《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 27


Lizzy POV

The fight between each side broke out, but I tried to keep the casualties on our side to a minimum, so far we've been decreasing the enemies numbers easily but each opponent that the warriors come in contact with are more stronger than the last , if it weren't for me backing them up from in the trees some of Blake's best men would have been dead

The war raged on for a few minutes before Alex's team finally showed up, that placed us at a greater advantage by our increase in number

"Alpha Alexander, so you've finally showed your face " victor spoke while finishing off his kill on one of our men

"Who are you, " Alex asked as he fought one of the enemy that stood in his way

"Oh I'm sorry, let me introduce myself, my name is victor and it's a pleasure that you can join us " victor smirked at him


"You bastard what is your game here"

"You'll find out sooner than later don't worry, I'll tell you while killing you"

"Why you- " , alex was about attack him but was instead attacked by two of the rouge's, giving victor time to go after his real prey

I watched as victor headed towards Richard from behind with a vengeance in his eyes, but Richard was so occupied fighting off wolves that he didn't see him coming, I tried shooting at him but non of my bullets hit which only meant that he had a witch on his side that gave him a protection spell for things like these, I wonder if Cassandra was the one who told him about me that made him use one

Victor pulled out a syringe from his pocket with something inside that I don't know of and just as he was about to plunge the injection into Richards back, Blake stepped in just in time and it ended up piercing him instead


"Blake noooo" I screamed as he fell to the ground because of the unknown substance, breathing heavily

"Well boy, this wasn't intended for you but I guess you'd have to do " victor said, he then started to kick Blake in the head multiple times before he was thrown off of him by Alexander

I came down from the trees and rushed to his side to make sure he was ok, but his father wanted everyone to stay back and give him space, his head was bleeding badly and whatever was inside that syringe was seriously causing some effect on him

"Quickly carry him to the infirmary, while someone get the pack doctor and nurses to help the injured, the rest who are still able to fight will help me finish off these rouges" Richard ordered taking control of the situation

When I turned back to assess how things are going, the field looked like a blood bath and there still were a few rouge's to kill off, mean while Alex and victor were at it head to head in their wolf form fighting in a death match.

I took a deep breath and prayed for him to defeat victor, then helped by killing off any rouge's I came in contact with, Chris on the other hand was way across the field doing his part as well






It took a while but finally we were able to finish off all the remaining rouge's, alex fight looked as if it was coming to an end as he gained the upper hand in the battle

I left the field and rushed to the infirmary , to see how blake was doing when I got there he was hooked up to multiple machines as the doctor tried working his magic.

I sat outside of his room praying that he would make it out of this, his father came out of the room and saw me sitting there


"Hello Elizabeth " he greeted then took a seat beside me

"Alpha Richard" I nod my head to him, then looked away, sitting next to him was truly awkward, I haven't spoke to him ever since the incident four year ago

"Look Elizabeth I'm truly sorry, I felt it was my fault what happened to you"

When I turned back to him, his face expression held true sincerity and regret " there's no need to apologize, I've moved on "

"Hmm ok then, well at least let me make it up to you"

"That I can agree on, one of these days I'll hold you to that "

"Sure then sounds like a deal" he smiled, easing the tension between us a little. Just as hope flooded my heart the doctor stormed out of the room looking between us with a sympathetic look

"What is it doctor, how is my son " Richard demanded

"I'm truly sorry that I have to tell you this but I don't think he's going to make it"







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