《Sour or Sweet》twenty-six.
"Cameron! I'm about to be late because of you!" I screamed and rushed to put my scrubs on. It's Tuesday which means I have lab and to make matters worse I have a quiz today.
Cameron was sitting on the edge of my bed in his box briefs staring at me trying not to laugh. I frowned my face. "Laugh. I want you to and watch what I do to you."
I turned around and faced my mirror pulling my hair into a ponytail. I'm going to need Kai to get me right this weekend for my pictures. I grabbed my apple watch and wrapped it around my wrist. I looked up and saw Cameron standing behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and stuck his face in my neck slow licking it.
"You mad at me?" He whispered into my ear and started sucking on my neck. My eyes fluttered closed and I relaxed into his chest. I popped my eyes back open and elbowed him.
"Get off me Amari. You wanted to eat me out all night and made me miss my alarm." I rolled my eyes and walked into my closet grabbing my all black vapormax and slipped my feet inside almost tripping because of how fast I was moving. I grabbed my lab coat along with my bookbag and walked back out.
"You mad at me for real?"
I looked up and saw that he had a certain look on his face. Then I thought about something. Shit! I walked in between his legs and gripped his chin. He gave me a small smile. I shook my head and kissed him. "I'm not mad at you baby, but I really do have to go before Im late. You staying here or you going back home?"
He nodded his head and stood up wrapping his arms around my waist. "Staying here. I gotta go get me some more clothes though."
I walked out of his arms and grabbed my extra set of keys tossing them to him. "The house key is the one wrapped in purple. What you want to eat later?"
"Steak and baked potato with green beans."
I nodded my head and grabbed my phone. Throwing my bookbag on my back. I placed another kiss on his lips and ran out of the room.
"Good luck baby!" Cam yelled behind me.
"Thank you!"
Once I made it downstairs, I hurriedly grabbed a core water from the fridge and pulled my keys from the hook. I walked into the garage slapping the opener on the wall. I slid in the drivers seat and pressed the start button backing out. I closed it and sped down the driveway busting a hard right at the end. I increased my speed once I got on the interstate. Not even bothering to look at the dash because I know I was doing the whole thing. Weaving in and out of traffic.
About thirty minutes later I was pulling through the gates. I sped the through the campus and drove around to the natural science building. I parked in student parking and grabbed my bookbag. I hopped out and basically ran inside. I opt out on the elevator and took the stairs to the third floor. Whew shit! I jogged down the hall and pushed the door open to my designate class and saw my classmates with their heads down. I shook my head and walked towards the back of the class to my professors desk.
He looked up over his glasses. "You're late Ms. Jones."
"I know. Excuse me Dr. Lewis."
"Here's your quiz. I will be deducting ten minutes from your take time, so I advise you to get started as soon as possible." I shook my head grabbed the quiz from him. I know shouldn't say this but I'm going to beat Cameron up. Just gonna give him a little love tap. I walked to my designated seat and sat down pulling a pencil from my bag. It was twenty questions and I only have five minutes to take it. I rolled my eyes.
After being in lab for damn near three hours, I was finally able to leave. As I was walking out of the building, I pulled that hot ass lab coat off and walked to the parking lot. I looked around as I walked and shook my head. Treyvon was harassing some girl. It's been a minute since I've seen him because I be under Cameron. He saw me and grinned.
"Wassup bestie!" He yelled with arms up. I laughed and waved. I was almost to my car so I started it remotely as I stepped on the sidewalk. Opening up the door, I threw my bookbag in and slid in pulling my seatbelt across me. I put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking spot. Time to go to Walmart.
I jumped on the interstate and sped through. I looked through my rearview mirror and swore that the person behind me was following me. I sat up in my seat and increased my speed. I changed lanes and they changed lanes. I furrowed my eyebrows.
