《Sour or Sweet》twenty-five.
"Why your game gotta be all the way in Alabama?" Brielle whined as she was on FaceTime with Cameron.
"Stop whining mama. I'll be back Sunday."
Bri shook her head and pouted. "That's too far away."
Cameron shook his head. "Spoiled ass. You still driving to Houston today?"
"Yes. I'm about to get ready and head out in a few. I gotta make a stop by my condo. My tenant said she needs help with something so I have to tend to my landlord duties." Brielle said as she threw her sprayground bookbag across her back and bent down grabbing her red limited edition coach duffle. She opened her Louis Vuitton neverfull and made sure everything needed was inside. Picking up her phone and keys Bri walked out of her room shutting the door in the process.
"You going now?" Cam looked into the camera.
Bri nodded her head. "Yes might as well get it over with so I can get on the road and thank you for gassing me up."
Cam licked his lips. "It's no problem baby. I'll get it detailed when I get back."
Bri pouted. "You so sweet pooh."
Cameron smirked titling his head to the side. While Bri blushes bashfully. She did a walk through and exited out of the garage door. She hit the keypad and opened the backdoor placing her bags inside. She shut the door and walked around sliding in the front.
She mounted her phone on the dash and opened the garage door before starting the engine. She pulled out of the garage and drove down her long driveway.
"You want me to stay on the phone with you?"
Brielle nodded her head. "Yes please. How far are you guys from Alabama?"
"About three hours out I believe. I think we're about to stop for something to eat in a few."
"Ugh! Just call me back when you get back on the bus."
Cameron shook his head because of the pout that was evident on her face. "Cheer up baby. I'll be back before you know it. Oh! That reminds me. I show off my third house next week."
Brielle eyes lit up because if it's one thing she loves about Cam, it's his passion for his future career. He can talk about it every hour of any day and she'll never get tired of hearing it. She smirked. "If you close out on it, I got a gift for you."
He mimicked her smirk. "Yea? What it is?"
"You'll see."
Cam shook his head. "Gir— bye! I'll call you back in a minute mama. Be safe."
"You too baby." Brielle pouted and tapped the red icon before putting her attention back on the road. She shook her head and zoomed through traffic.
About thirty minutes later she was pulling up in front of her old condo building. She killed the engine sliding her keys in the pocket of her hoodie and grabbed her phone be stepping out. She hit the keypad locking her car and walked through the entrance.
"Hey Ms. Jones!"
Bri looked to her left and smiled. "Hey Mr. Lee."
"Here to see your tenant?" Brielle nodded.
"Go ahead and go up. It was nice seeing you little lady." Bri waved and made her way towards the elevator. She stepped on and pressed the number ten button. After a short elevator ride, Bri got off and made her way down the hall to her old home. She knocked on the door and stepped back.
"Who is it?"
She pulled the door allowing Bri to step in. K'Mya shut the door and followed behind her. "I didn't think you would show."
Bri shook her head and waved her off. "Nonsense. It's my job. Now what's wrong?"
"One of the bulbs in the bathroom blew. I would've replaced them myself but I don't know to remove the covering. I think I broke the dishwasher."
Eyes widening in shock. Bri shook her head and placed her phone on the counter. "Oh my god. You didn't break the dishwasher. It's a issue with the door that I was supposed to get fixed and I never got chance to because I was so busy with school. I'll have somebody here first thing in the morning. You mind if I go check which light fixture you're talking about?"
K'Mya waved her hands. "By all means."
Bri nodded her head and walked off towards the back. While Bri was in the back. K'Mya stayed up front leaning against the counter. Bri's phone started ringing and K'Mya peaked at the screen and saw that 🤍was stretched across the screen. Once she got a good look at the picture she gasped in shock and shook her head.
"Looks like I have to do damage control, because if I can't have him then no one can." She whispered to herself and smacked herself in the face because she felt her eye twitch.
"Alright. I changed your light bulb. There was a pack all the way in the back under the cabinet. In order to remove the covering, just push in and twist. It should pop right out. What time is good for you in the morning?" Bri grabbed her phone and slid it in her back pocket.
"I'm a morning person so whatever is fine."
Bri nodded. "Okay I'll text you the details. See you later."
"See you."
