《From An Omega To A Hunter》chance 39


Lizzy POV

I left Blake's pack finally completing my mission so I headed back to the institute in one of the cars that came to pick me up

After hours of anxiously waiting, the place that I haven't saw in months came into view, when we came to a halt I got out and took my things out of the trunk. I signed in at the front desk then headed up to my room, when I got there it was exactly how I left it, I placed my bags on the ground and headed over to Rogers office

I knocked on the door and heard as he told me to come in " how may I help you" he asked with his head buried in papers

"How about telling me what a great job I did on my mision" I said and watched as he raised his head with a smile on his face

"Hey Eli welcome back, and great job on your mission " he chuckled and gave me a sarcastic thumbs up causing me to laugh

"Yeah it's good to be back, but there's one thing that I wanted to speak to you about "

"Oh yeah, what is it "

"Well I want to resign from being a hunter "

"Oh I see , so why is it that you want to leave " he ask putting his files away then giving me his full attention

" I have a mate now and I told him that I would return " I look him in the eyes then looked away fiddling with my thumb

"Elizabeth you know the rules hunters don't usually resign unless a critical injury "

"Yes I know but I have to return to him please I'll do anything you want me too" he sighed and rubbed his head looking more stressed than the last time I saw him


"I figured this day will come, I knew that you had nothing that was tying you down here, luckily I planned for this, I'll give you one last mission before you put down your guns

"Thank you roger, I owe you one " I sighed in relief

"Hmm I'll think about that, but anyways the mission will be a solo and it shouldn't take you more than a few days. Know this Elizabeth I'm putting my neck on the line for you, I have faith that you wouldn't dare betray us hunters but if you do I don't have to tell you the consequences "

"I understand sir and I do appreciate everything that your doing for me"

He dug through his file and found a folder handing me my final mission, I took it without another word and left his office, when I returned to my room I got my gear ready and headed out







A couple day had passed and my final mission was completed, I went into Rogers office to finalize some more things before I headed into my room to get started on packing

"Hey Eli you didn't tell me you were back, now your leaving again" Chris voice sounded from behind me

I turned around and faced him with an apologetic smile on my face "I'm sorry that I didn't come to see you, I was kinda busy"

"Yeah i heard, i also heard that your leaving the institute for good"

"Yeah i am, it's time that I go back to the person that's waiting for me "

"I still can't believe your already leaving "

"Yeah I know it's hard to believe, but I'm glad that I met you chris, if it weren't for you I might not have been here today so thank you" , i went and gave him a hug


"Your welcome I just hope that you take care of yourself "

"Yeah I will, dont worry "

"I'll miss you Eli, and don't every forget that we're here for you if you ever need us"

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind" I smiled then watched as he headed through the door leaving me to finish pack

The day after tomorrow is Alexander's birthday so I plan to suprise him then , me and John had already made the plans for the dinner under the stars , hopefully there'll be stars though you never can be too sure. There's a cabin on the top of a cliff that I heard he hardly goes too so I decided to plan the dinner there

'Hopefully by the time I'm done he'll fall head over heels for me again, haha fat chance I bet the minute he sees me he'll turn away or maybe he won't' i shook my head why am I over thinking this thing I need to get it together

When I was finished packing I carried my luggage down stairs and waited for the person that John said he'll send to pick me up

"Hey Eli are you leaving already" Chelsey said as she came up to me and embrace me in a hug which I returned

"I'm so sorry I'm leaving you guys but I'll visit whenever I get the chance I promise" I said then we released each other

"You better, or I'll hunt you down" I just laughed and shook my head at her. We talked for a little while longer until the car finally showed up

"Bye I'll miss you" I waved at her

"I'll miss you too take care of yourself" she waved back with a huge grin on her face

Sighing I braced back in my seat and got comfortable watching as the trees pass us by as we make of our way to the silver lake pack, the drive was a bit long but when we arrive I was escorted to the cabin by the cliff were I would stay until Alexander's birthday I didn't want him to find out I was here until then

The man that helped me here gave me a key to the cabin and told me that John will contact me then left. I entered the house and saw how beautiful the inside was, I guess he had asked someone to clean up the place, when I was finished putting my stuff away I made something to eat with the grocery that I saw in the fridge and took a seat outside on the patio looking on at the view

Later in the evening john had called me to make sure I settled in and told me that tomorrow we'll get started on decorating the place, so I agreed but asked him to let jenna come aswell, it had been awhile since I saw her








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