《He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman》He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 16


Tyler walked me down to the detention room and tried to give me a kiss good-bye.

I pushed him away and walked into the classroom.

Dr. Clark gave me a fake smiled and motioned me to a seat in the front.

I sighed and sat down.

I took out my Ipod and my homework.

Moments later, Dr. Clark pulled out my ear bud and put a pick slip on my desk.

I looked at it and it was two more weeks of detention. Underneath it were the words, 'Get laid'.

I guess she heard that.

I rolled my eyes and put away my Ipod and finished my homework.

An hour later we were all dismissed.

I headed out to the football field, I could already hear the cheerleaders and their stupid cheers.

"We're number one, not number two so we're gonna win! Win! Win! Win!"

Ugh. I mentally sighed as I reached the field.

The football team were doing drills on the field as their coach yelled at them.

The cheerleaders did their little cheers in there short skirts.

I took a seat on the bleachers and watched the guys run around.

The guys walked over to the bench to get a quick drink.

One of the players looked over at another and pointed to me.

The other guy took off his helmet and looked up at me. He smiled at me and I blew him a kiss.

The guys high fived him as Tyler winked at me.

He walked over to me and I stood up and walked over to him.

"Hey handsome,".

"Hey sexy lady,".

"Is practice over?"

"Yup, I need to get changed first,".

"Hurry up,".

"Yeah, yeah," he said before he kissed me.

The rest of the players cheered and Tyler chuckled.


I blushed. "Get ready,".

Tyler laughed and hurried down to the field.

Chelsea walked up to me with that fake smile on her face.


"A kiss? Since when?" she asked.

"Since lunch,".

Chelsea raised her eyebrow at me.

"Tyler with explain it later," I sighed.

"Whatever, I just don't want you two getting to close to each other,".

I laughed.

I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes.

"What's so funny ladies?" Tyler said skipping up to us.

"She thought...that I...you....," I laughed.

Tyler looked from Chelsea to me.

I slowly stopped laughing and sighed. "Funny stuff. Ready to go?" I asked.

"Let's go," he said linking arms with me.

Tyler and I walked to his car together and drove to my house.

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