Bri walked out of the condo and made her way back down. She waved at Mr. Lee and walked outside getting into her car. Pushing the start button, she put her phone on the charger and noticed she had a missed call from Cameron. She sent a simple text saying that she was getting on the road. Bri pulled the seatbelt across her and sped off burning rubber in the process.
"I love this damn car." She grinned and increased her speed getting on the highway. Bri approached a stop light and a blue Camaro ZL1 pulled beside her and tapped the gas, insinuating he wants to race. Bri shook her head and set up in her seat. She tapped the gas and once the light turned green—she sped off weaving in and out of traffic leaving the Camaro in the dust.
"Buddy never stood a chance and damn. I should've stopped at the store or some." She spoke out loud as she cruised down the highway.
Two hours into the ride, Bri pulled over and stopped at a gas station. She grabbed a couple of dollars from her armrest and got out of her car. She locked the door and walked inside. She looked around until her eyes landed on what she was looking for—the slush machine. Walking over, Bri pulled a thirty-two ounce cup and filled it with blue raspberry mixing it with cherry creating a purple mix. She payed and left out of the store getting into her car.
As she was sliding in, her phone started ringing. She placed her cup in the cup holder and picked up her phone—smiling at the contact. She swiped the bar over and mounted it on the dash. Pulling her seatbelt across her chest, she pushed the start button and pulled out of the gas station.
"Hey mama." Cameron cheesed as he looked in camera.
Bri pouted. "Hi baby."
Cameron shook his head and licked his lips. "Wipe that look off yo face Alaya."
Bri rolled her eyes and placed them back on them back on the road. "Where y'all at?"
"Alabama. We're almost to the hotel. How far are you from Houston?"
"Forty minutes out but I'm about to change it into twenty." Bri flipped the switch and sped off.
Cameron shook his head. "And you never gotten a ticket?"
"Nope." Bri shook her head picked up her slush sipping from it.
"Unbelievable and Jabari said hey."
"Tell him I said hi and is he behaving?" Bri glanced into the camera and switched lanes.
Cameron looked into the camera and gave her a knowing look. "You know the answer to that already. I really think he has ADHD. He can't sit still for nothing and get in more trouble than a child while we're on the road."
Bri shook her head. "A damn shame."
"It is, but that's what makes him, him. But we just pulled up to the hotel. I'm going to call you after I get situated. If I don't call you right after, Call me before you go to sleep. Be safe and I like you mama." He licked his lips and grinned into the camera.
Looking away from the camera, Bri blushed bashfully. "I like you too pooh."
Cameron shook his head and ended the call. Bri looked over into her imaginary camera. "I miss my baby y'all."
About twenty minutes later Bri was pulling up in front of the gated estate. Since she had a sticker in her window, she beat the hassle with the guard and drove through.
After a couple of turns, she pulled up in front of the gate and punched in the security code. Brielle was actually surprising her parents. She thought since Cam's game is away and her sisters were busy with homecoming, why not come home? She didn't want to spend a weekend by herself. She drove up the circular drive way and parked behind her fathers blacked out eighty-eight box Chevrolet Caprice. Dakari has a nick for old cars.
Bri killed the engine and grabbed her phone along with her keys and slush before stepping out. She placed her cup on the roof of the car and and opened the backseat grabbing her bags. Once everything was secure in her hands, she grabbed her cup and walked toward the front door. It was around six so her parents should be home. Bri managed to pull her keys out to unlock the door. Stepping into the foyer and she kicked her shoes off and dropped her bags in the corner. She pulled her tights up and walked into the living room seeing nobody there.
Walking into the kitchen, she saw that it was empty too. She shook her head and sipped her slush as walked up the left side of the imperial staircase.
"Shit. This why I be in the basement. Going down is so much better." She shook her head and kept going until she made it to the top. Walking down the long hallway, she pushed her parents double doors open. Their bed was on the opposite side of the door so they didn't see her.
"Hey y'all." She spoke.
Dakari jumped and placed his hand over his chest. "Girl what the fuck?
Bri laughed and walked further into their room setting her cup and climbed into their bed getting in the middle.
"Hi mommy." She reached over and rubbed her stomach.
"Hi child. What you doing here?"
"Dang, this how you treating your first born? But if you must know I didn't wanna stay at home this weekend and I missed y'all." She removed her hoodie and laid her head in her father's lap.
