《From An Omega To A Hunter》chance 24


Stranger POV (Two day before the war)

"The day is soon upon us men, and I swear we shall have our revenge"

As I spoke the entire room burst into cheers and screams of encouragement

"We've waited so long for this , so when the time comes no holding back, we shall give it all we have " another round of cheers flooded my ears

"Yes sir victor anything for you " some of them said

"Ok then prepare, in the next couple days we'll be heading out" I turned around and left , going to my office

When I entered and sat down my phone rang, "hello" I answered

"Hi victor it's me "

"What is it Cassandra, I thought you already told me all that you have too"

"Yes I know, but I wanted to remind you that Blake is not to be harmed the only person that your vengeance is to be taken out on is the former alpha "

"I've heard you for the millionth time, now if there is nothing else good bye

"No wait, I have something else to tell you"

"Well then spit it out girl, I have things to do "

"Since you want to kill alpha Alexander then the best way to do so is by killing his mate"

"His mate what are you talking about his mate had died "

"Yes that is true but he was gifted with a second chance mate",

" WHAT! , are you serious girl or are you lying to me"

"I am dead serious "

"Ok then thanks for the heads up, you've been very useful but don't worry your father's murder will meet his end that I swear to you"

"I trust that you won't go back on your word "

"I don't plan too, all you have to do is play the little innocent Luna and stay in your place "


"I don't like the way you talk to me sometimes" she sounded irritated

"Well just deal with it, cause after this we're down" I hang up on her then mind linked my right hand man Jake

"What is it boss" he asked as he entered my office

Let's go over back over our plan, some how I don't trust that bitch Cassandra

"Sure, let's start with what she told us"

"Well I know that there won't be any women and children around they'll be evacuated, so we'll send some men to find them , other than that we know Blake, his father , Alexander and the former beta as well will all be there , also I want you to find Alexander's mate use any means necessary to see what she's looks like and take her down "

" Yes sir , So what's our strategy to move in "

"We'll send in most of our troops with me leading them, while you and some others find the evacuation shelter, and tear it apart, but if Cassandra is there I want that bitch alive"

"How come I thought you didn't like her, but just worked with her "

"It's true I don't like her but I have my reasons "

"Right then, I'll gather the one's who will help me search the area"

" sounds good, I think we'll leave in the next two day "

"Ok boss as you wish, I'll let the others know ,"

He then left the office, leaving me to my thoughts as my mind wondered upon the out come of this war





A/N : Sorry this chapters a bit short as well , but there's nothing much to say on the character (victor)

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