《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 29


Lizzy POV

When I finally found the strength to move, I got up dusted myself off and walked back to the hospital. As I passed a few doors I smelled a familiar scent and followed my nose to it

When I opened the door I saw Cassandra on the hospital bed unconscious but her hands and feet were tied down with silver coated in wolf's baine

I was about to leave but stopped in my tracks as I heard her moving about

"What are you doing here" , she asked and I turned to face her

"I just came to check up on you "

"No you didn't so stop lying" I just sighed and walked closer to her bed

"Ok you got me, I wanted to know what was the reason behind your actions " I looked at her hoping she'd answer me

What I didn't expect to see was her eyes brimming with tears " I didn't mean to hurt anyone i just wanted him dead after everything he put me through" she sobbed as tears fell from her face

Feeling sympathetic for her I leaned in and hugged her " what do you mean you, who did you want dead "

I let go of her but held her shoulders at arms length

"My step father I wanted him dead, he's the former beta of this pack and he was the one that killed my father "

I gasped at the unexpected news, but was still upset that she placed the whole pack in danger to get her revenge

"I know how you feel, by wanting revenge, but you placed the whole packed in danger"

"I know and I'm so sorry" she cried even harder

I sighed and got up from the bed, " I'm sorry Cassandra but you'll have to pay for your crimes, mean while how about I bring you something to eat "


She nod her head and I left and went to bring her some food , when I returned I feed her and left her to catch some rest , The doctor had said that she lost the baby, so she'll need

I existed her room and headed to Blake's, when I got there more people were outside of his room

"We've been waiting for you we thought that you left with Alexander" his father spoke

"I said I was going to help didn't I, now where is the doctor "

The doctor came out of the room and ushered me in leaving everyone else there

"Ok since your here lets get started "

I was told to bite his wrist so I did and felt it, the mate bond that had been broken coming back all at once, his wolf however felt distant , like he was fading

"Now try calling out to his wolf " the doctor insisted

So that is exactly what I did, though i hardly heard any response

"He's not answering me "

"Try harder and he will"

I tried calling him again this time with more force and authority and heard his whimpers in the back of my head

' Stay with me, don't go I'm hear to help you' I yelled at him in my head. I gave my control to eve for a little bit, cause I know she'll make him come around

I've been at this hospital all night, trying to call out to his wolf, the doctors said that they'd have to find a witch to maybe help in the situation, if this doesn't work

The next morning I went back to the pack house and took a shower then wore some comfortable clothes, my mind ran on alex so I picked up my phone and called him instead I got through with his beta


"Hello" john answered

"Hello john it's Elizabeth I wanted to know where alex is "

"I'm sorry Elizabeth but he's in the hospital unconscious "

"What, how ,what happened " I asked as the panicked over come me

"Calm down, he's going to be fine he just been under a lot of stress that took it out of him" he answered

The relief washed over me and I calmed down instantly but still felt a bit worried

"Ok, I'm sorry to hear please let me know when he awakes "

"I will don't worry "

"Thank you john" , with that I hang up and laid on my bed slowly drifting to sleep feeling exhausted.

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