《Sour or Sweet》twenty-four.
I hate being woken up out my sleep for anything, but let me wake up hot? I be mad. I rubbed my eyes and tried to move. Realizing I couldn't, I looked down and saw Cameron big ass body on my stomach. I shook my head. No wonder I'm hot. I pushed at his shoulder. "Baby."
He moved and wrapped his arms around me—tighter. I took my index finger and placed it under his nose. He moved around and looked around before looking up at me confused. I smiled. "Baby get up. I'm and I have to pee."
He licked his lips and unwrapped his arms from around me moving to the other side. I threw the covers back and threw my legs across. Standing up, I pulled my wedgie out and walked into my bathroom. I walked over to the toilet pulling down my underwear and took a seat. I released my urine and washed my hands. After doing so, I pulled my robe on and walked downstairs. Once I made it to the kitchen, I was shocked because It was clean. I guess Keria and Jabari cleaned up for me.
I walked around and grabbed my phone seeing that it was four something in the morning. I grabbed a core water from her fridge and turned the thermostat down making my way back upstairs. I kicked the door closed and removed my robe. After drinking some water I placed the bottle on the night stand. I climbed back into the bed and Cameron instantly got back in his previous position.
"Beautiful what took you so long?" He mumbled into my stomach. I rubbed my fingers through his hair.
"I went downstairs." He moved around until he was looking up at me.
"What time is it?" He spoke in a raspy tone. Whew. I shifted beneath him.
"It's four something. Were you waiting on me to go back to sleep?"
He chuckled. "Is it that obvious?"
I laughed. "Maybe, but let's go back. I think I want to cook brunch." He nodded his head and laid back onto my stomach.
Around twelve I woke up to yelling followed by gunshots along with a empty bed. I shook my head because I think Cameron and Bari found my playstation. I stretched and once I felt my legs shake I climbed out of the bed.
Looking to my left I saw the Hennessy bottle and bit my lip thinking about last night's festivities. Whew. I laughed to myself. Mouth put that ass to sleep. I walked into the bathroom and started my shower. Once it was to my liking, I stripped and threw my hair into a messy bun before pulling a small towel from the shelf.
I stepped and cleansed my body with my african black soap before using my dove body wash. After being in the shower for about forty minutes, I stepped out and wrapped my big towel around me. Walking back into my room. I jumped seeing Kai laying across my bed.
"Sis I don't feel too good." She moaned into the mattress.
I shook my head laughing to myself. "You threw up yet?"
She shook her head and sat up pouting. "No but I feel like I have to. Why you let me drink?" She whined and threw her head back.
"Let me get dressed and I'm going to get you right."
"Ok." She said and fell back down into the bed.
I shook my head and dried off. I grabbed some panties and stepped into them pulling them up letting the band pop against my skin. I sprayed some deodorant on and pulled a Nike sports bra over my head. I rubbed my skin down with some coco butter and pulled on the Nike leggings to match the bra.
I grabbed my towel and picked up my discarded clothes from last night—throwing everything in the dirty clothes basket. I brushed my teeth and walked back out. I quickly rubbed my lips in vaseline before sliding my phone in the pocket of my bra. I grabbed the bottle and cup.
"Come on Kai." I slid my feet into my house shoes.
"Carry me."
I shook my head and walked in front of my bed. She stood up and hopped on my back wrapping her legs around my waist. Once she was secure we walked downstairs. After we made it down Keria busted out laughing and started teasing.
"Lightweighttttt." She screamed.
"Girl fuck you." Kai said as I laid her on the couch. She grabbed the throw blanket that was draped across the back and pulled it up to her face. I shook my head walking into the kitchen. I poured the cup out throwing it in the trash and placed the bottle on the counter. Going over to the fridge I grabbed a strawberry kiwi Gatorade for me and a Ginger Ale for Kai.
Going back into the living room, I passed Kai her drink and sat in the corner of the couch putting my leg across Cam's lap. I slide the other behind his back. "Kai drink that slow and how y'all find my game?"
"Za'Keria." Cam spoke not taking his eyes off the tv. I noticed they were now playing Gran Turismo.
I shook my head and opened my Gatorade taking a sip. "Y'all hungry?"
"Sis I'm starving." Jabari shook his head and dropped the controller on the couch letting out a dramatic sigh.
I laughed. "I feel like I'm only your sister because I can cook."
He titled his head to the side. "Maybe."
I shook my head. "Shame."
"Baby don't cook his ass nothing. Let him starve." Cam said as he ran his hands up and down my legs.
"Bri what we doing today?"
I shrugged my shoulders and looked the around. "I don't know. What y'all got in mind?"
Jabari smacked his lips. "Girl you're a terrible host."
