "More travelers?" Her eyes shifted to me and widened. "(Y/n)"?! The chief sat up and gripped her armrests. "You've finally returned?" I stared back in confusion. Her face fell as her guard leaned over. "I don't think she remembers," she spoke sullenly. The chief recollected herself. "... Of course. I suppose your memories may return to you in time."
Link took a step forward to speak to her. The guard struck the ground with her sword. "Halt! You're in the presence of Cheif Riju. State your business, but come no closer." Riju raised a hand. "Hold on, Buliara. These are clearly no ordinary guests. In fact..." she took a closer look at Link. "I believe we've let a voe enter our city."
The guard raised up her sword, infuriated. "A voe?!" Riju raised her hand once more, stopping Buliara from doing anything too rash. "I'd like to know why they're here. If he's traveling with (y/n)... I think we know him already."
"M-my name is Link," he began nervously. Buliara was still staring intensely enough to kill. He gulped and continued. "I don't know why, but I guess you already know who (y/n) is." Riju nodded slowly. "Why have you come to us?"
"We've come to reclaim Vah Naboris." I could hear Buliara scoff. Riju didn't seem surprised, but, she wasn't convinced either. "You truly think you're powerful enough to tame the Divine Beast?" She mused. Buliara cut in. "You know, the only other people to do so were the champions, like Lady Urbosa." I noticed she didn't mention their deaths. "We're prepared. We've already calmed Vah Ruto and Vah Medoh." Riju tilted her head, her eyebrow raised. She was impressed.
"Well then, I suppose we'll be working together." Link was baffled by their sudden acceptance. Riju seemed unfazed by his gender, and she didn't question our motives. It was as if she'd expected this all to happen. Buliara eyed me curiously, as though shocked that I was standing before her. Link finally spoke up. "Typically, this is when people tell us only champions can enter the Divine Beasts..." Riju smiled and leaned back. "That would be a waste of time. We know who you are." The pieces were slowly coming together. The Hylian people had risked my life when they had locked me away in the Gerudo desert's resurrection chamber. It was only natural that they would discuss their actions with the race that lived there.
"So, your people protected me for all those years?" Buliara nodded. "We kept a close watch. Typically, we don't not make arrangements with the Hylians..."
"But this battle was beyond us. To leave you to die would be foolish. The Hylian princess foresaw that we would need both of you if we were to defeat Calamity Ganon. To refuse their offer would be to refuse Lady Urbosa her vengeance," the young chief spoke sullenly. "I must say. The story seems more legend than fact. I wouldn't have believed it had I not met you just a few years ago, (y/n)." I fidgeted with the (f/c) fabric on my arms. "What do you mean by that?"
"I suppose that brings us into our next topic. The Yiga Clan." Buliara dug her fingernails into the hilt of her sword upon hearing that name. Her scowling gaze was again, sharp enough to kill. I gulped and glanced away, not wanting to mention my encounters with the Yiga boy.
"You see (y/n), you were sealed away in a rather dangerous part of the desert. We unwillingly share this land with that band of thieves. They learned about your presence just years prior to your awakening. They attempted to attack you on a few occasions, but never succeeded." Buliara sighed and shook her head as Riju continued. "Until one day. They struck when our guard was down. I was far too young to aid you then. My mother held me back as Buliara and some other Gerudo guards came to help."
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