《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 11


Cassandra pov ( Past)

I had just came home from my friends house when I heard my mom and her mate fighting with each other up stairs

"Why can't you for once just accept her and treat her like your own " my mother yelled at him

"Because she is not my daughter and she never will be, so get it through your thick skull" he answered back with the same tone

"Please just give her a chance I promise you she won't disobey"

"Like I said woman, I will not accept her, if you had waited for your mate instead of whoring around then this wouldn't have happened "

"But-t please "

"If you still intend to keep her here, then I would not be blamed for what happens to her" my mother's mate Michael said to her but instead of answering him I just heard her sobbing

From that day forward I was nothing more to Michael than a torn in his side , I was treated like dirt and worst of all my mother did nothing to stop him, I was told that my real father had died so there was no one to my rescue from the abuse that felled upon me

A year had gone by and soon enough my mother was pregnant with another child, when he was born, it had been the happiest day for Michael because he had finally had a child of his own but for me it had turned into more of a nightmare.

I was six years bigger than my brother , but he got the better treatment than me, he was given anything he had desired while I had to wait until they see fit to give it to me, I thought that's what the rest of my life would be like, but one day my grandmother from my father's side had came to visit me. At that time I had lost all hope about my future that I didn't care anymore , but the moment she saw me and the condition I was in she wanted to take full custody of me


Michael had no problem with it ,but my mother on the other hand didn't wanted to let me go so easily, eventually though she was convinced by her mate and so I was sent away to live with my grandmother, around that time I was only nine years old but I still was old enough to know what was happening

After she took me in I was treated a lot better than where I was before and soon I had come to know about the story of my father and the secret that she was keeping about herself

First when she told me about my father I had thought it was a lie, that my father had died from a rouge attack, but came to find out the truth that instead he was branded a rouge wolf and killed by the alpha and the beta of the pack.

My father had impregnate my mother but she had belong to a different pack, he didn't wanted her to be there alone raising a child so he had asked her to move to his pack. After she had given birth to me a few months later she had found her mate which had been the beta of the pack she was currently in , because of the situation , there was a big commotion among them and my father had threatened the beta and the alpha, that if they were ever to cause harm to his child he would not hesitate to kill them ,because of that he was cast out and was branded as a rouge wolf .

Sometime later my father had tried sneaking in back to visit me, but was caught and his punishment for doing so was death, they had killed my father because he had tried to see his little girl again , even if it was for the last time


As she told me what really happened I was left wondering if my mother knew but did nothing like she had done nothing to stop the abuse I had took from her mate, in that moment I grew angry and saw red.

I hated my mother for not standing up for what's right, I hated the pack , the alpha and most of all I hated Michael ,

For what they have done to an innocent man, to a father trying to see his child, I wanted revenge for all the unjustified things that happened to my father

My grandma had also told about the secret she had been keeping , she said that quarter of herself was actually a witch and her family had a few half breed's in the bloodline, so technically I had the powers passing through my blood as well

I had stayed with her for years and since most people thought she was a strange woman, she chose to live outside of the town in another small village that had consist of humans. While living there I had Planned my revenge and also learned some tricks from the little magic I possess

As I got older I had ran into a few people mostly rouge's that wanted the same thing as myself, revenge on the pack that did us wrong, so we came together and made an agreement to carry out our little vendetta that we each had. I was to go back to the pack and play nice while I gathered information to attack them, we really didn't want to hurt the innocent, just the higher members of the pack, like the alpha and beta that killed my father.

Some wanted to declare war on packs that have grown because of their sacrifice but that I did not care for, cause it really wasn't any of my concern , all I wanted is to take down the people that took down my father.









A/n .....I hope my story is sounding interesting and not too lame , so comment and let me know what you think so far

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