"As long as it don't involve drinking I'm game for whatever." Kai spoke in muffled tone because the cover was over her mouth.
"Shut up Jabari." I pulled Cam's arm up and laid under him placing his hand on my ass.
"Just rude! I should've left yo kitchen dirty last night."
I laughed and gasped. "You cleaned my kitchen for real?"
"In fa—." Keria cut him off.
"Sis is he lying! When y'all disappeared, Kai was the first to fall asleep, then Jabari followed suit with a hot wing in his mouth. I was still sitting at the table because Jay called me on FaceTime. Bitch why he fall out the chair? I cleaned the kitchen and put the wings up. I woke Kai so we could go upstairs. I tired to wake him up but he wouldn't budge so I left his big ass down here."
Cameron shook his head. "A damn shame."
Jabari frowned. "That's why I woke up on the floor?"
I laughed. "What time did you go upstairs because I came down and got a water around four. I definitely didn't see you."
"I don't even know to be honest."
I shook my head. "So what we doing? I'm cooking or we going out?"
"Let's go out. So when we come back everybody can help each other with their homework."
"Jabari shut up, but going out doesn't sound too bad." Cam spoke as he turned the game off and turned to the tv back.
"We need to figure where we're going first." Keria said as she looked up from her phone.
"What about that golf place? The one similar to Top Golf." I looked around and Jabari had a weird expression on his face. I looked up Cam and he was shaking his head.
"That's out of the equation mama." He laughed and bit his lip.
He looked at Jabari. "Tell her."
Jabari rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically. "I'm banned."
"Why—you know what. I don't even wanna know." I shook my head.
"Oo! How about the arcade?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "Fine by me."
Cam stood up and I shrieked because he picked me up in the process. "Boy what are you doing?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso.
"We're about to go get ready." I shook my head as we walked upstairs. He kicked my door open and tossed me on the bed. Hovering over me locking me in place while he stared in my face.
I smiled looking off to the side, but he grabbed my chin bringing my face back in front of his. "What?"
He licked his lips and shook his head. He nibbled at my bottom lip before kissing me. I sucked at his bottom lip before pulling back. I smirked. "You love kissing me don't you?"
He shook his head. "I can't get enough, it's just something about that mouth of yours."
I busted out laughing and pushed him away from. "Move Amari."
He stood up and laughed throwing his head back. "Whew girl!"
I shook my head and jumped off the bed going into my closest. I grabbed a pair black distressed jeans. As y'all can see, I love black. I grabbed them and a long sleeve red graphic t-shirt. I fumbled through my shoes and grabbed my black yeezys. Walking out of my closet, I saw Cam putting on some jeans. I threw my stuff on the bed and bent over pulling a drawer open grabbing some socks. In the process I received a hard smack to my ass. I stood up and threw some socks at him. "Keep playing with me Amari."
"Oooo I'm so scared. I'm shaking in my boots." He waved his hands in the air moving side to side. I bucked at him and he flinched.
"Girl you don't scare me. Get dressed."
I pulled my tights off and stuck my legs into the jeans. I jumped and pulled them buttoning them before pulling my shirt over my head.
"Baby! I got some for you." Cameron said rocking back and forth on the heel of his feet with his hands behind back. I squinted tilting my head to the side.
"What is it Mari?" I grabbed my Apple Watch and wrapped it around my wrist. Since I was wearing red and black. I chose my red and sliver charm bracelet.
"Close your eyes."
"Amari." I whined.
He smacked his lips. "Close your eyes Alaya."
I rolled my eyes and closed them afterwards listening to the sound of shuffling and paper tussling.
"Okay open them."
I darted my eyes around the room until they landed on the bed. I gasped and shook my head. A pout formed on my face. "Amari! You really got them."
The Louis Vuitton sandals that I have been wanting were sitting on my bed in front of a gift box. I grabbed one and adjusted the straps before sliding my foot in. I wiggled it and they fit perfect. "Come here boy."
I gripped him by his chin and pulled him into a deep kiss. I pulled his bottom lip between my teeth. I let it go and it popped against his top lip. I tilted my head to the side smirking. "You must want your dick sucked again?"
He licked his lips and shrugged his shoulders. "I mean if you're offering."
I laughed and shook my head. "I got you. Can you put my anklet on for me?"
He shook his head. "You wearing them today and where's the anklet?"
"The gold box on my dresser. It doesn't matter which one you pick." Sitting on the bed. I grabbed the other shoe and adjusted the straps. The yellow polish on my toes was still neat and clean so I was definitely wearing my shoes.
Cameron turned around with a sliver anklet with my zodiac sign, Aquarius in a cursive font. He grabbed my right foot and wrapped it around latching it. He brought my foot up to his mouth and analyzed it. I shook my head because I knew what he was about to do because it wouldn't be the first time. I snatched my foot away from him pushing against his chest.