Dakari looked down at her. "Why not?"
"I would've been by myself. My boyfriend's game is out of state and it's Kai and Keria's homecoming. I would've went down there but I didn't wanna party two weekends in a row. And plus they're working I would've been in the way."
Dakari shook his head. "Your separation anxiety is about to start up again."
"I know." Bri whined
"How often are you guys together?"
"I would say quite often. If I'm not at home, I'm at his apartment and if we're busy we'll FaceTime or a regular call."
"Has he been to the house yet?"
Brielle nodded her head. "Yes he stayed with me last weekend."
"Ugh! Get off me. You're growing up and I don't like that." Dakari pushed Bri out of his lap and she laughed.
"Dakari don't be manhandling my daughter."
Shaking her head. Bri looked up at him and frowned. "It's the audacity for me, but daddy I'm hungry."
He shook his head. "What you want?"
"Me—." Bri was cut off by Ashley.
"We want mexican!"
"Well dang mama. What if I wasn't about to say mexican?" Bri laughed and stood up—jumping out of their bed.
Dakari laughed and shook his head. "Come on Brielle, ride with me."
Bri pulled her hoodie back over head and grabbed her slush walking out heading towards her room. She walked across the walkway to her and her sisters side of the house. She pushed her door open and walked into her closet grabbing some slides.
"Brielle!" Her daddy shouted.
"Here I come!" Bri walked out of her room and jogged down the second staircase. She made it downstairs and saw her daddy standing at the door.
"You ready?" She nodded her head and grabbed her neverfull from the corner. Dakari held the door open for her and she stepped out with him behind her. Walking around, Dakari unlocked the door to his Chevy and held the door open for his daughter. Bri slid in and he shut the door—jogging around. Dakari opened the door and slid his tall build inside. Turning the key over, the engine rumbled causing the car to shake. He pulled it in drive and drove around the fountain down the driveway. Punching in the code he pulled out once the gates opened. He glanced at Bri.
"So tell me about this boyfriend you say you got. What's his name again? Calamari?"
Bri smiled and shook her head. "Now daddy you know I told you his name is Cameron. Talking about some Calamari, but what do you want know?"
"The basics." He relaxed into the seat and cruised down the road.
"Well he's twenty-three. He's on the football team and he's majoring Architectural Engineering with a minor in Real Estate. In fact his mama sold me my house."
Dakari looked Bri before putting his eyes back on the road. "For real? What's the company name?"
"Hayes Real Estate & Co."
Dakari nodded his head and turned down the strip. "That's who builded and designed our first house and the current one."
"Small world."
"How he treat you?" Dakari approached a stop sign and looked both ways before turning left.
Brielle glanced up at her daddy. "Like you treat us."
Dakari shook his head and pulled up along the side of Little Mex. It was in fact—little and it was the Jones's favorite mexican restaurant. Dakari looked at Bri and sighed.
"You know why I'm asking these questions right?"
Bri nodded her head slowly. "Yes, you wouldn't be a father if you didn't."
"This is your first relationship since highschool and I just want you to be careful muffin. I failed you once and I'm not gonna do it again. I'll lay my life on the line for you, Kai, Keria, the one on the way and your mama. I know this should be a happy moment because you're home but you fucked me up with that Alaya. I'm so sorry baby."
Bri shook her head at the sound of her daddy's voice cracking. "Don't cry please because then I'm going to start crying and we both can't be crying. There's only one person that should be apologizing to me but he can't because he's dead—as he should be but daddy I promise you I'm okay. I've made peace with it. I'm a survivor, not a victim."
Dakari shook his head and ran his hand down his face. "You're so strong muffin."
"I have to thank my wonderful parents for that." Bri cheesed as she looked up at her father.
"Nah that's all you baby. Now let's go order some food before the pregnant monster put out a missing person report on us."
"Don't do my mama." Bri laughed and threw her head back. She grabbed her purse by the handles and opened her door stepping out. Dakari threw his hoodie over his head and wrapped his arm around Bri's neck and they walked towards the entrance. Dakari pulled the door open letting Bri walk in first.
Both stood in the small line looking at the menu like they haven't been here a million times. "Bri you want your usual?"
Nodding her head. "Yup. The san miguel sampler no guacamole and a bowl of queso with chips, with a pineapple-orange lemonade."
