《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 40


The next day I woke up, got dress then made something to eat, waiting on everyone to be here so we could get started, alex birthday is tomorrow so I don't wanna waste anytime I just hope that he doesn't suspect anything from anyone

Everyone had came in the afternoon way later than I thought they would but I couldn't complain at least there helping, Jenna had also come to help and her stomach had gotten a lot bigger than the last time I saw her

"Hey lizzy its been a while"

" Yea it has , just look at you" I smiled then rubbed her belly

"I know I've gotten a lot bigger huh " she laughed

"You certainly have, let's go inside and get the place ready while we catch up" I said then lead her inside the house along with some other she wolves that came to help

By the time we were done setting up, the place had gotten dark so the girls decided to go back while jenna stayed the night with me






The next morning we continued just the two of us and decorated outside placing lanterns along the path that lead to the end of the cliff where we placed a table and two chairs then decorated it

I decided that I would make dinner for us so I ask john to get the ingredients for me to begin preparing early, I also asked him how he's going to get Alex up here but he said he had a plan so i just left that task to him

"Hey I brought the ingredients you needed " john said as he pulled up to the cabin and got out of his car

"Oh hey john just hand them to jenna", I said "by the way how is he's doing"

" Well he looks a bit more upset today than most days but other than that he's fine, although like every other day he's still working"

"Oh I see well don't worry from now on I'll make sure that he doesn't push himself more than he should "

"Yeah good luck on that, anyways I'll be going now, I'll make sure he here by seven "

"Thanks John, for everything " I said as jenna came back outside

"Your welcome Luna" , he nod then left with her by his side, so that I can start preparing dinner on my own

The day was coming to an end making way for night to settle in as I saw the sunset in the distance, luckily dinner was already finished so all I had to do was freshen up and change into something nice


As time went by the place got dark, and the decorations came to life as the beauty of it set the place ablaze. I made sure the table was already set as the starry sky made everything look magical, the only thing missing now was the birthday boy.

I stood by the edge of the cliff looking on at the beauty of the forest in my sky blue knee length floral dress with my hair flowing down pass my shoulders and a cute wedge on my feet

Seven o clock had long passed and the place was getting even more dark so I thought he might not show, but heard a branch break coming from behind me then smelt his intoxicating scent that left me paralyze, I felt as though I couldn't even turn to face him, but willed myself to do so

Standing on the other side of the table was my beautiful mate in all his glory, he must have ran all the way here in his wolf form then shifted just now

"Elizabeth is that you" he asked approaching me ,I felt as though my voice was gone so I looked him in his eyes and nod my head, feeling the tears as it came to the surface then escaped and ran down my cheeks

That made him came up to me and pulled me into his arms that felt warm and possessive, he pulled away a bit and wiped the tears from my eyes

"I'm sorry" I sobbed

"What are you sorry for my love"

"I'm sorry I took so long, I sorry I put you through the pain I did, I'm sorry that I've been a terrible mate, I almost thought that I lost you"

"Don't be sorry, I apologize that I wasn't there to support yours wishes and you haven't lost me I made a promise to you didn't I" he looked at me with so many emotions on his face

"Can you forgive me " I asked looking into his eyes

"I already have ,so wipe your tears I'm just glad that you came back to me, I must say " he looked around at the decorations and the table that I set "this is the best birthday yet"

"Ok then, go get dress and let's have dinner" I wiped the remaining tears away

"Oh yeah I forgot that I was naked" he laughed causing me laugh as well, god how I missed his laugh . I watched as he headed to the cabin to get dress, while I took a seat at the table and waited for him


When he returned he was dressed in a red button down shirt with a black dress pants and a black shoes to go with it, since it was his cabin he had lots of clothes in there

" You look nice," I smiled as he took a seat at the table

" And your beauty is outstanding my love" he replied making my face heat up and my heart pound by just mere words

"By the way happy birthday, can't believe I forgot to tell you that, I just hope you like your birthday gift"

"Its alright, but seeing your face is the only birthday gift I can ask for" he winked

Omg he is really good with words, here I am blushing like a freak in front of him, just hope I don't do something stupid, i sighed maybe I should just stop overthinking this

"Lizzy are you ok" he looked at me concerned

"Yeah I'm good, let's just start eating shall we, I'm guessing your hungry from the run"

"Yeah sure," he said then we began eating "by the way I know that john helped you plan this and that you two talked pretty often"

"Yeah he did help, how did you know, and also we only talked because you were ignoring my calls . I had to know that your ok one way or the other "

"I listened in on your conversations most of the time"

"Then why did you ignore me"

"I was upset ok, I was even more upset that my beta was the one talking to my mate instead of me" he raised his voice

I got up from my seat and rested myself onto his lap, "well you don't have to be upset anymore I am yours and you are mine and no one can change that"

"I'm sorry I lashed out a bit"

"Dont be, how about I make it up to you"

"What do you have in mind" curiosity beamed on his face

"Let's just finish dinner then I'll show you" I got up from off of him and took my seat then continued eating, when we were done I cleared the table and placed all the dishes back inside

"Are you ready for your suprise" I asked, as I pulled him to follow me to the bedroom, he nod his head with excitement in his eyes

"Well just wait and see" I smirked, when we entered the room I pushed him onto the bed and got on top him grinding my hips on his lower half

"Are you sure about this Elizabeth "

"Of course I'm sure, beside this was way overdue, now be quiet so I can give you your birthday present " I licked my lips and watched as he followed my every movement

I leaned down and captured his lip with mines in a passionate kiss, as I fought for control the alpha in him wasn't giving up so I lost to him as always

I pulled away from the kiss and took my dress off then pulled his shirt off along with his pants leaving us in just our underwear , as I examined his mouth watering body I couldn't help but bite my lips and grind my hips even more on him

He groaned at my teasing then flipped us over, so he's now hovering over me

"What do want me to do to you first" he asked with eyes filled with lust

"Do as you please alpha I'm all yours" as if the words drove him mad his whole body vibrated

"Submit to me", he growled seductively, my body heated up by his words so I did as he asked and showed him my neck

"Good girl" , he whispered in my ears, then placed soft kisses along my neck looking for his favorite spot, when he found what he was looking for he pierced my flesh then sunk his canines into my neck marking me , it felt painful at first but the pain turned into pleasure, sending a rush of adrenaline throughout my entire body

"Now you are mines" When he was done licking the wound, I flipped us back over and sunk my teeth into him as well, causing him to groan in pain and pleasure , The next few hours after that was pure bliss as we made love to each other filled with longing, lust, passion and most of all love







A/n : hey everyone I know this was the chapter you all were waiting for so I hoped you enjoyed it

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