"Nope. You're not about to do that. Finished getting dressed so we can go."
He pouted. "You're no fun."
I laughed and slid my feet into my slides. I clicked them together and smiled. They're cute and fit my small-fat feet just right. I stood up and walked in front of my dresser spraying myself with Gucci guilty and grabbed my wristlet. I knew everything was in there so I didn't bother checking. I picked up my phone and stuffed it in my back pocket. My hair was doable so I didn't do nothing to it but wrap a silk scarf around my edges. I turned around and saw Cam sitting on the edge of the bed fully dressed.
He had on a black nike windbreaker with some light acid washed jeans, a pair of red and black vapormax. He had his usual jewelry on along with his apple watch latched around his left wrist.
He looked up. "You ready mama?"
I nodded my head and grabbed his keys tossing them to him. I turned the light off and we made our way downstairs. Everybody else was ready so all we had to do was leave.
"Yall look at what Cam bought me." I raised a leg up and wiggled my foot.
"Girl about time. You've been crying about them shoes since they first dropped." Kai said as she walked towards the front door.
I dropped my foot and rolled my eyes. "You didn't even have to say all that. Hater." I shook my head and held the door open for everybody. I punched in my security code and shut the door—locking it. Cam was standing at his truck with the passenger side door open. I climbed in and he shut the door jogging to the drivers side. He slid in and adjusted the seat since I had it almost in the dash. He pushed the start button and backed out of my long ass driveway.
"Y'all tell me why we got lost last night?" Cam pulled to the end of the driveway and pulled his seatbelt across him before speeding off.
I shook my head. "How y'all get lost when I gave you the address?"
"Because of the idiot that was driving." He looked in the rearview mirror at Jabari.
He raised his hands up. "Hey! In my defense I couldn't see and Siri was being a bitch but whose fye ass jeep is that though?"
"Mine." Kai spoke up. I turned around and looked at her shaking my head. She had her install in a pony tail and some big black sunglasses on her face with her head in Z's lap.
"You still feel sick?" I asked and she shook her head.
"No my head just hurt."
I nodded my head. "Ima feed you and get you some medicine. You want seafood?"
"Damn Bri. Do you spoil and cater to everybody in your life? Can I get next?"
I laughed at Jabari.
"I'll beat your ass Jabari." Cam mugged him through the mirror.
"Boy fuck you. I wanna be in the family too."
I shook my head. Jabari is foolish.
"Bri?" I looked back at Keria.
"Since we're doing thanksgiving at your house, where we going for Christmas?" She looked up from her phone and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know. I think it's Uncle LeBron turn to host. You know him and daddy rotate years. I think Sierra Nevada is on the table."
"Hold the fuck up! Lebron is your uncle?"
Kai raised her hand and muffed Jabari. "Shut up! You too loud."
I busted out laughing. "Kai never did you just muff him and yes he's our uncle. They got the same mama but different daddies."
"Cam I think we just hit the jackpot."
Cameron jerked his head back. "We? I don't speak French. Shut up and get out."
I didn't even realize we was pulling into the parking lot of Game World. It was a medium sized warehouse filled with a bunch of arcade games, a bar and a dinning area. Cam circled the parking lot until he found a park not too far from the entrance.
He pulled in and killed the engine removing his seatbelt. He opened his door and stepped out walking around to my side. He opened the door and grabbed my hand as I stepped down. I pulled my jeans up. Damn. I should've put on a belt. Jabari stepped out from the back and held the door open for my sisters.
"I hope y'all ready to lose at everything." Jabari bucked as he skipped towards the entrance tripping over his feet.
"Oh God. It's like taking a child to the store." I shook my head and walked around him. While Cameron helped him up.
"Act like you got some sense man."
"I'm glad I was on snap at the time because baby best believe I got that on camera." At this point Keria was dying laughing.
I pulled the door open and walked in leaving them outside. It was noisy and busy as hell, but that's normal for a Saturday. The line was kind of short so I stood behind this family of four. I smiled because I can't wait to have my own family. Before I knew it was my turn so, I walked up to the counter.
"Hi! Welcome Game World! How can I help you today?" I smiled at her enthusiasm.
"Hi, can I have five super cards with fifty dollars on each?" She nodded her head and began tapping through the screen.
"Okay, today is family day so with your purchase of five super cards you will receive fifteen percent off putting your total at two hundred and twelve dollars and seventy five cent." I nodded my head and opened my wristlet and inserted my cashapp card instead of my credit. Once I heard the beep I pulled it out.
"Game World awaits! I hope you have a fantastic journey." I smiled and grabbed the cards from her hand.
