《Until we die (BxB)✔️》38


After one more week in the clinic and getting help from neighboring packs we, as a pack, are officially on our feet somewhat again. Tristan is out of the clinic and helping around even though I only let him for so long because he still should rest in my option.

He's showing more of his Lunar sides every day and it kinda makes me happy. He'll be a great Lunar, he cares about this pack so much already and is always helping someone when they nee it as of right now.

We do still spend a lot of time in the clinic with Lou though, she is still in pain but is doing so much better. She's only said a few words to Dusty like sleepy, hungry, no, and of course Dustys name.

her throat is pretty much all healed up even though it was just really scratched up from her crying and yelling, her hands are getting way better and her cuts are all healed up though they'll leave a mark for a long time.

The doctor has her and Dusty run through basic excersises to get her nerves caught up with her healing, which are pretty shot if I do say so. Just because her body on the outside is healing doesn't mean her nerves are. All the excersises are are picking up the small ball from the bed, standing up to get her legs use to the feeling again, to form fist with her hands and wiggle her toes. Its really her hands and feet that need work but she's already doing great.

She won't leave Dustys side and when he does leave her even for a minute she cries until he comes back, she only lets him hold her which really surprises me.

She'll come sit by me if Dusty is holding her and I talk to her, the other day I had to explain that mom and dad were gone and it was hard.

It was heart breaking.

As I told her why mom and dad weren't in the room with her and why I have to work now so much, I had to watch tears roll down her little face. She's only five, only five and she's lost her parents. She only nodded along and cried as I held her hand and told her that mom and dad loved her, that they were in heaven watching over us, that they loved her to the very last moment and will always love her, how mom and dad were protecting her and how they want her to know that they love her.

She crawled into my lap that night and cried, her little bandaged hands holding onto me as she cried into my chest, sobbing all night long. She only passed out when Tristan came back with some water that had a sedative in it, other wise she would be up all night which is not what we need.

That night she slept the little hospital bed with me and Tristan holding her, both of us crying harshly, finally mourning the loss of my parents fully. We decided to wait on their funeral until Lou could be released from the clinic so she could go and see them before we bury them.

Tonight we are sitting in the clinic room as Lou shows the doctor, who is secretly testing her movements, how she can move the ball and slightly take steps with Dustys help. The doctor smiles and she takes a step slowly while Holding Dustys hand. it's like when she was one and took her first step, only this time someone caught her.


She grips Dustys hand as they walk to me and Tristan slowly, taking their time as she smiles for the first time in a whole week. once she reaches Tristan, he picks her up and set her in his lap and bops her nose making her laugh.

"You are doing so good Lou!"

"We are all so proud of you!"

We all look over to the doctor who smiles and motions for all of us to come around to the bed, setting Lou back down on it Tristan moves to my side and kisses my cheek before grabbing my hand. Dusty sits next to Lou as the doctor talks to her and me.

"Alright Lou, we have to check these band-aids one more time. I just have to make sure our magic cream is working and helping you." She nods as Dusty undoes her hospital gown and slips it off of her leaving her in her little princess undies, which she is very proud of. the doctor undoes the bandages on her chest and sides first to real scars only left. He nods and looks back at her smiling.

next she moves onto the leg ones and they leave burn marks on her thigh with small cuts on her little calves but Lou just watches her doctor as she undoes her hands next. "Well the cream is working very well, its really just the nerves I am worried about. She needs to keep doing these excersises everyday and should come back in once a week so we can keep an eye on them. Her heart is doing great and her lung is all healed up, no brain damage at all and seeing as she can somewhat walk with help I would say Lou is good for clearance Alpha. Keep and eye on her at all times and make sure she starts eating again, drink lot of water and come in if there is any problems at all."

"Thank you."

"Alpha, I hate to say this, but because Lou hasn't ever talked about any of this, she might act out even at this age. I just want to warn you seeing as you are her care-taker now. She most likely will have some type of depression as of loosing her parents but I really can't tell you what else because she doesn't talk to us. I would expect nightmares and setbacks, anything could set off any memories she has of the incident, I know that she was with them during everything and that It'll be hard."

