《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 13


Stranger POV

Soon I shall have my revenge, soon everything will fall into place, and i shall not stop until they are both dead. The former alpha of the river moon pack and the current alpha of the silver lake pack, both shall die by my hands and i shall get my revenge

Like a broken record those thoughts kept consuming my mind and until I get my revenge it will not go away, I had agreed to help a she wolf with her vendetta for a chance to complete mine, but to hit both these alphas at once I need them in the same place ,what better way to get them together than to declare war so they both can join forces to defeat the enemy.

I've dreamed of this for a long time every since that day , soon it shall be reality instead of just a dream

The day that they had came together and attacked my pack causing the death of my mate and children , the day that my life fell apart.

For that I will never forgive them, so I will bring havoc upon their love ones, so they can feel the same pain me and the others that suffered the same way felt

The girl, Cassandra has made things easier for me and everyone else, I must compliment her for that, but she is so clueless and stupid it makes me wanna laugh in her face, for now I will go along with her and the demands that she spits out, if she doesn't watch her back though I won't be responsible for what happens to her or the people around her

I picked up my phone then rang her number , when she picked up I spoke right away

"Cassandra we attack at dusk tomorrow , only a few shall attack so that our message of the war shall be heard"


"I just hope that you don't plan to let anyone hurt the innocent" she answered back

"I already know i do not plan to let the innocent die, there's only one object that your after I understand and I have my own"

"Ok then, until tomorrow " with that she hang up the phone while one of my men came up to me

"Sir you called" Simon one of few men I trusted asked

"Yes tomorrow we send a small amount of men to attack river moon at dusk , make sure that a messenger is with them to send out our declaration of war towards their pack and that we'll attack by the end of the month "

"Yes sir, I will gather them to prepare to leave tomorrow "I nod my head as he left to carry out my orders.

Soon my love I shall avenge you and our children that died in a meaningless conflict I spoke out loud, I sighed to myself then left to complete some of my unfinished work in my office.

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