《Until we die (BxB)✔️》39



Tristan's POV.


After the funeral happened I could feel Hunter start to lose it inside, I still have no idea how a lot of these things are working with us mate wise just because of everything going on in our lives right now.

But what I do know is Hunter is mad and is loose in the woods alone, which I don't think is what he needs. Surprisingly we've spent a lot of time alone this week, once I was better and Dusty devoted himself to Lou's care Hunter just went to the side lines and watched.

I know how it feels and I didn't want to be alone then, I felt so alone when I wasn't and when I wanted to be alone I had no other choice, and I don't want that for Hunter.

I walk through the woods to give him maybe a little bit of time to calm down or something, just to give him his own space while I find him, my hands stay in my pockets as I walk and look through the trees for him.

Quickly shifting, or at least quick for me, I walk around keeping my ears and eyes not he look out for any rouges though I highly doubt they would ever come here again, hundreds were killed after the fighting I guess and Hunters made it clear if he ever finds a rouge here he'll kill it himself right away.

I see a dark figure pass through the tree rather quickly, barley catching it with my eyes. Hunters strawberry smell fills my nose and I know it's him, I can feel the anger radiating off of him and onto me making me chase after him as he runs away.

His black figure is visible int he sun light as he runs, the light shining off of his fur. Hunter starts to slow when he gets to a clearing in the woods, but it isn't our clearing, I can't tell where we are actually.

-Hunter, stop and talk to me.-

-Tristan. Go home.-

-No. Turn around.-

-Tristan I am not going to ask you again.-

-Then don't, please turn around Hunter. just stop and talk to me, I know you are upset but I can't help you if you don't talk to me.- Sitting down as he walks away from me, I stay put waiting for him to come and talk to me.

-Did you ever think I don't want your help?!- Hunter voice snaps in my head as he turns around and bares his teeth at me, growling loudly. Phillip tells me to back away and not anger him any more but I don't listen.

Hunter isn't going to hurt me, So I don't listen to Phillip and instead stand up again and slowly get closer to Hunter, hoping he will at least look at me.

-Hunter, just because you don't want it doesn't mean you don't need it. I didn't want your help but I needed it and you do too! Talk to me, and not just because I am here and bugging you! Talk to me because I am your Mate and boyfriend and we aren't suppose to do this! We agreed we wouldn't keep things in. You're hurting Hunter.-

-I said leave.-

-And I said no- And with that Hunter lunges at me, anger clouding his eyes as he tackles me to the ground before glaring at me. -What are you going to do Hunter? Because I know that you won't hurt me.- Countering back at him as he bares his teeth at me, I stare at him as he stares back coldly.


Hunter just growls and glares at me, trapping me under him as I lay on the grass, his black fur clashing with my white as he stands there. I take a chance and Lick at Hunters snout and his eyes dial down a bit, the anger leaving them as he watches me.

-Tristan...I-I'm sorry.- And with that he gets off of me and takes off in the opposite direction again, running for his life. I get up and chase after him into a waterfall that covers a small cave, I see Hunter lying in the corner, shifted back to himself against the rocks.


His head snaps up and I can see that his eyes are red and puffy, tears falling against his red cheeks. His chest heaves up and down as he watches me, Slowly walking to him as he cries. His hands reach out to me as I get near him, his fist softly pull me onto of him as he snuggles me into him as he cries.

Pulling me closer to him as he cries, dampening my fur as we sit here. I lick his faces after at least ten minutes and he lets go, barley. Still holding onto my fur as He lets me up, I lick his face until he stops crying and laughs instead.

"C-Can you shift Babe?" His body is shaking harshly from either crying or being cold, or both...

Licking his face I start to shift out of the huge wolf form and back to my normal body, my lips pressing against cheek, slowly I move away and grab Hunters face in my hands as he smiles sadly at me.

"Talk to me."

"I just...needed to cry, I'm sorry for yelling at you and running and talking you and avoiding you. I just needed to get loose after everything. It's a lot, I don't know how to do this Tristan. I'm suddenly Alpha of a huge pack and now have to fully take care of Lou as her guardian and I just want you to be safe and happy. I lost my mom and dad and I just don't think I can do it...this is wrong."

"Baby, you aren't alone in this. You never are, you have me with you, and Dusty and Dylan and Stephanie still. You aren't taking care of this pack alone, you have everyone behind you and everyone here believes in you Hunter. You are definitely not taking care of Lou alone, ever, that's just dangerous, she would eat cake every night and never go to school... And Hunter, I am happy. Ever since you brought me here I have been happy. You make me happy, this family makes me happy Hunter. As long as I have you, nothing could go wrong, like really wrong. I love you. And I don't know how many Times I will have to tell you that, but I will tell you that until it sticks fro the end of time."

"I love you too." Pulling me onto his lap Hunter kisses me lightly before resting his head on mine. My head rest on his chest and I listen to his now steady heartbeat. Laying here with him in the silence is perfect.

For once the silence, is the perfect sound to me.

Holding Hunter calmly as he cries and soon starts to fall asleep, Phillip starts to talk to me as I lay down with Hunter against my chest, running a a hand through his hair as he sleeps.

He needs sleep, a lot of it.


'Is he going to be okay Tristan?'

'Yeah, he'll be okay eventually. He just buried his mama and dad, I don't expect him to be remotely okay right now.'

'I know.'

'How's Grey? I haven't been able to talk to him.'