"Thank you. We'll be back next week for a check up." The Doctor nods her head and leaves the room, leaving us four in the room very happy. "Alright Lou, let's get you dress and let's go home."

Tristan pulls out the back pack he has and pulls out a onesie for her, giving it to Dusty for him to help her change. One she is all Zipped up Tristan pulls out her blanket and hands it to her, which she instantly cuddles into.

"Lets go home Honey." Tristan holds her hand lightly as she nods but looks up at Dusty.


"You have to go? Okay, let's go real quick." Dusty picks Lou up and rests her on his hip as they go into the bathroom. Dusty stands by the door as she goes and then goes back in to help her up and get her pajamas back on. As soon as they come out we all leave together, Tristan on my back with his legs around my waist. I guess he got tired because he just climbed up on my back and said 'onward noble steed!'


Lou rests her head on Dusty with Tired eyes as we walk side by side.

"Dusty, leg hurts..." Lous little voice mumbles as we walk and we stop to make sure she is okay. She is, it's just because of the walking she did. it was a lot on her.

"I know Hummer, I know, It'll go away okay?" she nods her little head and falls asleep on him as we make our way to the pack house.

"Dusty, we wanted to thank you for helping with Lou this past week. It means a lot seeing as she really trusts you right now."

"Theres no need to thank me guys, I would do anything for this little princess. Are you guys okay if she sleeps in my room tonight? I highly doubt I will fit into that princess bed of hers." I laugh and nod seeing as I trust Dusty with her. Nightmares are normal for Lou but she's been having them a lot lately.

"You should Give that little blanket of yours to her Hunter."


"Your baby blanket, she uses it to help her sleep with the nightmares."

"Oh yeah, I'll get you that Dust."


As we get to the pack house me and Tristan go to our bedroom after seeing Dusty to his room with Lou, tucking her in and falling asleep next to her as soon as he hits the bed. Smiling, I walk my mate and I up the stairs and into my bedroom, dropping us both onto themed where we pass out right away too.


Dusty's POV.


Getting ready for the Rhodes funeral is probably the worst thing I have ever had to do. Even getting up this morning was hard, but unlike the past Two weeks I've felt better about something. I don't know what but it's just there.

Like a missing link was filled. I thought burying my mate and parents was hard but I hardly cried then. I said my prayers for them and watched as the three caskets went into the ground and left to come back to Lou know she needs me.

But this morning I cried so hard, and it's portably not even for me. It's for Hunter and Lou. They just lost their parents and they were so much closer to them then I was to mine.

I started to cry when I woke up, knowing that I had to wake up the little princess curled up on my chest who was sleeping peacefully. She had two nightmares that night and she probably has three to four hours of sleep in her, with waking up because of the pain in her legs and nightmares.

I have maybe two hours of sleep in me, but at least it's something, I've pulled plenty of all nighters making me the king of no sleep.

But when I woke Lou up she cried in my arms with me for maybe ten minutes before I forced myself to get us both ready for today. Pulling on my black suit and dress shoes out again, I quickly brush my teeth and hair before grabbing Lou off of the bathroom counter and onto my hip so we can head up stairs to her room.

She made me grab her blankets before leaving too meaning she fell asleep again as I walked us up the stairs at seven in the morning with tear stained cheeks.

It's hard watching everyone you grew up with mourns the loss of their former Alpha and Luna, even the little kids were silent as the held their mothers hands and walked outside to start saying good bye, a long long line is already being formed seeing as the funeral is started in order for everyone to say goodbye, include the six other packs joining us today.

I don't imagine that Hunter and Tristan are outside already but that they are still in bed, meaning I'll have to make sure they are getting ready for today too.

Neither of them of really been out there the past few days, Tristan more than Hunter but that's because he is back to caring for more people and Hunter more as well.

