《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 14


Lizzy POV

The days felt like they were crawling the more I stayed here, luckily I've avoided Blake to the best of my ability, otherwise than that things seem to be going smoothly with everyone's training. There haven't been any rouge attacks and I'm glad for that, chris and Chelsey have also been interactive with the pack while I just keep to myself, however since I've been here I haven't ran into my old bestfriend as yet, somehow I find that strange since she likes to roam about

"Earth to Eli" I was snapped out of my thoughts as Chelsey stood in front of me while I was seated by the window looking out at the landscape of the forest

"Hey, sorry I zoned out" I said as I gave her an apologetic smile

"Its ok, but you've been doing that steady lately are you sure you're ok"

"Yea I'm ok I was just thinking "

" well if you say so , Anyways I came to tell you that breakfast is ready, you should come down and eat something"

"Sure I'll be down in a minute"

"Ok then I'll head down now" I was then left back to my thoughts, thinking back on how I spent my childhood, just the thought of it brought a smile to my face, the times I had spent with my friends and family was fun while it lasted .

As I was about to get up and go down stairs my phone started to ring

"Hello" I answered

"Hey Eli, how are things going so far" the familiar voice of Roger came through the phone

"Roger hi, I'm surprised you called , but things are going fine so far"

"By fine , do you mean that your mate doesn't know it's you yet, cause i know by now you would have been ringing down my phone to come home " he chuckled, hearing him I couldn't help but laugh myself


"Well your correct about one thing, he doesn't know it's me, but don't think I would have been begging to come home , I might've been able to handle it" I said, but that just made him laugh even harder

"Yea right I know you all too well to believe that story, Anyways I called to let you know that I've got some more information and I also want you to keep an eye on someone within the pack" as I listened to him explain the situation I got irritated by the person I was supposed to keep an eye on

"Sure no problem, thanks for the heads up though"

"Ok later then" with that I hang up the phone then headed down stairs for breakfast

When I entered the dining room, my eyes glanced around before it landed on Blake that was seated at the head of the table finishing off his breakfast, as though he felt my eyes on him he looked up and our eyes connected. In that moment i felt as though I was back in time four years ago , staring at the man that was made for me , 'why all of a sudden are these feelings coming back to me', I thought I got over him I'm supposed to be moving on

'Look away' I told myself, closing my eyes I took a deep breath then removed my eyes from off of him. Regretting that I stepped foot in here, I turned around and headed outside for some fresh air

As I stood on the porch taking in the fresh air I couldn't help but notice a couple of wolves moving through the forest in the direction of the pack house

"What the hell" I spoke out loud, as they got closer I recognize them to be rouge's, so without wasting anymore time I rush back inside and told the alpha, who then gathered his men for the upcoming attack


As we all gathered outside ready to take them on, chris was standing on my left while Blake was in front ready to give the warriors there command, Chelsey was inside keeping the helpless ones safe.

The fight then began with us wiping the floor with most of them but some where still strong and put up a decent fight . As I looked over to where Blake was I saw him fighting one while another was creeping up behind him, without giving it a second thought I ran over to him so that I could help before the other one catch him off guard

Bearly making it in time I was able to take down the one that was about to attack Blake from behind , not before I was injured by his claws slashing my shoulders.

As the pain increased it felt as if it was spreading throughout by body making me fall to my knees as if the had gone weak

"Hey are you ok" i heard blake from behind me

"Yea I'm fine it's just a little scratch " I said trying to move my arm around but whined at the pain instead

"Here let me see" before I knew it he was beside me examining my shoulders but as his hands touched skin I felt the little tingles due to the weak bond that we still have

As if my shoulder had burnt his hands he retracted them as quickly as touched me

"What the!, are you-u , why.... " with out fully finishing his sentence he looked away from me like if he was mind linking, then got up and walked away to one of his men on the other side

The pain had start to simmer down a bit because of my wolf healing powers so I got up then followed him to see what was happening,

as I got closer there stood the last wolf bearing the letter M on his shoulder that represents as the messenger wolf

"I've brought a message , that war has been declared by our leader, and by the end of this month you all shall perish"

With that as his final words his head was ripped off his body then tossed to the ground like trash

"If they have declared war on us then we must prepare, and in the name of the moon goddess herself we shall prevail" as blake spoke to his pack warriors with determination in heart there were nothing but cheers to encourage them a victory







After everything had settled down, I was asked to join a meeting, so here I was in Blake's office with chris, Chelsey, the beta, the head warrior and blake himself trying to come up with a plan for the war that was declared on us

"We'll start training the pack twice the amount we were before" Chris said as I nod my head to agree with him

"Why don't we ask the our allies for help, I'm sure they would help us defeat the fo we face " the beta spoke as stood beside him

"I was already thinking of that already I'll try to get a hold of the alpha"

We had discussed a few more strategies to take down our enemies, but I couldn't help but notice Blake glancing at me every chance he got with those questioning eyes. When the meeting was finally over I couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief before heading to my room to spend the rest of the day








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