《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 22


Lizzy POV

Later in the evening Blake took me to a small fast food restaurant where we got burgers and fries, and talked for hours sharing stories of our childhood and the life we've lived so far

The night however ended shortly and we both went back to the pack house feeling a little more spirited than before

The next day I got up, did my every morning routine then headed down stairs to have some breakfast. When that was all done I headed to the training field to start off yet another day on the go

Chris on the other hand, had no choice but to show his face after the beat down that I gave him " good morning " I said smirking as he walked pass me trying to hide his ego that had been crushed

"Morning " he mumbled not fully looking my way

"What's wrong this morning, did someone's ego got crushed "

He rolled his eyes before he answered me " I will admit, you bested me this time but there wouldn't be a next "

"We'll just have to go at it again to see then "

"Don't worry I'll get my payback soon"

"Ha, I'd like to see you try"

"Yea keep on playing like your a big shot"

"I'm not playing one I am one"

"Yea what every you say, anyways let's get this training out of the way shall we "

"Cool, but be sure to keep up, can't have you slipping up now " I winked

"I'll keep that in mind, don't worry I'll be sure to whip your ass next time so you'll know your place"

"Keep on rambling if it'll make you'll feel better but I got to get these people into shape if you don't mind" I said then walked away without waiting for his reply, as much as I would like to rub that he lost in his face all day, i currently have more important things to do


"Alright everyone since your all here let's start with some warm ups , after that you all know the drill"

I was in the middle of practice when I heard someone shouting my name "lizzy"

When I turned around I saw non other than my old bestfriend running towards me waving her , with the most ridiculous smile on her face, I couldn't help but smile myself though it had been so long since we saw each other

"Jenna is that really you?"

"In the flesh love" she came up to me as we hugged each other tightly

" look at you you've changed a lot, even got your hair dyed "

"I could say the same about you, is that a baby bump I feel " I asked rubbing her belly to confirm it was

"Yea, suprise suprise, I'm gonna be a mom " she laughed as we held each other in another embrace

"That's wonderful I'm glad to hear"

"Well missy don't think I forgot that you ditched me and ran away, care to explain" she asked with a stern look on her face while i just scratched the back of my head

"Well, it's kind of a long story "

"I've got all day so don't keep me waiting " she folded her hands

"Well you see I'm kinda in the middle of training"

"Why don't you take the rest of the day then" I turned around to see Blake standing there with a smile on his face " told you I had a suprise for you"

"Thank you, it means so much that I got to see her again "

"Your welcome, now go catch up with your friend I'm sure chris and Chelsey wouldn't mind finishing off training by themselves " Blake said

"Well you heard the man let's go" jenna spoke then held my hands pulling me away from the field


"Ok ok , I coming " we left and headed to a quiet area in the garden to sit down and have a chat

"So what happened, what made you leave " I took a deep breath preparing myself for her never ending questions

"Well I had found my mate four years ago " I was about to continue but she interrupted me

"Really that's great, was that the reason you left "

"No it was not , now let me continue "

"Oh yea right sorry" she cleared her throat "you may continue " I rolled my eyes at her antics but continued anyways

"Well like I said I found my mate, but he rejected me "

"What!! oh my that's terrible, why would he do that" her faced held shock and sympathy, I just sighed 'she is not gonna let me finish without interrupting is she ' I thought

"Yes he did that now let me continue and try not to interrupt me until I'm done talking please

"Sorry "

"Anyways, after the rejection I couldn't face anyone not even him, so I packed my bags and ran away, next thing I knew I found myself wondering and got attacked, luckily a man named Chris saved me and took me in, they offered me to join them at the hunters association so I did four years later here I am"

"Wow that's amazing, I'm sorry you went through so many hardships"

"It's ok I've gotten over it"

"So who is this punk that rejected my girl, I swear If i get a go at him he'll regret that those words left his mouth "

"Calm down mama bear , i think this pregnancy is making your emotions sky rocket " I laughed

"I think so too", she laughed with me "so what else happened in your life , anything juicy to share" she nudged my shoulders wiggling her eyebrows

"Girl I bearly told you half of it"

"A couple days ago I found my second chance mate, he's the alpha of the silver lake pack "

"No way your alpha Alexander's mate now how is it even possible to have a second chance mate"

"You know him" I asked looking at her a bit confused

"Yea, I currently live in that pack now , cause my mate is from there

"Really, I never would have guessed "

"I guess the world is a small place after all huh" she spoke as we laughed together, we continued on with our conversation as she told me how she and her mate met and how they spent their lives so far

Deep in my heart I couldn't wait until the day that I got to enjoy live with my mate the same way and to spend the rest of my live with him .







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