Knocking on their door, Tristan opens it slowly before smiling at me and Lou sadly before looking behind him. I can hear Hunter growling in the bathroom as something falls and breaks on the floor making Tristan jump and hold onto the door frame before looking back at their bathroom.

"He's up. It's just...hard to get him going right now."

"Are you sure you've got this?"

"Yes. Thank you Dusty. I-I can handle him."

"Come and get me if anything happens Tristan." Narrowing my eyes at him slightly only for him to nod at me, I bite the corner of my lip as Hunter walks out and stares at me sadly.

"I will."

I nod and leave them be, walking towards Lou's room and opening the door to the pink and purple princess themed room that hits me like a bullet. I smile as she wakes up and crawls off my hip and sits in her bed waiting.

"Alright Lou, which one?" I say as I pull out two black dresses for her, which she instantly sticker her nose up to.

"No black."

"Lou, we have to today."


"Because....well, I don't know. It's just a tradition we do when we are saying goodbye to someone."

"But...I don't....I don't wanna say goodbye to mama and papa." Her little sniffles fill the room and I run over to her, both the little dresses in my arms as I place her on my lap.

"I know Hummer. But, some time we have to do thing we don't like, like eat broccoli. It's never fun. But today we have to say goodbye to mama and papa, because they now need to go to heaven."

"But I don't want them there! I want them here!"

"I know Princess. I know, I want them here too. But it just can't happen right now." Slowly, Lou grabs a small dress from my arm and nods, god I hate this. I hate saying these things to a five year old.

I help her take off her onesie and find her way through the dress and slip on her little black Sandals before taking her into her bathroom to get her teeth and hair done.

She brushes her teeth for a small second before looking up at me, giving me her hairbrush and spray for me to start on her hair. I try to do a small braid, but it miserably fails so I just clip it back and call it good after getting her sassy approval.

She clings to my chest as we walk down the stairs to meet Tristan and Hunter at the bottom waiting, Tristan's eyes are red and puffy and so are Hunters.

Something happened to them when I was getting Lou ready.

"Hey guys." No one says anything for a bit, Hunter just stares at the floor as Tristan holds his hand and waves to Lou and I.

"Huntie, I love you." Hunter snaps his head up after Lou brakes the silence, smiling as he walks over and kisses her head lightly.

"I love you too Lou Lou."

"Does mama and papa still love us?"

"Yes. They love us with all their hearts Lou."

"Okay, we can say goodbye now." Hunter and Tristan smile as Lou looks at the door, then back to us.

I guess we can go.

Hunter holds Tristan's hands, both of them shaking as they walk. I look at Lou and kiss her cheek before walking next to them, everyone making way for us four as we walk to the caskets, both of them open with flowers surrounding them everywhere.

I see Stephanie and Dylan standing by them, both waiting for us all along with the six alphas, Luna's, and their children and betas waiting. All of them hugging Hunter and Tristan, patting my shoulder and kissing Lou's check as we make our way past them, the entire pack behind us.

Stephanie hands us four each two roses for in the caskets. As we get to Mary's casket first tears flood all of our eyes just walking. But seeing her lie there was something else.

Lou hides in my shoulder and starts to cry as we stood there, not wanting to see her.

"Hummer, put your flower in there by mama. We have to say goodbye."

Turning around I lower her down to the casket where she puts the flower on her mother and touches her cheek.

"Bye mama." Everyone is silent as we make our wave through, saying goodbye to Mary for the last time. Hunter clutched his fathers casket in front of us as he cries. Tristan holds onto his shoulders lightly and places his rose down on Dean.

Dean was someone everyone looked up to, escpeally Hunter. The only reason he ever wanted to be the next Alpha is because of how he see his dad work hard to keep everyone happy; and Hunter wanted that. He's always wanted this pack happy.

"Dusty, can we go see papa?" I nod as walk us to Dean as Hunter and Tristan walk away. Lou places her flower in Her fathers casket and holds his big hand in hers, taking more time with her father than we did with her mother.