'He's doing the best he can. He's talking to Hunter like you are, but he can't really get through to him either. He's sad, but he knows Hunter and the pack will need him soon.'

'he wont let emotion get in the way of leading, will he?'

'No. Not really Tristan. he'll talk to me, but not a whole lot. He is different when it comes to grieving and loss. He doesn't cry or get upset about it because every life time he looses more than he gains.'

'What do you mean?'

'Well for some reason I have always died before Grey in our life times together. He looses me first every time, he loses the people he meets fast and the people he has grown to care for leave him. He is hesitant to get close to people unless he has to. grey experiences loss a lot, its apart of our life but...he's been through a lot over the centuries.'

'I'm sorry Phillip.'

'it's alright Tristan. this is something I don't expect you or Hunter to know, there is a lot you don't know about us both.'

'That needs to be fixed.'


When Hunter woke up from his nap, we sat and talked for a bit, me talking more about Phillip. We had talked for a while as well as Hunter and Grey both slept, which is probably something I need. I hadn't been able to connect with Phillip a lot and today is just the it happened.

He pretty much told me the best things in his life times, which is a lot. He's been around for a long time and its cool to hear his stories. They all are so different.

But when it started to get darker outside, Hunter and I decided we needed to leave. People needed us both and we need to talk to Dusty about things tonight as well, hoping that Lou will be asleep so we can without her in the room.

Running to the house, no one is outside as we quickly run up the stairs to the fourth floor, shifting back Human forms to change into clothes.

As I walk to the bathroom to grab a pair of pants, Hunter tosses me one of his shirts that is big on me and walks into the bathroom as soon as I have it on. Pulling me into his embrace again against his chest as I try to walk.

"Hunter, we should go check on Lou."

"She'll be fine, she's with Dusty, remember?"


"So she loves him, they're fine."

"We need to check her hands and legs today. The doctor said we need to all need to check on her."

"I know, we will. Like I said, Dusty has been taking care of her." swaying me back and forth as we stand there, Hunter tilts his head as his hand traces my mark, or his mark, or whatever. The mark.

His hand traces it as we talk.

"I know. And I trust him with her, but still. He could have forgotten one day!"

"he wouldn't. He's really intense when it comes to people getting better, he would bring Lou to a fucking hospital if she even coughed twice in a day." Hunter kisses my ear as he talks, his arms wrapping around my chest as he picks me up and walks to the bed, tossing my on the bed making me smile as I land on the mattress.

"I know he would, I just want to see that she is getting better at least. And we haven't seen her work her hands very well yet."

"She needs time to heal her nerves Tristan, they wont heal that quickly."

"I know Hunter, I just am saying I want to see her work her hands or try. I've seen her start walking a bit more which is good. But her hands are always wrapped up and I'm scared that she isn't using them."

"Tristan. We will stay with Lou tomorrow if that makes you feel better. I don't expect her to start working on things right away, she is five. She has time. The fact that she is walking already by herself for a bit is good, so good. Calm down okay?"


"Now, Can we take a nap?" Hunter asks me with puppy dog eyes as he climbs on top of me, holding my hand and kissing it as a smile makes my way to my blushing cheeks.

"Are you sure? you just took a nap and We just got back."

"Yeah, anything If I can cuddle with you." My blush grows to my ears as he nuzzles into my neck. "And you are blushing again."

"Don't point it out all the time! It makes it worse!"

"Why? It's cute to see it grow!"

"Hunter, go to bed!"

"Mkay Babe." He rolls off of me but pulls me with him so I am trapped with my head on his chest once again. I kiss his warm chest before closing my eyes with a sign and a smile. Letting sleep capture us we both fall asleep peacefully for once in a very long time.

After a while of us falling asleep and waking up and falling asleep again, we both finally get up, hesitantly because the house is cold right now.

Sleepily walking down the stairs around six or seven at night, Hunter and I make out way to Dustys room where him and Lou are. I smile when I hear the little mermaid playing in his room, Hunter laughs as he opens the door into the dark-ish room only to see the movie playing and Dusty and Lou asleep.

Lou has Dustys five sizes too big for her rock band shirt on as she lays on his chest, a few forks around them with a cake box half empty on the bed next to them. Dustys arm is dropped protectively around Lou as they sleep. Her hands are re-bandaged and she is sleeping peacefully again.

"Thats cute." I whisper as I watch them. Hunter drapes an arm over me as we sit at the door for a moment.

"Yeah...but not as cute as you and me in bed." I look upend roll my eyes at him as he laughs before kissing me.

"Should we leave her in here?"

"Yeah, they already missed supper. They'll eat when they wake up."

"But, maybe we should wake Dusty up and let him know what time it is..."

"Tristan, let them sleep."

"Okay..." Slowly I close the door and as soon as it is closed Hunter picks me up and carries me bridal style and up the stairs again, kissing me every couple steps we get to our room and Hunter shuts the door with his foot, bring us to the bed.

As he sets me down he moves my shirt up and kisses my stomach, and up to my neck slowly before meeting my lips once again.

"This okay tonight?" Looking at Hunter as he asks me for permission, I smile and nod to him as My hands hold his faces he kisses me again.

"yes, please." Hunter starts leaving hickeys on my neck and chest, Moans escape both of our lips as he dose so. his mouth wanders down as His fingers hook into my shorts, pulling them down slowly as he looks up at me.

This is going to be a very long, and good night.


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