Maybe it's a just a coincidence and I'm tripping. I changed lanes again and took a left at the light. I pulled over to the right and stopped—looking in my rearview mirror seeing the car go straight. I shook my head and continued on to Walmart. I was pulling into the parking lot about ten minutes later. Parking is always a hassle here luckily I found a park and backed in. Killing the engine, I threw my seatbelt off and grabbed my wallet from my bookbag.
I made sure I had my phone and keys before getting out. I hit the lock and walked off. Watch I go in here buy more than what I came here for. Walking through the automated doors I grabbed a wipe and and wiped down the buggy before walking to the meat section. I'll do the vegetables last. The man want steaks, so steaks it is. I grabbed three packs of t-bones and pushed on.
As I walked through the store I made sure I had everything for dinner. I shook my head as I was walking towards check out. All this unnecessary stuff is not supposed to be in this buggy. I got some new candles, plugins, and a candle wax burner. I even got the new ninja blender along with some other stuff I don't need. I placed all my items on the conveyor belt and pushed the buggy up. My total caused me to shake my head. I really just spent three hundred dollars on bullshit. I inserted my card and entered my pin. Once I heard the beep, I removed it and grabbed my bags pushing the buggy out of the store.
As I was walking up the hill to my car, I noticed something in my windshield. I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly walked up to it. I made sure the buggy was standstill and looked around. I did a walk around my car and sighed. So somebody keyed my car, slashed the front left tire and slashed the back right tire. My back window is also busted. Now who the fuck? I grabbed a loose bag and picked up the paper out of my windshield and opened. My face balled up in confusion. It read in bold writing. With a lipstick kiss.
I don't know what the fuck is going on. First my car, now this? I'm about to cry. I pushed the note into my pocket. I unlocked my car and grabbed my gun from the glove-compartment. I pulled my phone out and dialed my daddy's number. It rung for a few until he finally answered.
"Wassup mufffin?"
"Daddy!" I sniffed and wiped my face. I heard shuffling in the background.
"Brielle? What's wrong? Why the fuck you crying?" At this point he sounded alarmed. I think I scared him. I shook my head and wiped my face.
"Daddy somebody slashed my tires and busted my back window." I looked around the parking lot and didn't see nothing out of the ordinary.
"What? Where you at muffin? Hold on Ash."
Sniffing, I wiped my face. "I'm at Walmart."
"Stop crying muffin. You got your piece on you?"
"Yes." I heard shuffling in the background and the alarm beeping. Indicated he just left out of the door.
"We're on our way baby. Have you called your boyfriend?"
"No. My first instinct was to call you." I bit my lip and sighed. What the fuck man.
"Good, but go ahead and call him. If he doesn't handle it, call me back. I'll be there soon and you can tell me everything once I make it."'
"Okay see you in a minute." I hung up and dialed Cameron's number. He answered after the second ring.
"Wassup mama? You on your way home?"
I sniffed and shook my head. "Baby can you come get me?"
"Why you crying?! What's wrong Alaya?"
This some bullshit man. Like I don't bother nobody so who did this? "After I left school I came to Walmart, so I could get the stuff for dinner and once I finished shopping I came out to two slashed tires and a busted window."
"I'm on my way baby. Get anything valuable out your car. I'll call a tow truck once I get there it." I heard his car door slam and the screeching sound of his tires.
"Hold tight baby. I'll be there in twenty minutes top." I hung up and pushed my phone in the pocket of my scrubs.
I grabbed my bookbag and opened the armrest grabbing the stack my daddy left in there over the past weekend. I never it took out. I placed it in my bookbag and grabbed the garage opener before getting out the car. I shut the door and popped the trunk. I grabbed the box of velvet jewelry boxes and placed it on the ground beside my feet before closing the trunk. I made sure I had any and everything that was valuable. I hit the lock but hell there's no point when the back window is open. I tucked my gun in the waistband of my pants and leaned up against my car.
Minutes later I saw Cameron's Range Rover speeding through the lot. He pulled up beside me and hopped out. He walked up to me and grabbed my face. "You okay mama?"
