《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 26


Lizzy POV

As the battle between wolves were about to begin, all men from our team were stationed at the position they were given except for Alex team that haven't arrive yet, you could say their our back up

We waited for the rogues to arrive and when they did their leader finally showed his face , with over eighty wolves backing him I could only guess

Blake step forth ready to demand answers on the sudden war that was declared on his pack

"Why have come here today bringing war at my doorstep " he asked with authority in his voice

"You wanna know why", the unfamiliar man that claim to be their leader spoke, " oh I'll tell you why , the man standing behind you that is your father has done terrible things and will pay for his transgression "

"And what is it that you speak of," Blake replied back

"He have slaughter my entire family and along side him was the alpha that is said to have the coldest heart. So I am here to repay him the pain he caused me"

"I will not allow that, maybe we can come to an agreement instead of a blood shed battle" blake calmly spoke

"I'm not here to listen to the nonsense you may sput" he argued

"If words will not solve this problem, then i guess we have no choice but to settle it that way then"

"I victor will have my revenge on the man that slaughtered my mate and children even if it kills me " he pointed to Blake's father with that sinister look in his eyes

Just by looking I can tell everyone felt on edge, as to what will happen next, but no one dared moved each staring the other one down waiting to see who will make the first move .


Just as the atmosphere got even more tense I heard a shouting coming from the location of the underground shelter, when the voice got clearer and the person came into view , everyone turned as we all saw Cassandra running towards the battle field

"What are doing here Cassandra your supposed to be hidden somewhere safe " blake yelled at her

"I couldn't help myself I had to know that you were ok" she said as she stupidly ran to the middle of the field

"Oh Cassandra dear it's good to see you again" victor spoke as he ran and grabbed her by the hair pulling her back to the spot that he was standing first

"Let her go " blake yelled as the anger came off of him in waves

"And if I don't" he pulled her hair more forcefully making her whine in pain

"I swear if you don't let her go this instance I will kill you " he bellowed shaking from how anger he felt. 'I don't think I've ever saw him like this and to be honest it's a little intimidating' I thought to myself

"Sorry no can do, beside this jem here that you all thought was just a innocent little Luna, was actually the mastermind behind the attack "

"WHAT" everyone that was from Blake's pack gasped with shocked expression on there faces, somehow though I wasn't suprise, roger did warn me about her but what I am suprise about is how well she acted like the most innocent person in the pack

When I turned to look back at Blake, his face held no expression but I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to kill the bitch in front of him

"Is this true Cassandra " he asked in a deadly tone , but all she did was lowered her head in shame of speaking the truth


"You heard the man speak" victor pulled her hair again, making her scream in pain

"Why are you doing this" she gave victor a side glance, directing her question to him , but all he did was laughed at her then kicked her in the face making her spit blood, then dropped her on the ground

"Why am I going this, well bitch I'll tell you" he kicked her in the stomach

"Stop leave her alone" blake yelled

"Why ,didn't I tell you that she was a traitor among your pack, then why still save her" victor asked

"I don't care about that she carrying a child " he answered about to rush to her side , but was stopped by his father holding him back "what are you doing, let go of me she needs our help"

"No son, like he said she's a traitor so there nothing we can do" his father spoke

"How can you say that, she's carrying my child "

"I don't care son, being a traitor is an unforgivable crime and the punishment is death" sighing in defeat Blake stopped his struggling as his father let go of him

"Like I was saying" victor continued "I used you simple as that , four years go she was sent here to infiltrate the pack to gather information, but never did I thought she'd go straight for a high ranking position in the pack so quickly, but what can I say she's a sly one" he kicked her in her stomach once again

"That's enough , if your here to destroy my pack then come at me and stop wasting my time with your nonsense" Blake shouted and gave the signal for everyone to get ready

A second later the battle began with one side attacking the other, while I stayed up in the trees aiming my rifle at any enemy that gave the pack warriors a hard time








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