《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 4


Chris had been showing me around and also helping me train since I arrived, it took a while but after getting comfortable with him I told him everything that happened that day and also how our alpha king came about to make the laws that he did, it was really sad about what Blake did but I do understand his reasons, well that's if his reasons are what I think they are but still, I'm upset and heartbroken about it

So here i am trying to get stronger not for my pack but for myself and if the day do come that i have to go back home i will prove to all of them that I'm not that little weak girl anymore but a strong woman that can take care of herself

"Hey what are you thinking about, you've been out of it for a while " Chris asked as he sat next to me while we eat lunch

"Oh I was just thinking about home" I sighed

"You need to put that out of your mind and start living a little "

"Yea I guess so" I sighed again feeling even more stressed about my situation

" Let's continue with our training, so you can keep your mind occupied "

"Ok sure I could do with some distractions " we finished up with our lunch then head back to the training ground.

We continued with our training everyday after that and slowly my heart started mending the wounds that my pack cause and my focus was set on my training and the people that I've come to call my friends, life did start looking up for me and everyday I got better at what I did.





9 months later

I was in Rogers's office, being told that I was finally going on my first mission and was paired in a two man team with Chris after receiving the details we were dismissed and on our way to complete the mission


A few hours later I was on a room top opposite my said target, which was in a restaurant sitting eating his meal with a client or should I say Chris my pattern , my rifle aimed directly at his head as I waited for the signal, I took a breath and counted in my head , 3, 2, 1 he raised his hand and with out wasting time I pulled the trigger and waited for the second signal.

As I saw chris gasped for effect then checked the man's pulse to make sure he's dead, the crowd then grew bigger around the man while chris pick up the brief cased and slipped through the crowd before anyone saw him same time I packed my gun away and headed off the building not wasting anymore time and took off in my car while chris drove separate

Back at head quarters I signed in meaning I have carried out my mision and made my way to the head of division, as I entered I noticed that chris was already here and Roger was now beginning his speech, I took a seat at the table and listened carefully as he spoke .

"Well done on your mission chris. Eli." He began everyone hear call me Eli instead of Elizabeth or lizzy like my old pack, I'm also still in training to become an assassin hunter since I'm not quite there yet, but I am surpassing most of these regular hunters

We just nod and continued listening to him rant on about this and that, over the years the hunter and the supernatural committee has become allies, only killing each other if absolutely necessary , like a rogue problem that a pack or a clan may have, us hunters also work for the human government eliminating any threat deemed necessary, like the mission I just finished. over these couple of months I've learned a lot of things thanks to these hunter and everyone welcomed me with open arms which I appreciate.


The meeting was finished and I was appointed to another assignment that I was grateful for so I headed to my room , after I've came to live here I try to focus mostly on the here and now like chris said , but I still wonder about my parents tho wanting to know how ther holding up and also my bestfriend jenna I miss her so much but I just had to leave.

I couldn't stay when everyone there would start criticizing me the moment they found out that I was the future alpha's reject mate. I sighed to myself looking out the window as the sun went down , the campus around this build was huge and held everything that we required to train here, from the gym, training room, library, weapons room to the technical room and even a pool. when I really think about it I guess running wasn't so bad after all.

I heard a rap on the door and sense that it was Chris so I told him to come in

"Hey, how you holding up" he smiled as he entered the room

"You don't have to treat me like I'm a child you know" I pouted a bit at him

He just chuckled at my reaction and sat on the bed " my bad, but anyways I'm just here to make sure your ok and if your preparing for your next mission"

"Yeah I'm gonna start preparing in a bit, but other wise than that i ok"

"Well then good to hear, I'll be down stairs if there's anything you need "

"Sure, thanks , oh and Chris i really appreciate everything things that you've done for me "

"Your welcome and it was my pleasure" with that he left the room, while I got to start preparing for my next mission, tomorrow




A/N : hey!! keep reading don't forget to vote and comment.

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