《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 28


Lizzy POV

"WHAT " Richard yelled then grabbed the doctor by his collar and lifted him off the ground. " you better tell me you'll fix my son or I'll sure kill you"

"I'm s-orry alpha but the syringe that was injected into him is a kinda of poison that's slowly killing his wolf and since he got hit in the head multiple times he ended up in a coma"

"Is there seriously nothing you can do" I asked panicked

"I'm sorry but if his wolf die he wouldn't be able to heal and he'll die too "

" Please there must be a way" his father begged placing the doctor back on his feet

"I'll send someone to call one of the elders that use to be a doctor and ask for advice on the situation" the doctor replied , then left us

Soon after alex rushed in and came up to me, engulfing me in his warm embrace

"What happened lizzy" he asked , but I felt as those my throat had gone dry and I couldn't utter a single word, so I just stayed pressed up against his chest and inhaled his scent that calmed me down

"My son, the doctor says he might not make it" Richard answered for me, and I felt alex stiffened for a moment then took a deep breath trying to relax

The doctor had came back and with him was a man that is know as the pack elder he was also a doctor, they went in and checked on him but have not come out as yet

About ten minutes later they both came out with the look of hope in their eyes, which only meant they had found a way to save him, I hope

"Well doctor, can he be saved" I asked inpatient to know the answer


"I have examined him and the state his wolf is in, and what I can say is that there's a slim change that he'll survive this and hopefully get his wolf back" the elder doctor spoke

"Well, what do you have to do then " Richard demanded

"First off we'll have to contact his true mate, she'd give him a fighting chance by temporarily marking him so that their wolves can be linked , it'll help pull his wolf back from his near death state" the elder answered Richards questions

"I-I don't understand what do you mean by temporarily marking him " I asked as my heart skipped a beat

"Well I mean that she'll bite his wrist instead of his neck to put a temporary mark on him, it will wear off by time or by permanently marking another "

"She'll do it doctor" Richard intervene and nod his head to me

"What do you mean she'll do it" alex growled and held me in his possessive arms

"I mean she's my son's true mate, so she have to do it to save him" Richard growled back

"What-" I looked at alex as his arms slackened around me and his eyes fell on mine "is this true, was he your first mate"

I looked away and nod my head afraid to know how he will take it

"That bastard was the one who rejected her and placed her in the position she is in ,and you expect her to mark him after all that " he yelled angrily at the three of them

"We just want her help, he have own up to his mistakes and have been forgiven"

"It's not you to decide what she does and don't do, so back off , she's not his mate anymore she's MINE" by now Alex was shaking from rage but I held him down from doing anything stupid


"How long will it take for him to regain consciousness " I asked the doctors

"Maybe in a few weeks or even months, it'll be up to him to wake up" I sighed and let go of alex

" I'll do it then " I told them but didn't get a chance to hear their reply because I was dragged out of the hospital in an instant "let go of me Alex" I tried pulling my hands out of his

When we were far away from them, with no one else around to hear us he let go me and spoke " you can't be serious Elizabeth, he rejected you"

"And I forgave him, we need to let go of the past to build a better future " i argued trying to put sense into his head

"But it'll take weeks even months for him to wake up, I want you now, I want my mate beside me" he looked me in the eyes with so many emotions poring out at once

"It'll be ok Alexander, I'm not leaving you, I'll just have to stay here for a little longer" , I said and kissed the palm of his hands "wait for me please"

He sighed and looked away with sadness as tears left his eyes

"Please" I begged I didn't want to lose alex not after everything I've been through, I want him in my life no I need him

Without thinking i pulled his face to mine and crashed my lips onto his in a passionate kiss that made my heart flutter, when we pulled away I sucked in as much breath as possible

He placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled me back for another kiss that held so many emotions, the want, the need , the love and the sadness that he felt

When we pulled away again tears were running down my face aswell but he wiped them away and kissed me on my forehead then let go of me and walked away

In that moment I felt as though my heart was being torn out of my chest again it made me fall to the ground and sobbed at how pitiful the irony off it is , it was my choice to do it so why am I feeling so heartbroken that he walked away.







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