"Thank you."
I turned around and saw that everybody was standing behind me. I passed out the cards and slid mine in my back pocket. "Alright gang! You got fifty dollars on the card. You can spend it however you want but just know I'm not adding no more money. Now who's ready to get beat in basketball?"
"Girl boo. I'll beat you in my sleep." Cameron threw his hand up and walked towards me putting his arm around my shoulder. I looked at my sisters and they shook their heads. Kai pulled her glasses up and spoke first.
"She played basketball in highschool and lets just say.. she got a form like our daddy." She pulled Keria's hand and they walked off with Jabari trailing behind them.
I looked up at Cam and grinned. "So what you trying to do?"
He licked his lips. "Let's play some ball."
I laughed and threw my head back. "You so corny. Come on."
We walked through the warehouse until we made it towards the back. At least eight basketball hoops were stationed and four were free. We walked towards the end to the last two. "Cam. Can you put my wristlet in the pocket of your windbreaker?"
He grabbed it from me and unzipped the front pocket dropping it inside. I pulled my super card from my back pocket and looked up at him grinning. "You ready?"
We swiped our cards at the same time and the buzzer sounded. I quickly pushed my card back in my pocket and grabbed the first ball. I put it up and made the shot. I grabbed the next and did the same. I kept the momentum going until the buzzer sounded. I looked up and saw I beat Cam by three points.
"Ahhhhh." I stuck my tongue out and bent over twerking in front of him. He thrust into me and shit. I fell toward and just laid on the ground laughing.
"Oh shit! I'm sorry baby." He was laughing as he reached down and picked me up. I smacked his hand as I stood up.
"You ain't shit."
"Girl don't do all that." He stood behind and wrapped both of his arms around my neck as we walked away.
"Wait! Our tickets!" I turned around and snatched both sets from the dispensers.
"Where we going next?"
I looked around until my eyes landed on skee-ball. I pointed.
"Skee-ball?" Cam questioned. I nodded my head and we walked towards the middle. We swiped our cards and the balls roll down. I reached to grab a ball but Cam bumped me with his hip and I stumbled.
"Not you cheating." I grabbed a ball and rolled it up. It landed in the fifty point hole.
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I Quit Being The Male Lead's Rival
THIS IS NOT MY STORY NOR DID I TRANSLATE THIS. CREDITS TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER.-One day, as usual, Annabelle remembered the memories of her previous life. It was revealed that she has been reincarnated as the second most popular character in a novel. She also did all kinds of bad things to the male lead, and in the end, she is the person who will end up in prison! Anabelle begins to save Ian from danger by intercepting the conspiracies that were laid out one by one to prevent her impending doom.
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There are many different girlfriends, the easy going, the needy, the out going, the hard to deal with but still loving, the unusual but cute, the rather possessive, and finally the obsessive girlfriend. But sometimes there are ones that fill every criteria.Kouta Kogome is a normal japanese high schooler that lives a not so normal life with a not so normal relationship with his girlfriend, Death. In exchange for saving him, he belongs solely to her now. Worse is the fact that she’s madly in love with him to the point where if he talks with another girl, she kills him. What makes it even worse is that he can’t die due to their intertwined fate, making him an immortal. When strange events happen all around him, all hell will break loose...literally.
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Connections | ✔️
[COMPLETE] Soz this may be cringe, it was written very long ago A seemingly ordinary, working college girl meets a cool, undeniably sexy boy with millions of followers at his feet. How will their completely different lives allow, or prevent them from getting what they want? Expect some drama, flirty lines, steamy scenes, funny best friends, and perhaps, an overall epic love connection. ~Carter came around the corner as his eyes darkened with a predatory gaze. Oh no. He took a step forward, minimalizing the distance with every dominating stride, as I froze in my spot. My breath hitched as his arms finally encircled my waist and his eyes locked with mine. In one swift motion, he flipped my body so my back was pressed against his chest and hands gripped the curve of my hips. "What game are you trying to play at Valerie?" he spoke in a husky voice. Goosebumps danced along my skin as his hot breath fanned against the shell of my ear and his fingertips lit a trail of blazing heat along the length of my arm. Mentally shaking myself from the trance of that which is Carter Bryson, I tilted my head towards him and whispered; "One where you'll lose." Quickly escaping his hold on me before the tension became unbearable, I spun on my heel to face him and slowly backed away towards the exit. "Good luck though." I added mischievously.With a smirk and a devilish glint in his eyes that could even give hell a run for its money, he replied; "I'm not a player though, baby. I'm the gamemaker."~❗️Mature content. Reader discretion advised. Started 29/09/18. Finished 16/12/18.This book is not to be copied or reproduced in any way.
8 182