《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 1



Everything in my life was going smooth, i never thought the day would come when my own mate would reject me but I guess I was wrong life is as shitty as the people in it and without my mate and my family I guess I don't know what I'm living for but I still wouldn't forget that dreadful day like if it only happened yesterday (which it did) and my heart still hurt every time I think about

It was my eighteen birthday and my parents was throwing a little gathering inviting family and friends to celebrate with me. We were in the middle of the celebration when the Alpha family decided to join us to wish me well and hope on finding my mate soon.

But little did they know that as soon as Alpha Henry's son , Blake walked in our eye's meet and it's like time slowed down for us so we can saver this moment like nothing else matter. He was tall about 6'7 while I was 5'6. He had dark blue eye's with a little bit of grey swirling through it.

He also has huge muscles that looks good on him and prefect abs that any woman would die for and any man would envy by what I've seen during his training. I have always had a crush on him but knew it would have never work out. My eye's then grew wide as my wolf mutter inside my head


'Well well' i thought ' I guess all my fantasy about him are gonna turn reality since were mates' But before I could approach him he break eye contact with me and head back out through the door, while I was just standing there dumbfounded as to why he walked away instead of coming to me.

Without even thinking I followed him out side and saw him walking into the forest so I called after him but instead of turning around he started to walk even faster that I had to run to catch up with him

"Hey " I said tugging him by the shoulder while feeling the sparks that shooted trough me as our skin made contact "What do you want" he turned around to face me

"What do you mean what do i want don't play dumb with me, you know we're mates so why did you walk out on me" I said looking him in the eye for an emotion but sawed none " we're (he gestured between us) are not mates this is just a terrible misunderstanding so get lost " he tried swatting me away

"W-what do you mean"

"Look ,Your too weak, I can't accept you as a mate you would only shame yourself and this pack" he said while turning around and walked away leaving me there with a shattered heart. I was standing there for what felt like hours until I heard my name being called that snapped me out of my trans


It was my best friend Jenna that came out to look for me " Hey lizzy what are you doing out here your missing out on your party, c'mon let's go" she tugged my shoulder to follower her, i obediently obliged and followed her back to my house.

The party continued but I was in no mood to enjoy, i just wanted to take a shower, headed to bed and wish this was all a dream but to my expectations this was reality and i still had a bunch of people here wishing me happy birthday and good luck in finding my mate which I already found but he rejected me.

I woke up the next morning feeling worse than before because I've been crying whole night until I suddenly drifted to sleep. I haven't told my parents as yet because they would be devastated and i didn't want to worry them more because of the stress they were under in organising my party so I just wept by myself trying to ease the pain

I got up and did my morning necessities and headed down stairs for breakfast, i greeted my mom and dad and went to sit down at the island " Hey honey" my mom said turning around to face me but gasp aloud when she saw my condition "honey what happen to you, did having the party did this to you" she said but i shook my head " then what di-"

Before she had completed her sentence alpha Henry had mind link us saying he wanted us for a meeting at the pack house as soon as possible. We ended the conversation and hurriedly finished up to meet with alpha Henry. We then entered the house and headed straight to the meeting room to see that alpha Henry, Blake and Luna Mary sitting at the round table that accommodate 12 seats, alpha Henry then gestured for us to take a seat that's when I made eye contact with Blake but he looked away avoiding my eye

" so" alpha Henry started " the reason you are here today concerns your daughter Elisabeth " my parents give me a side look that they seem confuse " and (he continued) my son Blake" . My parents then turned their full attention to me giving me the look which say explain but Blake beat me to it

" we found out last night that we were mates" my mother gasp but my father kept his face blank " but I'm rejecting her, she's too weak and cannot preform at best to be a Luna especially with the test that all alphas mate has to take" that was all it took for me get up and ran out side ignoring my mother as she calls after me. I kept running until I was home and then I went into my room locking the door, i jumped on my bed and cry my heart out


'I can't believe he would say that without even giving me a chance, I know that I might not be able to pass the test but still did he reject me out of pity or did he think I couldn't have make it at all', with this many thought running through my brain my head started to hurt so I just drifted off to sleep trying to forget everything.

I then got up to the sound of noise so I quietly headed to the door opening it easy and made my way to the source of the noise " how can this have happen, now she'll only bring disgrace to our family " my mother sobbed " I don't know what we're going to do, if the pack figures out she's the Luna their not gonna want that, just like what Blake said and I couldn't have agreed with him more " my dad said as I stand there shocked as to how my parents are taking his side

"She's too weak and my end up failing the test their not going to want a Luna that is weak so Blake does have a point" my mother said quieting her sobs while I stood there wishing I could disappear from this world, my heart feeling twice as heavy of the realisation that my parent didn't pick up for me but instead agreed to what he said.

I couldn't take anymore of it as the angry slowly make it's way into my system, i turned around and headed back up stairs leaving them as they continued their conversation. I entered my room and pulled out my duffle bag then went to my drawers and started emptying my clothes into the bag, i then went into my bathroom and packed all my bathroom necessary and dump it in the bag I then open the window slinging the bag over my shoulder then quietly climb down the window, when I had safely landed on the ground I took off running and headed into the woods never looking back.

So here I was on the road to no where in particular from the place I once called home to no man's land, i had stop running like an hour ago and started to walk I was already off my packs territory because I've been running for hours so the place was already getting dark. i then took a break and rest my head on a tree and before I new it I feel asleep feeling physically and emotionally exhausted.

I was awoken in the late hours of the night to a growl coming from across the tree I was resting on, i look closer and come in contact with a medium size brown wolf with eye's as red as blood itching nearer to me with its nostril flear and it's chest puffing up and down as he got closer , i slowly got up from off the ground and dust my self off recognising that the wolf was a rogue.

As it itched closer ,I stood my ground and made eye contact with the wolf preparing my self to fight him off if he attack , but a chill run down my spin and I'm not talking about the good ones as I heard another growl came from the side of me so I glanced at him for a second and soon realised that I was out number. I started to take steps walking backwards as I saw them coming nearer. The one that was at my side leap into the air to jump on me but I quietly step sided him remembering some moves that I used to learn while spying on my old pack training.

The one that was in front of me charged and tried to rip my face off with its claw but i dodge the attack by bearly a second and grab on to its nostril and laid a punch on its left eye giving me advantage to punch him again but I didn't get much time to continue fighting him because the other rogue had grab onto my shirt with his teeth trying to pull me away from the one in front of me. I tried back kicking him but he dodge and slash his claw onto my leg which started to bleed but the pain I didn't felt as i was too busy trying to stay alive, the blood lost was too much and my vision was starting to get blurry and my body was also getting weak

I was trying to say conscious on fighting these wolf but was losing terrible as the adrenaline had drained out of my body, one of of the wolf leap into the air to jump onto me but fell to the ground instead by the sound a gun shot straight in its heart while the other one was about to attack but a figure came out of no where and rip off its head with its bear hand without any struggle.

I tried to hold on to see who my saver was but the darkness took over, and before I know it I was out of it.






Author note: hope you enjoyed the first chapter ??? please!!! comment and vote its my first book so tell me how am I progressing as an author :)

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