Dakari nodded his head. "Okay go sit down while I order the food. It's gonna be a minute because I know ya mama is going to want the street taco tray."
Bri walked off and sat in the little waiting area. She sat her purse in her lap and pulled out her phone going to Instagram. She smiled once she saw her sisters's posts and her smile grew even wider once she came across Cam's. Bri laughed at his caption and shook her head.
heavy on the pretty. makeup by my sister and pony by me. 😘
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2 for 1 😘. orange thang unit by
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I really don't have nothing to say but I made jabari take this picture.
Brielle doubled tapped each post and went to check her email. Nodding in satisfactory. Her graduation application was approved. Even though she had clearance from her advisor, the application still had to go through the process of approval by the administration. She was scheduled to take her finals the second week in November. So, that meant right after homecoming it's crunch time. Graduation here we come!
About twenty-five minutes later her daddy was waking back over with two aluminum trays, a bag with three to-go trays and a drink holder with two medium sized cups and a large. Bri slipped her phone back in her purse and it threw it on her shoulder. She stood up and grabbed the bag along with the drinks from her daddy. Dakari pushed the door open and held it open for her. Bri stepped out and walked towards the car opening the backdoor placing the food inside. Dakari did the same. They slid in their seats and he pulled off.
"So you're really graduating early huh? Damn I'm getting old."
Bri laughed. "Yup. I just checked my email. My application was approved now I just have the pass my finals."
Dakari nodded his head. "You got it muffin. So what's the plan for after?"
"MCAT prep, but I think I wanna take a couple months off before I jump right back in school."
"That's understandable. You know what you want for graduation?" He glanced at her before making a turn.
Bri shook her head. "No honestly, but I do know I just want a small dinner with family. I'm going to have Kai take some pictures and make my invitations next weekend."
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The Ruined Monks of Rothfield Monastery
Erin is the youngest member of the dark monks; a supernatural brotherhood whose ultimate mission is to improve the dire circumstances of poor, war-torn villages using powers unique to each member. Or so he was led to believe. Erin, like his brothers, does not age, and that is, unfortunately, the only trait he shares with them. He cannot charm or compel like Woodrow, he cannot cast illusions like Knox, he was not swift like Swithin, not powerful like Blake. He was barely an assistant to his dear brother Wilbur, with his herbology and alchemy. He was told to lie low and make himself scarce. That is what he did. The dark monks temporarily reside in abandoned monasteries scattered around the country, feeding the poor and healing the sick, nurturing the monastic lands until it was fertile enough to raise crops and rear animals. As the years passed, they would leave these reformed, repopulated, self-sustaining monasteries and venture froth to help the next settlement. Yet, after years of toiling and quiet servitude, Erin notices that people and the country itself are declining. The villagers look gaunt, the once-lush soil now barren and cracked. He begins to feel disheartened, thinking that their mission is proving futile. Still, their leader Blake is steadfast and charges onward, and lately has his eyes set on a certain monastery in a thick, thorned forest that seems to diminish, even nullify their powers. A thick forest that Erin somehow has a connection to. A thorned glade where an ethereal voice calls his name with one simple request along with a promise:Heal the land, child. Heal the land and I promise to give you sanctuary so long as you stay. I promise to nurture you as you nurture me. As Erin cultivates the land, the land, in turn, gifts all its caretakers with new, enhanced skillsets on top of their unique powers -- skills of protection, healing, and magic. Magic. Erin had long wished to see the world fill with it again. The people, regardless of common or noble blood, still believe that magic will enter this world again. Magic to bless the king like it did the Saints. Magic to dispel the miasma befouling the world. Magic to bring back the fae folk and their many forms. It is up to Erin to forge the many paths leading to a bright future; to build a prosperous paradise that welcomes all races and bloodlines, by mastering the rewards gained through agriculture, horticulture, and animal husbandry, smithing, crafting, and fishing. Erin may also find a lifelong friendship and romance with his neighbor, Claude, if he decides to pursue him, and may even join him in the military campaign outside the monastery. The darkness still lurks outside, after all, and the mastery of his skills, along with a few good friends, may finally be enough to turn the tide in their favor. Most of all, Erin wants to keep the vow he set for himself: to protect everyone and everything he loves until his dying breath.
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