《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 30


Alexander POV

I headed back to my pack after I left lizzy but when I got there, the feeling of home just wasn't appealing anymore I felt empty inside and the worst part of it, is that I'll probably have this feeling everyday until my mate is in my arms

"Alpha are you ok," John asked me

I looked a him and sighed feeling tired about this conversation already " no I'm not"

"What happened, I thought you said that you'll be bringing home the new luna"

I released an even bigger sighed and rubbed my temple " can we not talk about that right now, i think I'll just take a shower and get some rest"

"Ok then, I'll leave you be" he walked away while I headed to my room

I took a warm shower easing the tension in my body a little bit, but I suddenly felt a pain in my chest and it only increased as time went on

I fell to me knees breathing hard by the pain I felt, then blacked out on the shower floor while the water hit my body






When I woke up, i was laying on top of a hospital bed and john was sitting beside me

"What happened" I asked groggily my throat feeling dry

"You feel unconscious in your shower and have been asleep for two days, Elizabeth tried getting onto you but I told her what happened"

"I remember feeling this eminence pain in my chest before I blacked out"

"Yes well " he looked away for a moment then looked back at me "the doctor said it was caused by your mate marking another , he said it was a temporary mark so the bond is still there between you too"

"Oh I see" I felt the tears swelling up in my eyes but I forced myself not to cry


"Was that the reason she didn't come home with you" he asked with sympathy in his eyes

"I don't want to talk about it, now can I get a glass of water and something to eat"

"Sure, I'll go get it " he said then left the room,

My thoughts flooded on her and I wondered if he wakes will she stay with him or come back to me, she said she forgive him was that the reason he was acting that way towards me, did he think that they'd end up back together I sighed trying not to imagine that

John came back with some water and food on a tray , "here you go alpha" he handed the tray to me

"Thanks " I took it and started to eat, finishing the meal in record time not realizing how hungry I really felt, I drank the water and handed the tray back to him

"I'll leave you now, he headed for the door " oh alpha are you going to call her back"

"No I'm not, I'll leave her be, when she's ready she's knows where I am, so for now I'll just drown myself in work and training"

He chuckled and opened the door " just take it easy and try not to kill yourself from work " he said then left

The next few days I got back on my feet and did exactly what I said I would, I drowned my self in work and training, trying to take my mind off of her and focus on my pack like I did for the past years

She had called a few times but I didn't want to talk to her, if I did my wolf might just take over and reach over to his pack and snatched her up, so I stay away from the phone and did more important task that needed taken care of


I saw john approaching and stopped my training that I was currently doing

"Alpha I think you need to just answer her, she's really worried about you"

"I don't want to know" I growled " if she asks again tell her I'm not here ok"

He shook his head and walked away, but I just brushed him off and continued training, I can't get distracted now







A/N : was alex wrong to ignore her ??

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