《w o n d e r f u l [f.w]》5.


After the whole announcement of the tournament, I left the Great Hall, and went to the library. In my last letter to Evangeline, I promised I'd give her some books that I loved, so I went to get them. On the way, I saw George and Angelina, behind a statue holding hands. It was quite sweet actually. It wasn't so sweet when George spotted me.

"Black! Black!" He hissed at me.

I turned around. "What?!"

"Don't tell a soul about what you saw."

"I don't know what you mean Weasley." I said with a small smile, and skipped away towards the books.

When I got there, it was pretty empty. I guess everyone was still in the Great Hall or going back to the common rooms. I grabbed my books and after around 10 minutes, I made my way to the exit. On my way out I saw Cedric, and I ran up to him.

"Ced! Cedric!" I shouted and ran up to him to get his attention.

"Oh hi Y/N." He said smiling, turning around to see me.

"You're not seriously considering putting your name in are you?" I asked nervously.

"Why not? It's challenging, a great way to bring Hogwarts pride, and it would be fun." He said as we walked together.

"People have died Ced." I stopped walking.

"They've changed it so that won't happen again." He turned to me looking me right in the eyes

"You can never be certain." I said, waking up to him and hugging him.

"I promise I won't get hurt."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Ced."

And with that I let go of him and went back to the common room.

When I got back, it was around lunchtime. Me and Fred had decided we'd go to the kitchens and get some food and eat it in the common rooms together - we wanted to be nice and warm, not surrounded by people in the Hall. I was waiting for him to come back with our food, when someone stepped through the portrait.


"Evangeline!" I exclaimed, running up to her.

"Ah Y/N! Why is your common room in the highest place in the school? So many steps!" She said, as she sat down on one of the sofas.

"I missed you Ev" I said as I hugged her tightly.

"So did I Black." She replied, hugging me back. As I waited for Fred to come back, me and Evangeline discussed everything - magic, school, the tournament and just general stuff too. I gave her the books, and she seemed very grateful.

After a while, she left, and I was beginning to worry where Fred was. I opened up a book and sat in front of the fireplace and began reading. Slowly, my eyes started to flutter and I fell asleep. Suddenly, I felt someone wrap their arms around me, and lift me onto the sofa, and they placed a blanket over me. I tried opening my eyes but I was so tired I couldn't. But I could smell them when the tucked me in - fireworks, logs and gingerbread - Fred.

"Wakeup sleepyhead." A soft voice whispered in my ear. Everything was fuzzy and blurry, but I soon realised I was on the sofa in the common room. I turned to look at who was speaking to me.

"Hello there Freddie." I said smiling as I stretched.

"You fell asleep before I came back." He said, sitting next to me.

"You took too long." I said snuggling to his side, wrapping the blanket around us both.

"Snape tried to give me detention for just walking, so that caused me to be late, sorry Black" He said with a sad face.

"Don't worry about it - I just missed you that's all." I said looking up to him and smiling.


We just sat there in silence then, snuggled up together, by the fire. And just like before, I fell asleep, but this time, so did Fred. We fell asleep in each others arms. If any of our friends found us like this they'd have a field day - and that's what happened.

"Say cheese." George shouted, making both me and Fred jump.

"What?" Fred asked, half asleep.

The common room was now packed, and it seemed they were all staring at me and Fred. And it seemed George had just borrowed Colin's camera to get a picture of us on the sofa.

"Give me that photo now George Weasley." I growled.

"Not a hope in hell Black." He said grinning, and running up to his dorm. I didn't have the energy to chase him, so I just sat back down next to Fred. Then did I notice, our hands were entwined. I looked at them and so did Fred, and we immediately let go. I went over to Katie and Angelina.

"How long had we been asleep like that?" I said nervously.

"Before we got back." Katie simply replied, offering me a piece of fudge.

"And none of you wanted to wake me up?!"

"Nope! You looked wayyyy too cute and peaceful together Y/N!" Angelina chirped.

My friends had seen us asleep together FOR OVER AN HOUR and didn't wake us up. I was going to kill them if I wasn't so hungry.

I went back over to Fred, and reached for one of the sandwiches he brought up. We shared the food and sat in complete silence - it was only slightly awkward.



"What did you mean by your type is gingers?"

I froze and turned to him.

"Um..I...well..." I stammered.

"Just playing with you Black." He said winking at me with a smirk on my face.

I had completely embarrassed myself now. I went and opened up a book and tried to read the embarrassment away. Today was not my day.

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