《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 37


Lizzy POV

A few months had passed but Blake was still unconscious, luckily Cassandra and her grandmother did everything they can so that his wolf could regained his strength

"Don't worry my dear any day now he'd wake up" , Cassandra grandmother came up to me as I sat in a chair near his bed

"I hope so" I sighed, these few months had been stressful especially without my mate, the temporary mark that binded me and Blake had worn off, so once again I felt the mate pull of Alexander though it was faint because of how far apart we are

John has kept me updated on his activities most of the time, but truth be told I was upset that he was the one talking to me instead of Alex, but I guess there was nothing I could do about it

"Why don't you come and eat something, your looking a bit pale" she insisted

" Yeah sure", I glanced at Blake one last time then headed through the door, I followed her to the kitchen. then took a seat at the island

"Wait right there I'll make you something" I just nod my head and watched as she prepared something for me to eat, to be honest she was kind to me from the moment she saw me, but I couldn't figure out why, her granddaughter was kept prisoner inside a cell, while she's here making me lunch

"Can I ask you something" I looked at her as her back was facing me

"Sure go right ahead" she gave me a glance then turned back to the stove

"Why have you been so nice to me since you arrived "

"Oh haha," she chuckled "well you see I knew your mother and she was like a daughter to me , it's only fair that I see you as my granddaughter "


"Wait really you knew my mother "

"Yes dear, I knew her well "

"Oh I see" I said then I watched as she finished my meal and placed it in front of me "thank you"

"It's no problem dear, now you eat up so that you can regain your strength" , with out wasting time I did as she said and finished my food in record time ' I guess I really was that hungry' I thought to myself

I rinse my plate out in the sink then headed back to room that Blake was in, after his wolf had regained back his strength, they moved him from the infirmary and place him inside the pack house

I entered the room and took a seat in the chair that I was in at first, I laid my head on his bed feeling a bit tired from my lack of sleep and drifted off into dreamland





"Hey lizzy wake up, lizzy can you hear me" a familiar voice called out

"Alex have you finally come for me" I mumbled still in a sleepy state

"Lizzy it's me Blake now wake up" , the voice became more clearer

"Blake" I shoot up from off of the bed and looked around the room before my eyes landed on him

He was in a sitting position smiling at me looking like a total reck

"I'm glad to see your finally awake" I said surprised a bit

"How long has it been", he spoke in a hoarse tone

"Well it has been over three months"

"WHAT, wow that long, who has been running the pack in my absence "

"Your father" I said then got up from out of the chair "I'll be back, I'm gonna go and grab you some water and call the doctor"

"Thanks" he sighed then laid back in bed


I left his room once again then made my way to the kitchen to get some water , I contacted the doctor by phone then went up and told his father that he was awake

When I returned I handed him the water and waited for his pack to welcome back there alpha

His father came in first, with a couple elder hot on his heels, " son it's good to see that your awake, your mother was worried sick"

His mother was out in town shopping so she couldn't be here right now , the doctor then came in to examine him futher

I however just slipped out of the room to give them some space since I wasn't a part of their pack anymore

I went into the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of water, when Cassandra grandmother came up to me

"I heard he's awake" she spoke

" Yea he is" I took a sip of water

"Elizabeth dear can I ask you a favor " she looked at me with pleading eyes

"Sure gran I have no problem, what is it " I looked at her curious to know

"Can you please beg the alpha to spare my grand daughter's life, she's all I have after my son died " she said with tears in her eyes

"You don't have to worry, I'm not about to let them kill her " I hugged her to give some reassurance

"Thank you dear, you are a gentle soul "

I smiled at her kind words but knew I was the opposite of a gentle soul, it has already been tainted by the blood of my victims and can't be wiped away so easily

I finished off my water then left the kitchen and headed back to his room to check on him

When I entered his father was the only person who was in the there

"Hey I just came back to check on you, before I head up to my room, are you good "

"Yes I am thank you, also can we talk tomorrow " he asked

"Yeah sure", I smiled "I guess I'll leave you two then"

With that I walked away and headed up to my room to take a well deserved nap







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