I nodded my head and moved from his grip. I walked around him and grabbed the Walmart bags opening up his truck placing them inside. I grabbed the box and did the same. I picked up my wallet and bookbag before climbing the passenger seat. I pulled my gun out my waist laid my head against the window closing my eyes. I just want to know how Cameron ties into all this. My left leg started shaking out of irritation. About ten to fifteen minutes later Cameron was sliding in the drivers seat.
I threw my hand up and shook my head. "Not now Amari. I just want to go home."
I heard him sigh and he pulled out of the parking lot. I am so glad my classes are canceled for the rest of the week due to homecoming. About twenty minutes later, we was pulling into my driveway. I grabbed the garage opener from my bookbag and opened it. Soon as he pulled in I grabbed my gun and hopped out. He can get everything. I opened the side door stepping in and kicked my shoes off setting my bookbag on the floor. I hopped on the counter and placed my gun beside me. It took Cameron about three trips before he brought everything in.
"Amari. I'm only going to ask one question and I need you to be completely honest with me."
"Wassup mama?"
I looked up at him and shook my head. I knew it was too good to be true. Just too sweet. "Are you cheating on me?"
His face balled up in confusion. "When I'm not at my apartment or practice, I'm with you every hour of the day. I can't cheat on you if I wanted to. Where is this coming from?"
I chuckled and licked my lips jumping down from the counter. I pulled the paper from my pocket and smacked him in the chest with it—pushing him in the process causing him to stumbled back.
I jogged up the stairs and walked into my room immediately stripping from my clothes. I placed my phone on the dresser and wrapped my ponytail in a bun. I picked up all my discarded clothes and walked into the bathroom throwing them in the hamper. I pulled my rob on and sat on the edge of the tub. Plugging the drain, I turned the knob all the way to hot and poured in some Dr. Teals calm and serenity foaming bath. I walked into my room and grabbed my phone. I connected it and tapped on my r and b playlist—shutting the bathroom door, I removed my rob and stepped in hissing. I sat all the way in the water and laid my head back against the wall closing my eye sing along to the song softly.
"Nothing is promised to me and you. So why will we let this thing go. Baby I promise that I'll stay true. Don't let nobody say it ain't so." I heard my bathroom door open and I shook my head not bothering to open my eyes.
"Lift up."
I popped my eyes open and saw Cam standing in front of me on all his glory. My mouth watered at his semi-hard piece as it hung between his legs. I shook my head. What the fuck Bri. I rolled my eyes and lifted up. He stepped in and slid behind me pulling me into his chest—gripping my thighs under the water.
"I know you got a attitude because I see it all over your face, but I can assure you I'm not cheating on you mama. If you don't believe me, you can go through whatever."
I sighed and laid my head against his chest. "I believe you but it's weird and that's not even the only thing that happened today."
I felt him look down at me. "Yea? What happened?"
I shifted because I felt his member poking me in my back. He reached under the water and moved it. I laughed to myself.
"When I was leaving school. I think somebody was following me. Every time I changed lanes, they did. I thought I was tripping but I don't think so. Then my window, the tires, and the note? It's not adding up. You don't think it's your ex?" I felt him stiffen under me. I turned around and straddle his lap—jumping in the process. That dick y'all.
"I wouldn't rule her out but last I heard she graduate and left Dallas. So I don't know mama and I don't have nobody else in mind. What about you? You got any crazy ex's?"
I laughed lightly and shook my head. "Yea, but he's dead."
Cameron looked at me funny and laughed. "Waymen mama. Rewind that back."
I nodded my head. "Yes, he's dead. His bestfriend decapitated him."
"Oh wow. What he do that bad to have his head removed?"
I bit my lip and looked up in his face. "Do you really wanna know?"
He shrugged his shoulders and started rubbed his hands up and down my sides.
"He raped me and others."
Cameron halted his movement and slowly brought his head up looking me in my face. He squinted and then he shook his head.
