《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 12


Cassandra POV ( present )

I can't believe this bitch coming here acting all high and mighty like she owns the place, I could have snapped her neck like a twig luckilyI don't want anyone finding out about my hidden magic, so I shall play the role of the pregnant defenceless Luna against the big bad hunter but don't worry soon enough chaos will erupt and she and her friends won't be able to stop anything

"Are you ok, what just happened between you two" blake asked me as we watched Eli leave the room

"Nothing, we just had a little disagreement that's all " I smile at him then made my way out

Still clueless as every that one, but somehow I came to love him even though that wasn't exactly my plan

I came here to gather information so I can create a plan to get rid of the alpha and beta, but instead I found out that a new alpha had took his place and my brother took his father's place, but then something unexpected came up like a competition to choose the Luna of the pack, hearing that opportunity i just couldn't pass it up, It did served to have made my job a lot more easier to get closer to the former alpha and beta

But when i came here the beta had moved in a different area to live with his mate because he had retired , but I did get the chance to meet the former alpha although he knew who I was he did not oppose me but instead welcomed me because of the strength that I showed to pass the test to become Luna of the pack, given that opportunity I played nice and sticked to the role I was given but he had retired and left the pack as well before I had a chance to make my plan


Although I had come to fall in love with Blake and am now bearing his child my goal that I came here for must be carried out or it would have all been for nothing, though I might not be the one to take them down . The rouge's that have been attacking the pack have done their jobs well soon they'll declare war, which will surely bring all former high ranking pack members to show their faces to help in the fight , which means Michael will surely show his face from the hole that he's hiding in .

I headed to my room to freshen up for bed, when I heard blake also entered and looked at me like if there was something wrong

"Is there something wrong " I asked worried a bit

" I don't know, I just can't shake the feeling that something bad is to happen," he said looking worried himself

"Don't worry I sure its nothing , let's just head to bed "

"Sure, but still if something is to take place I feel I might have to call my call my father and other former high ranking members "

"Stop stressing about it my love, if something is to happen then we both will deal with it together, let's just get some rest"

He sighed and nod his head while getting in bed, I had promised myself that I won't let any happened to him although I do plan to kill his father, I just hope after all that will happen we would still have a chance to be happy together, if not I won't regret the things I did to achieve my ultimate goal, but still I felt a bit guilty about using him

Sighing to myself I tried to think of something other than that for now, trying to think of any happy memories that I would have but I came up blank, some might think that I'm happy how I am , but truly i wasn't genuinely happy and i don't think that I'll ever be, not even after i rid the people that killed my father


I don't even know what my future plans will be our even if I'll have one, so many thoughts that's going through my mind I can't stop them no matter how hard I try

Luckily I do stay in contact with my grandmother to help me get through this and I also talk with my brother sometimes although we don't really have that brother and sister bond , and I hardly think we ever will , I try not get too attached to him cause I am trying to kill his father after all but whether I do it myself or not I still can't face him after it's done

Laying in bed for a while I finally feel asleep, dreaming of happy times with my father.

The next day I got up and prepared for the day, then headed to the clinic for a check up, when I was finished with that I got a call from an unknown number so I answered the phone already guessing who the person was

"Cassandra we attack at dusk tomorrow , only a few shall attack so that our message of the war shall be heard" the familiar voice came through the phone

"I just hope that you don't plan to let anyone hurt the innocent" I answered him as looked around my surroundings to make sure that I'm alone

"I already know i do not plan to let the innocent die, there's only one object that your after I understand and I have my own"

"Ok then, until tomorrow " with that I hang up the phone then headed back to the pack house to play my role as Luna to the people

I just hope that he's true to his words , he can be unpredictable in some situations, but he's the best I have to draw out both the beta and alpha, so I can't let the opportunity pass me by, they must die if not by my hands then by the hands of those that help me carry this plan out









A/n ... after hearing what Cassandra plans to do. What are your thoughts about her ?

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