《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 25


Lizzy POV

The days had gone by so fast that I could hardly believe that we're about to enter the stages of war in a day or two, luckily most of the pack have grown stronger during our training so we're hoping to have less causalities

During the time that me and alex had been apart we've talked over the phone, getting to know each other better. He had told me multiple times that he didn't want me to enter the war with them but I had no choice , for now my mission comes first until the day that I can finally move on with my life and leave all of this behind

I was currently in my room with all my gear spread out on the ground, as I check to make sure I have enough ammunition for my guns and that my knives are all sharpened

"Hey lizzy are you in there" , I heard the familiar voice of blake as he knocked on my door

"Yea come in " he opened the door and came in, looking at me as I sat on the ground with my precious children

"What are you doing " he asked

"What does it look like I'm doing " I replied

"Never thought you where the type to use guns , your really good at fighting, why go through the trouble of carrying these around "

"Well, first of all my wolf is good at fighting, and I'm not about to let her run loose during a war"

"Why not"

"Let's just say she's not the level head type, second of all I'm an expert at weapons and these babies in front of you are my children "

"Your children, well that's a first" he chuckled "never heard someone calling weapons their children "

"I guess there's a lot you don't know , but anyways I don't plan on being on the front line of the war"


"How come, I thought you were helping us in this fight "

"I am gonna help, but I'll be in the shadows as the sniper, to back most of you guys up, at least that's the promise I made alex otherwise he wouldn't have wanted me to fight"

"As much as don't wanna say this I think I agree with him on this one"

"Why are you doing that "

"Doing what " he looked at me confused

"Ever since Alexander came here you've done nothing but detest him"

"The truth is Elizabeth as much as I have no right saying this, I just don't think he right for you"

"And how would you know" I place the knife that i was holding on the ground and folded my arms , with an irritated look on my face

"He's a cold heart killer, a monster how did you think he became the most strongest and cruelest pack throughout the country "

I don't know, so how about you enlighten me"

"He had owed my dad a favor that's the only reason he's helping in this war, his mate had died about five years ago

So he allied with my father and killed almost the entire pack that includes women and children, you can't seriously think about being with someone like that " he looked at me with pleading eyes

"Is that supposed to faze me ", I looked at him like if he was stupid "did you think that while I was gone for four years, I spent my time riding unicorns and dancing on top of stars. No I'm an assassin and killing people is what I do, so if you think that he's the monster well i guess you can say that we're a pair made by the heavens" I fired back feeling more angry by each second that passed


"Look lizzy I'm really sorry, I never knew and know it's my fault that you went through all of that, I really am sorry" he lowered his head submitting to his mistakes

"I've heard your apologies before and I'm seriously not in the mood to deal with this right now, so please just leave me alone "

"I-" he was about to say something but stopped, glazing over my room then looked back at me . "It's time, get ready " with that he left my room without another word







I was inside of his office geared up and ready wearing my all black assassin suit, with my mask covering half of my face and my hair pulled up in a ponytail

" As you all have known, the rouge's have already starting to make there move so I've evacuated all of the women and children into an under ground shelter, as well as the Luna of the pack " blake spoke as everyone else in the room nodded their heads

"What about the alpha of the silver lake pack, where is he " Andrew the beta of Blake's pack said

"Don't worry he'll be here soon , now let's go over back the plan" he pulled out a map and placed it on the desk " while I'll be leading the troops on the front, Andrew y'all be guarding the east with five others to make sure that when the battle begin no rouge will escape, while alpha Alexander head warrior will take the west with some others and he'll take the rear end surrounding them" he spoke pointing on the map every location each person will take

He continued "Elizabeth I want you hidden in the trees in this location so y'all get a better chance at backing us up if we find our selves in a situation we can't get out of" he pointed to the east where there are many trees so I can be well hidden "chris your with me and Chelsey your with my head warrior mark to scout the area around the shelter where the women and children are, is everyone clear on the plan"

"Yes" we all said and nod our heads

"Good then let's go " we all filed out of his office ready for what is about to come

And just like that a war was about to begin between wolves

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