"I— don't know what to say so I'm not going to say anything because I don't wanna say the wrong thing."
I nodded my head because I didn't wanna hear the occasional 'I'm sorry' from another person that didn't cause the pain. "Uh this might be bad timing but my parents are on the way here."
I threw my head back in laughter because of the look on his face. I bit my lip to contain my laugh. I stood up getting ready to get out. I threw my leg out and Cam smacked me on my ass and I damn near slipped. I turned around and smacked him in his chest. My ass is wet so the hit stung. I grabbed a small towel jumping in the shower. I turned the water on hot and rinsed my body before lathering up the towel in my dove body wash. I showered for about twenty minutes because my skin was about to turn into a damn prune.
I jumped out and grabbed my big towel wrapping it around me. I looked over at the tub and saw his big ass standing up. I looked down and licked my lips. What Arby's say? He got the meat!
"Stop staring at me weirdo."
I looked up and smacked my lips. "Wasn't nobody staring at you."
"Yea yea."
He stepped out of the tub and his dick jumped. I gawked at it. Bye. Let me get the hell out of this bathroom. I walked into my room and stood in front of my dresser drying off. Tossing the towel on the bed, I grabbed my coco butter and rubbed my body down. Opening up a drawer, I pulled out the first three things I saw. A sports bra, some boy shorts and a pair of cotton shorts. I put all that on and sprayed some deodorant under my arms. I pulled a pair of black ankle socks from the sock drawer pulling them on my feet. I picked up my big towel and walked back in the bathroom hanging it up.
Walking down the hall to the guest room. I pushed the door open and turned the light on. I pulled the sheets from the bed throwing them into a pile. I tossed the pillow slips off and kicked everything into the hallway. I pulled a fresh set of sheets from the linen closet and made up the bed. I grabbed the dirty sheets from the floor and jogged downstairs to the laundry room. I don't know who told me to buy a house with stairs. I should've moved into the basement. I threw the sheets in the designated baskets and walked to the kitchen.
I grabbed my gun making sure it was on safety before I placed it inside a drawer. I pulled everything from the bags and put them all in one under my cabinet. I took the blender out the box and placed it on the counter along the wall of my other appliances. I put all of Cam's junk food and drinks in the pantry. I took out a pack of chicken because I know my mama is not going to eat steak and I don't have enough anyway. She has always stated that she didn't consume steak when she was pregnant with me and my sisters so, I know this one is no different. I grabbed a bowl and grabbed three chicken breast placing them inside with some water.
Time to clean and season the steak. It took me about twenty minutes to do so. I placed them into a bowl and slid it in the refrigerator. I looked up as I heard Cam's big ass feet come downstairs. I honestly wanna ask him to move in with me but then again I think it's too soon. Little did I know, he'll be moving in sooner than I thought.
"Baby? You need help with anything?"
I nodded my head. "Can you grabbed four potatoes and run them under the water? Pat them dry with a paper towel once you're finished."
I grabbed all the household items and squatted placing them under cabinet with the rest. I walked to another cabinet and pulled out pan along with two skillets. I placed the skillets on the stove and the pan on the counter. I walked out of the kitchen and ran back upstairs grabbing my phone. I guess daddy must have called my sisters or some. They got the group chat going.
are you okay?
bitch! I know you see me texting this damn group chat!
bye! I'm finna drive to Dallas because you fucking playing. 😒
🤍her locations say she's at home. so wtf!
brielle if I gotta get on this damn road. 😒
💗I'm finna beat her ass.
finna call daddy because you playing.
🤍beating your ass saturday so be ready.
I'm not worried about y'all little empty threats.
I'm okay. my phone was upstairs.
🤍don't scare us like that no more
💗fuck wrong with you. 😒
now who tf did it?
I don't know but I'm sad af.
I don't bother nobody like I'm so confused.
I shook my head and retreated back downstairs so I can get started on dinner. My phone sounded and I looked down seeing a text from my mama.
🤰🏾💕a houraway baby.
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