《From An Omega To A Hunter》Chapter 21


Lizzy POV

The next day Alex was getting ready to head back to his pack and wanted me to come with him but I couldn't, I was sent on a mission and couldn't fail in doing so not after everything roger did for me

However We did exchange numbers to stay in contact " I don't want to rush you but will you decide if you'll come back to my pack with me when all this is over " alex said as stood by his car all packed and ready to leave

"Don't worry I'll give you my answer when my mission is over "

"Ok then, I'll hold you to that" I smiled then watched as he got in the car and drove off

I stood there for a while feeling a bit sad about him going , but was snapped out of my daze by someone clearing their throat, I turned around to see Blake standing behind me

"Hey , wanna come back inside " he asked

I sighed to myself, what was his problem now "sure", I walked back inside the house and was about to go back up in my room but was stopped by Blake again trying to pester me about something

"Hey can we talk, please "

"What do you wanna talk about"

"Let's go into my office first then we'll talk"

"Ok then let's just get this over with"

I followed him to his office and took a seat at one of the chairs there "so what's up"

"Well first off I just wanted to make sure that your ok and all"

Seriously , I raised an eyebrow looking at him skeptically. "Yea I'm fine"

"Good to know, anyways I wanted to make sure that things between us haven't gone for the worst as yet and that maybe we could still be friends "


"That's what you wanted to talk about" I folded my arms

"Yes , i hope you can forgive me for how i messed up in the past, I really won't mess things up again"

"Hmm" I thought, maybe I should give him another chance to make things up, after all he have his mate and I have mine so we can only be friends at this point, but can I trust him though. I think its time to let go of the past and try to move forward with my life and like they say everyone needs a second chance .

"Sure ok , let's be friends then "

"Really you mean it " he asked looking as if he won a prize

"Yea, I'm not one to hold onto a grudge forever and besides I've seen you've change a lot "

"So have you, but in a good way though " I smiled at his compliment

"Thanks but I must warn you, if you fuck up this friendship like when u messed up before, well then that's it can't say I didn't warn you"

Don't worry I won't " he chuckled lightly, our conversation went on for a while and I got to find out more things about him ,the same way he did about me

Maybe at one point things would have worked out smoothly between us but that's in the past , so I can't say it'll ever happen

He shared with me everything that happened during my four year absence and I couldn't help feeling a little sad that I missed some of those exciting times , I really did miss home and didn't want to say goodbye just yet

I sighed why am I even stressing , I'll always get the change to come back if I do decide on leaving

"Lizzy are you listening to me"


"Wha- what did you say"

"I was saying that I have a suprise for you but it'll be arriving until tomorrow "

"What is it " , I asked a little confused that he had a surprise for me

"Sorry but y'all have to wait till tomorrow"

placing my hand up in surrender I just let it go until then " I should probably go now, since you said to take the day, I think I'll go and see my parents again"

"Oh you went and visited already,"

"Yea I did the day after you found out it was me"

"Oh ok , well if that's what you want , I guess I'll see you later"

"Yea sure" , I got up from my seat about to leave the room

"Lizzy wait" , I turned back to see what was wrong

"Yea what is it"

"Can I take you out for dinner tonight, just as friends , maybe to talk a little bit more

I stood there looking at him bewildered, did he really just asked me out, what should I do, I don't want to turn him down and we just made up

"Sure I'd like that" He did say as friends so I guess it won't hurt anyone

"I'll see you at seven pm then, just a casual dinner nothing too fancy"

"I'll see you later then", I turned back then headed out of the office to get myself ready to visit my parents

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