《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 38


Lizzy POV

The next morning Blake wanted to talk to me so I got dressed and headed down stairs to find him, when I did he was already in the kitchen eating breakfast

"Hey" , he greeted me with a mouth full of pancakes

"Hey , how are you feeling" i ask as i watched him drink down some juice then cleared his throat

"Better thanks to you,"

"Oh it was nothing really, you should be thanking Cassandra"

"the traitor, what do you mean by thanking her"

"Well she and her grandmother was the ones that actually help your wolf regained his strength, they are descended from witches, so they knew of many potions that helped"

"So she was a witch, I had no idea, where is she now" he asked with curious eyes

"She's being held in a cell, and if you don't do something your father might execute her "

"But that is the penalty for traitors,"

"But she helped you" , I shouted "you can't seriously be thinking of killing her after that"

"Let's just forget about that topic for now, please join me for breakfast, so we can go talk somewhere private after"

I sighed letting go of it for now and took a seat at the island then began munching on my pancakes

When we both were finished he lead me to the back of house to were the garden was

As we walked along the garden he then spoke "I just wanted to thank you for staying, you saved my life "

"It's ok, I'm just glad that I could've helped "

"I also heard that you marked me", he blushed a bit and scratched the back of his head

"It was no big deal, so don't get too cocky now" I folded my arms and nudged his shoulder but it just made him laugh

"Thanks though", he said as his laughter died down, we then found a bench and took a seat "by the way do you really plan on leaving, you always can stay"

"I'm sorry blake but I have a mate, and i promised him that I would return"

"But things were finally getting better between us, after everything that happened I still don't wanna let you go"


"Blake I can't, you broke my heart once I'm not about let you have it again"

"Please" he begged "I'd do anything, I'll be the man that you want me to be"

I sighed feeling even more stressed, why can't things just be simple all I wanted was a simple life but no faith just had be a bitch

Realizing that I wasn't about to speak he dropped down on his knees ready to beg me again but held his tongue, staring at me with pity in his eyes

"What's wrong" I asked a little concern

"Their about to go ahead with Cassandra execution"

"WHAT " I yelled horrified

"Dame it, my father didn't even confide in me first even though I'm the alpha of this pack, c'mon let go" he stood to his feet and held out his hands for me to take

I took it regardless that I didn't want to and ran back to the pack house, when we arrived everyone was already gathered around as they brought Cassandra out with her hands and feet in chains with wolf's baine on them

"What are you doing, release her " I shouted at the two men that held her

"You can't tell us what to do Elizabeth, you made it very clear that you don't want to be apart of this pack anymore" Richard spoke coming out of the house

"But she saved Blake isn't that enough to spear her life" I argued

"Silence, I dont want to here anymore out of you"

I looked at Blake for his reaction but he gave non to my suprise " are you seriously going to stand there and let this happen"

Before he could speak I heard my parents voice butting in

"Lizzy you should listen to the alpha " my mother spoke

"What are you guys talking about I can't just listen to him when he's trying to execute someone that doesn't deserve it "

"Young lady enough of it" my father interjects

"Look! you might be my parents and i did forgive you for all the horrible things you said about me, but dont think for a second that I have forgotten or that I'm the little girl that you all once knew cause I'm not her anymore, so back off and shut up "


"What things are you talking about we didn't-" my mom tried to deny

"Don't lie to me , cause I over heard everything you said about me after you came back home that day"

"Lizzy we didn't mean to-" she started walking towards me , but I just backed away

"Save your excuses, cause I don't want to hear them , I've tried so hard to let go off the past, to give you guys another chance although you didn't deserve it. I was already feeling depressed about my mates rejection but instead of supporting me , you rubbed more salt on the fresh wound and that is why I ran away"

"We're so sorry lizzy please forgive us" she sobbed coming even closer to me but placed some distance between us

"I gave you guys a chance before but you've shown me that whatever I do or say you won't agree with it unless the alpha approves, well guess what I'm not apart of this pack anymore and I never will be"

I turned away from them then looked back at Blake "for saving your life you owe me and I intend to collect, right here and now"

"What are you saying lizzy , what is it that you want " he asked me

"Cassandra do not deserve death so I suggest a more suitable punishment you should give her"

" But-t" he tried backing out

"Aren't you alpha of this pack "

"Yes I am "

"Well only you can make that decision then"

He sighed but walked up to his father anyways "father if you dont mind please step aside"

"What do you think your doing son I am alpha of this pack"

"You were, now move before I removed you " he spoke with authority causing his father to growl at him, in the end it became a growling session between these two alphas

"Gentlemen please I haven't got all day, I have a mate that's waiting for me so the faster this is over with the faster I can get to see him " I folded my arms at them

Richard looked at me with dead set hatred in his eyes but quiet down and move aside so his son can stand in front of Cassandra

"As alpha of this pack I thank you Cassandra for your help in saying my life, but your crimes has not been forgiven so instead of killing you , I banish you from this pack and any other pack that you come into contact with. From this day forth you are now a rouge

I sighed in relief that he's not going to kill her but felt no sympathy for the road she must now walk , she made her choice now she must face the consequences

They proceeded and marked her with the emblem R so that no other pack will accept her then escorted her to the pack borders

'I guess my work here is done' I thought then headed back inside

"Lizzy , lizzy " I heard my name being shouted, when I turned around I saw Blake jogging toward me

"What is it Blake "

"We didn't finish our conversation "

" Oh I think it's clear that my answer to your question is no, my work here is done , so I think it's time to go home"

"But here is your home"

"No it's not , it was my home but not anymore "

"But please I need you here with me"

"I'm sorry Blake but I'm not yours anymore, now let me be I have to go back upstairs and pack my suitcase, I'll be leaving tomorrow "

"But I just woke up, your gonna leave me so soon, while everything's a mess"

"It's not my mess to clean up, besides I came here on a mission and now that it's done, there no reason left for me to stay"

"What about your family"

"Their not my concern anymore, so please stop with the excuses to make me stay cause I've made up my mind already"

I looked at him one last time then turned around and walked away eager to just leave this place, too bad I can't just go straight to Alexander, first I'll have to go back to the institute , resign then I'll be free to be with him.

I huffed in annoyance but knew there was no other way, I don't want any hunters after me thinking I betrayed them.








A/N : hey everyone, so I was like super busy lately but I still got y'all covered

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