《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 31


Lizzy POV

Two days had passed and everything in the pack had calmed down, the people had also been escorted back to their home's

Today was also the day that Chelsey and chris were leaving to head back to the institute, their mission had been completed so there's no reason for them to stay any longer

I had contacted Roger on my extended stay due to the situation and he told me that I'm free to stay as long as I like, so here I was watching as chris and Chelsey pack there stuff in the car to get going

"Are you sure you'll be ok, here without us" Chris asked genuinely concerned

"I'm gonna be fine, stop worrying so much" I chuckled lightly

"Ok I believe you , well take care of yourself then " he hugged me then whispered in my ears "just remember, that man that your trying to save is not worth your love so be sure to make the right decision when the time comes"

I just nod my head and smiled " I know"

"Eli I'm gonna miss you" Chelsey screamed and ran up to me squeezing me in a tight hug

"I'll miss you too Chelsey" I hugged her back, "now remember to always do your best and I bet someday you'll make it to your dream

"Thank you, be sure to take care of your self too" she replied as they both got into the car

When they took off I waved at them, shouting my goodbyes until we meet again, when the car was out of sight I headed back inside and went into the kitchen to prepare myself a meal

"What are you making" I heard Richard voice and turned around

I looked at him examining his posture then answered " I'm just making some toast with beacon and egg"


"Can I have some" he asked then took a seat at the island

"Sure" when everything was done I prepared two plates for each of us then sat down as we ate in silence

"So can I ask what happened in the last four years" he spoke breaking the peace and quiet that I felt while I ate

I sighed but still answered him out of respect, which is very slim right now, after all the shit I went through because of his influence

"I was saved by the hunters, they took me in, trained me and sent me on missions to kill or be killed" as I was talking i stabbed at the beacon with my fork then took an angry bite

This dude was seriously starting to piss me off by trying to get all friendly

"So what are planning to do after all of this" he spoke again

"I don't know as yet, I haven't made up my mind "

"Well I think it would be nice if you stayed for a while, the pack have started to accept you as someone more than just a mere wolf, but someone who they find strong enough to lead them"

"What are you trying to say" I looked at him skeptically knowing dame well what his words really meant

"I'm saying that I just want you to at least give him another chance"

"I've said this before, I've moved on and don't plan on being with him"

"If not for him do for the people, they love you and with someone with your skills and intellect we wouldn't have to fear there being any attacks on the pack again"

"I'm sorry we're just friends and I mean it, besides I have a second chance mate now or did you forget"


"But do you love him"

"What kind of stupid question is that "

"Its simple yes or no "

"And what of it if I do"

"Then why are you here instead of with the person you claim to love"

"Why you ungrateful-" I yelled but calmed down immediately and spoke in a more appropriate tone "I am doing your son a favor by being by his side to help him recover, so if you don't like it I can leave"

"Yes you did him a favor by marking him knowing dame well that your other mate is going to feel immense pain that would probably leave his body weak even unconscious but still you did it anyways so do you call what you have for him love "

I was left speechless, I had no idea that he would feel an immense pain that would cause him to collapse like that. Was that the reason he was unconscious when I called, is that the reason he's been avoiding my call aswell

'What have i done, the man that have given me a second chance at love, I placed in harm's way.' My mind raced on as these thoughts keeps flooding in

That settles it then I've made up my mind ,

When this is all over I'm gonna go to my mate cause he needs me, I'll do everything i can so that Blake can have a speedy recovery, I stood from my seat and turned to him

"Look say whatever you want cause I have no time for your bull shit, and you wanted to know what I'll do after all this I'll tell you, i have a man that's waiting for me at my soon to be home so if you'll excuse me I gotta help bring your son back from his half dead state so I can go to him

With that i placed my dishes in the sink and walked out of the kitchen, ready to do what i must to help Blake wake up, i know Alexander is not gonna wait forever








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