I start crying as I watch her talk to her father. She completely forgets that everyone is here and just lets loose. She's saying more than she has said in two weeks to her dad, forgetting that anyone is here.

"Papa, I miss you. Why did you go away, Huntie tells me you love me, but if you love me why'd you leave? I really miss you, Dusty is taking care of me. He helps now, but I wish you could help me too. Huntie and Tristan miss you too. Huntie says your with mama though, so that good. Don't get a kitty yet, cause I'm not there. And don't have another baby with mama, cause you said I'm your only baby girl, and that Huntie is your only baby boy. And don't start running around all the time, cause I know you like that. But now you can spend more time with mama, she'll bake you a cake. I love you papa, I miss you but I have to say goodbye, that's what everyone else says."

And with that she lays her head on my chest and points forward, in which I walk and take a seat at a table with tears streaming down my face. Lou wipes them away and kisses my cheek and just sits on my lap, watching everyone say good bye too.


" We would like to thank everyone for coming to this..... amazing day. I know that we have all lost a huge part of each other other the past couple weeks. They sure haven't been easy on anyone but if I know my parents, they would be so proud of all of us for getting back up on our feet and back up together. Everyone lost something weeks ago. For me it was my parents, for many of you it was your family, mates, best friends, or even just the kid you went to school with. for everyone though, not even just on this pack, well, we all lost two amazing people. My parents, your Alpha and Luna, your friends, will always be remembered here no matter what happens to us."

"My parents cared about everyone here, even if you didn't know it, because that was their job. It was their jobs to make sure we were working smoothly as a huge team of wolves, because that what alphas and Lunas do. But my parents were'nt just doing their job, they were building a bigger family outside of our small four person family. They were building a thriving community around us all. And that won't be forgotten."

"Though we have lost two very incredible, important, amazing people days ago, we are also able to open a new chapter as a pack, or at least that was what dad always said to me. Everytime we would walk out of a meeting or a training session he would take me under his arm and tell me to look around, to look and watch this family I have by my side, he would tell me that someday it'll be my family to continue building and growing, weather he is dead or alive. He said everyday to me that once he steps down, no matter how it happens, that it will happen for a reason, and that it will spark the new chapter in our pack."

"And I will live by that for the rest of my life. As we say our final goodbyes, I want you all to think about the new chapter here for us, and for you. Because that is what my parents would have wanted, and not just as your alpha and luna, but as your friends. I am here for everyone today and for the rest of the time I get to be your leader, please don't be shy. I want to hear what everyone has and needs to say about anything, even if you just need someone to talk to. Enjoy today as much as you an everyone." As Hunter steps down off of the small podium wolves walk by, holding the two black caskets on their shoulders. Slowly setting them down into the small conveyors to be placed in the ground.

Everyone is quiet as they walk back to the pack house or to their cars, as the huge funeral ends slowly people leave. After twenty minutes when Mary and Dean are finally covered and in the ground it is only Hunter, Tristan, Lou and I once again. I watch as Hunter walks away towards the woods silently, his head hung low with his fist clenched together.

I turn Lous head away from her brother as Tristan runs after him, through the woods once Hunter takes off running away. Lou sniffles and I look down at her again to see her crying. I set her down and she crawls over to her mothers grave, sitting next to it crying her heart out, pounding on the ground screaming.

My heart clenches and my breathing stops as I sit next to her. Grabbing her hands before she hurts them anymore and pulling her into my lap to confine her a bit as she thrashes around. Slowly she sinks into my arms and just cries for her mother, tears soaking my shirt as she stares at her mothers grave in pain.

"I WANT MY MAMA! bring her back! Bring her back! I just want mama!"

"Lou, calm down. Look at me, hey hey, look at me."I turn her around and make her big brown doe eyes look into mine, holding her hands as she cries out for her mother over and over.

"I know Princess. I know it hurts right now, I know you want them back. But remember where they are?"

"I-In h-heaven."

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