《He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman》He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 15


"We'll have two cheeseburgers, a side of fires and a coke," Tyler said to our waitress. She nodded her head before skating away.

"Thanks for ordering before me," I said sarcastically.

"No problem, honey," Tyler said grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes and took out my phone to text Leo, at least I could do that here.

"Texting on our date?" Tyler gasped acting hurt.

"Not a date," I muttered before closing my phone.

Tyler took my hands in his sending butterflies in my stomach. "This is a date. I'm paying,".

"Just because you're paying doesn't mean it's a date,"

"Oh, but it does," he winked.

I rolled my eyes. "I swear you could flirt with a can of tuna,"

"And the can of tuna would fall for me,".

"Ha!" I laughed.

"Here you go, kids," the waitress pull our plates down and skated away.

I took my hands away from Tyler's and dug in.

I felt his eyes on me as I took a huge bit out of my cheese burger.

"Attractive," he smirked.

"Whatever," I said with my mouthful.

I didn't realize how hungry I was until now. I put a few fries in my already full mouth and took a slip of my coke.

"You are so hot..." I thought I heard Tyler mutter.

"What did you say?" I asked whipping my mouth with a napkin.

"Nothing," he said and began to eat.

I raised an eyebrow at him and continued to kill my burger.

Moments later Tyler and I were finished eating.

"Dessert?" he asked.

"Sure," I smiled as our waitress skated over.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"One Oreo milkshake with two straws," Tyler looked at me and winked.


I gave him a look.

"Coming up," she said before skating away.

I replied to Leo's text and smiled.

Tyler took out his phone and texted as well.

"Texting on our date?" I said mocking him.

He smirked at me and put his phone away as mine buzzed on the table.

I smiled and picked it up.

'You look sexy - Tyler'. I glared at him and he simply laughed.

Tyler took my hands again. "What?"

I rolled my eyes as our milkshake came. "Here you go love birds,"

I blushed and tired to pull my hands away from Tyler's.

He held on to them tighter and smiled at her.

With his freehand, Tyler but in two straws and began to drink the milkshake.

I glared at him. "Two straws,"

He winked at me and he continued to drink.

I rolled my eyes and joined him.

After a while Tyler laced our fingers with each other.

Butterflies built up in my stomach.

I stop drinking and looked at my phone. "We should get going,"

"Yeah," he said as he took out his wallet.

He paid the waitress and told her to keep the change.

She thanked him and told him to hold on to me. I was a keeper.

I blushed as Tyler nodded his head and took my head.

As we walked to the car I felt Tyler's gaze on me.

Before we got to the car Tyler stopped. "We should kiss,"

"Excuse me?"

"Listen, my friends are ragging on me about not kissing you in public. We should just do it now so it's easy later on,"

"I don't think so,".

"Come on Ry. I'll promise to rock your world,".

"I'll pass,"

"Please," he said wrapping his arms around me waist and pulled me close to him.


I felt like I as no longer in control.

Tyler rested his head against mine. "I dare you to kiss me,".

I blinked a few times before he brushed his lips against mine.

Tyler smiled before placing his lips on mine.

They seemed to move together perfectly.

His warm soft lips felt like...heaven against mine.

My world was indeed rocked.

A car horn took me out of his trace and I pulled away.


"Very," he said smirking.

I pulled out of his grasp and walked to his car.

He opened the door for me and I climbed in.

Tyler jogged over to his side and slid in.

There was a grin on his face as he drove to school.

Once we were there we wrapped our arms around each other.

"There you are," Chelsea said.

"Hi," I said.

"Where were you?" she asked.

"Lunch date," Tyler said.

"Not a date," I muttered.

"Who paid?"

That shut me up.

"Could you a least tell me," she said.


"Whatever," she huffed and walked away.

Tyler and I walked to my next class together.

"I'll see you after school,"

"Maybe," I winked.

He grinned

"Later," I said before I could walked away Tyler grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss.

It lasted for a brief moment.

He winked at me before walking away.

I shook my head before walking into my class.

Nothing really happened, just note taking.

The bell rang freeing me from my class and I raced to Bio. I need to see Leo.

Blake's Point Of View

I waited for Mitch by his locker as the bell rang.

He saw me and smiled. "Hey,".

"What's up handsome,".

"Grabbing my math book,".

"I think we should see a movie together,".

"When?" he asked.

"This weekend?"

"Sounds good,".

I gave him a quick kiss. "It's a date,".

Mitch pulled me in for another. "Later cutie,".

I grinned and walked to my next class.

Ryan's Point Of View

This chick never stops talking!

It's been five minutes and it feels like an hour.

I quietly banged my head against the desk.

Something hit my head.

I looked around and I saw Leo look at me.

I smiled and looked at the piece on paper on the ground.

I unrolled it and read it.

'Stop being a drama queen'. I bit my lip so I wouldn't giggle.

I rolled up the note and looked over at him.

He smiled and I winked.

The minutes slowly went by and the bell rang.

I ran out of the classroom and to my locker.

"Hey, babe," Tyler said.

"Hey," I muttered.

He chuckled. "Ready for detention?"


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