《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 2



I woke up to the rays of sunlight covering my face and my body laid under a soft and comfortable bed with a pillow under my head and a sheet thrown over me.

Looking around I found myself in a bedroom, suited for a Male I guess as the walls was painted in grey and the furniture have a brown color, I rose up Into a sitting position readying myself to get off the bed but whined in pain and sat back down, inspecting my bandage up leg .

In that instant I heard a rap on the door and saw a man who looked 6'5 in height tanned body with muscles popping out every where and dreamy blue eyes with a handsome face, maybe not as Blake but he could definitely pass in my book with his cute little dimples as he smiled at me.

'Too bad though' I thought to my self he then walk toward me holding a tray that I didn't recognise and placed it on the night stand next to the bed.

"I think you should eat, you had a long night I guess " he stood up and walk towards the door but stop and turned back to me "and you should also take a shower and get change your bag in the corner there" he said gesturing to my bag in the far corner of the room "so help yourself " he saluted, then disappeared before my eye as my mouth fell open , like literally disappeared. Trying not to think of it too much I did as told.

I had finish up the breakfast he had given me and cleaned myself up as I sat on the bed not knowing what to do, after a while of contemplating i finally got up and looked around the room for a bit then made my way out side, looking down the hallway I saw a light coming from the bottom of what looked like a stair case from this angle so i proceeded looking around the building as I got closer to where I wanna go.


When I was sure it was a stair case I cautiously made my way down but to my expectations there was another hallway, curious to know how many stores this build was I ventured off some more looking for a window or something.

From one of the room was a light coming from it so I made my way towards it and heard voices as I got closer

" what are we going to do with her" I heard one voice said

" I don't know, maybe we should interrogate her to know what she was doing out there" I heard another voice coming from the room.

I was about to turn around and head back to the direction I came from but was caught before I could make the first step

" Hey what are you doing down here"

" I- I was just wondering around to know where I was" i said trying not to look into his eye. Something about him makes me want to crumble from just looking at him, he really looks scary by the scar that was slashed across his face and the beard along his jaw line and his well kept hair that's in a all back pony tail.

"Well, well come in " he gestured to the room he came out of " your about to find out"

I entered the room and saw the same man that brought me breakfast sitting in a chair looking back at me as I walked closer and took a seat that was beside him and the man the told me come in sat in the seat across from us that was behind the desk.

I cleared my throat and spoke " why am I here again "

"So no thank you, for saving your life" the man sitting next to me asked as he raised one of his perfect eyebrows


"Sorry about that, thank you sir for saving my life" my voice got quieter as I spoke and my cheeks started heating up painting the color red

"Don't sweat it and by the way my name is Christopher but call me chris" he wink at me which caused me to blush even more

"Ahem", the other man cleared his throat., "if you two are done I'd like to ask you a few questions" his attention was on me so I nod my head

"Why were you out there all alone, its dangerous especially for a she wolf as yourself"

" Well I kinda ran away" I lowered my head as he stared at me

" Why"

"Well it's kinda because of my family"

"How old are you"

"I turned eighteen a couple day ago "

"So I'm guessing you ran away because you found your mate and he rejected you"

"How-w did you know"

"Well I've read about wolf's finding there mate when they turn eighteen and since you ran away from your family I figured that's the only thing that would have made you do it"

" Oh" I whispered as fidgeted with my fingers

"Well don't look so glum I'm here to give you a second chance if your willing to take it, it's your choice"

"What do you mean"

"I mean you have a choice if you wanna become a hunter, here we are at the hunter institute where we recruit and train people to become hunters to defend threats to the supernatural and human community "

I just stared at him as he continued "There are also hunters that are part of an elite group called assassin hunters, they are few but they are the strongest and most powerful of all the hunters , chris here is part of that group", he glanced at chris then back to me "he's a vampire with special abilities one of them being he can disappear and reappear with speed unlike any, most assassin hunters are supernatural, only few are humans that are well capable to handle any task and I am the head of it all"

I couldn't even believe what I was hearing I had no clue that these people even existed, I've been so clueless my entire life, but not anymore, from now on I'm gonna do things my way. " yes I wonna join and become a hunter, I've been called weak and worthless but not any more"

"Oh dear you have the potential to become an assassin hunter even" he smiled "and by my the way my name is Rogers "

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