《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 3



I couldn't think straight with my wolf being restless knowing the fact that I rejected our mate, to be honest I'm a little bit up set too but there nothing I could do about it, what's done is done and there was a good reason behind my action too, well mostly because of this rule that the alpha king declare, how I hate the bastard for making a stupid rule as that . I mean because of it most alphas and beta have been training there daughters none stop in case there mate is an alpha, and hardly do any alpha have an omega as a mate, but that day was as fresh in my mind like if it happen yesterday ( which it did)


The Jones family had invited me and my family to a little gathering for there their daughter's eighteen birthday, i really didn't wanted to go but had no choice since it the duty of the future alpha to atleast show his face to any events or gathering within the pack so that the pack members can show respect

"Dad do I have to go I mean I have work that have to be completed here" but instead my mother answered for him "stop complaining boy you know your duties as a future alpha since you'll be turning alpha in a couple weeks so get your ass up and get ready" but all I did was groan and stayed for a few minutes until I heard my parents retreated out of my room

The night was slowly stepping in so I got dress and headed down stairs to meet my parents that were already dress and waiting for me. We then entered the car and and travelled the 5 minutes drive to the omega family home. We arrive couple minutes after six and headed inside which the party has already started


While entering, the place was slightly pack with people that I recognise , upon me and my parent most of them bowed in respect while some wasn't paying attention that we was here. We hadn't even spend fifteen minutes at the party and i already wanted to go back home.

I was about to talk to one of the elder that approach me but had stop when I smell a delicious lavender sent in the air that catch my attention, than the man in front of me, so i tried to find the source of that smell but when I turned around I saw her, with strawberry blond hair that reached her back , pale skin that look smooth on hear body, very light shocking green eyes that suited her and lip that I feel I could kiss all day but there was something about her that I couldn't quite figure.

But besides that my wolf was happily jumping inside my head screaming 'MATE' while i just stood looking at her but then it dawn on me that she's the birthday girl, she's an omega and she's too weak to be my Luna so instead of me running up to her and crushing my lips on her til she gets weak I turned around and left

I wasn't even aware that someone was even behind me until I heard I was being called by that melodic voice and her sent that just clouded my mind, so i tried walking faster to get away from her but instead of going away she just ran up to catch me " hey" she said while tugging my shirt, so i turned around to see confusion written all over her face.

"What do you want" I said while longing to just hug her and sniff the crook of her neck to smell that sweet scent "what do you mean what do i want don't play dumb with me you know we're mates so why did you walk out on me" she said placing her hands on her hip.


"We're ( I gestured between us) are not mates this is just a terrible misunderstanding so get lost " I tried swatting her away but she wouldn't budge " w-what do you mean" she stuttered

"Look ,Your too weak, I can't accept you as a mate you would only shame yourself and this pack" I told here while walking away, i know I hurted her feelings even my wolf was yelling at me for what I've just done but they have to understand the reputation this pack have to uphold and i can't have a weak mate, she'll only fail the trial of being a luna and I dont want that for her and also these test can be very life threatening she could get seriously injured or even die in the process, and I seriously can't live with myself if she went trough that just for me.

I ran into the woods to cool my head off a bit and explain to my wolf my theory but all he cares about is his mate. My father had mind link me to ask where I was and i told him what had took place, so he told me to head straight home. Mostly it would be unusual for a alpha to mate up with a omega, and in that case when it do happen most alpha reject their mate because their too weak to pass the trial , or they fail to pass it , well at least that's what my father told me

So I went home after strolling through the forest and explain the night event to my parents my mother had this expression like she was semi thrilled, semi sad and semi disappointment while my father face was just stoic. They then told me I also have to explain myself to her parents so i told them to arrange the meeting for in the morning before I headed off to bed

The next morning I woke up and was reminded of what happen last night, after taking a bath and headed down stairs for breakfast my father had told me that they already called the Jones family to come over so the matter can be discuss.

About half an hour later we all were gathering in the meeting room to discuss the issue, my father was speaking but I couldn't hear him because I was having an eternal battle with my self but then my name that was being called snapped me out of my daze and Lizzy parent were looking at her expectantly but before she could answer them I spoke up

"we found out last night that we were mates" her mother gasp but her father kept his face blank " but I'm rejecting her she's too weak and cannot preform at best to be a Luna especially with the test that all alpha's mates has to take " in that instant she ran outside with tear coming done her face.

My heart ached seeing her like that but there was nothing I can do about it, i have to see that my pack have a strong leaders to defend them but she's way too weak. Moon goddesses I just hope you can forgive me for this decision.

We had finished the meeting with an understanding so I just headed to my office and buried myself in work trying to forget the events that took place in the last two day.

A/N : hope your enjoying :)

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